So..let me get this straight about 9/11...


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
The twoofers say that the Administration or Israel (take whatever derivative of that you want) did some or all of the following:

Planted thermite in the towers
Planted bombs in the towers
Planted thermite in WTC7
Planted bombs in WTC7
Imposed a media blackout on the press
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11
Killed witnesses
Made witnesses disappear
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made
Made passengers from a plane disappear
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175
Shot down flight 93
Hid evidence in NYC
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania
Hid evidence in Arlington VA
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings
Lied to Congressional investigators
Lied to the FBI
Lied to Commission investigators
Destroyed evidence in at least one place
Paid people to plant evidence in three states
Faked phone calls
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families
Lied to the American public
Lied to the British Public
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver.
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it.
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11

The twoofers say that the administration/Israel (pick your own derivative of either) did all of that that resulted in the deaths of 2,900+ Americans but they wouldn't plant a single WMD in Iraq or Afghanistan to justify the war?

I guess there are certain lines you just don't cross???

Twoofers are insane.
The twoofers say that the Administration or Israel (take whatever derivative of that you want) did some or all of the following:

Planted thermite in the towers
Planted bombs in the towers
Planted thermite in WTC7
Planted bombs in WTC7
Imposed a media blackout on the press
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11
Killed witnesses
Made witnesses disappear
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made
Made passengers from a plane disappear
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175
Shot down flight 93
Hid evidence in NYC
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania
Hid evidence in Arlington VA
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings
Lied to Congressional investigators
Lied to the FBI
Lied to Commission investigators
Destroyed evidence in at least one place
Paid people to plant evidence in three states
Faked phone calls
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families
Lied to the American public
Lied to the British Public
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver.
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it.
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11

The twoofers say that the administration/Israel (pick your own derivative of either) did all of that that resulted in the deaths of 2,900+ Americans but they wouldn't plant a single WMD in Iraq or Afghanistan to justify the war?

I guess there are certain lines you just don't cross???

Twoofers are insane.


It was superthermite.

Alternately we could consider that the twoofers are either treasonous little turds or are simply retards

Only a simple minded fascist would ever consider a "twoofer" treasonous. Retarded, mabye, but treasonous never, except in your simple world view.
Alternately we could consider that the twoofers are either treasonous little turds or are simply retards

Only a simple minded fascist would ever consider a "twoofer" treasonous. Retarded, mabye, but treasonous never, except in your simple world view.

Spoken like a died in the wool twoofer!

Did you take my training course? It's free!
I dare say, I think Candy has got it.

You people are more disturbing than the islamics that keep you up at night.

Who cares if these people think something conspiratorial is afoot? WTF is wrong with you people? If you had your way citizens like eots would be locked up in the funny farm or some concentration camp. Apparently, you missed being an American 1001.
I'm not a "twoofer" or whatever but all of this stuff is pretty simple to conceive of, and these aren't as simple as you make them.

Planted thermite in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted thermite in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Imposed a media blackout on the press (There was a media blackout?)
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11 (There is a silence of opposition viewpoint?)
Killed witnesses (Isn't this how government works anyways?)
Made witnesses disappear (same as above)
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made (this is actually a known fact, and not a conspiracy)
Made passengers from a plane disappear (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175 (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Shot down flight 93 (Same as above)
Hid evidence in NYC (Truthers would argue the evidence was not hidden as they have solved it)
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania (Same as above)
Hid evidence in Arlington VA (Same as above)
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw (Did they not tell what they saw? "bombs in buildings" and what not?)
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true (Global Warming science?)
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings (insurance money)
Lied to Congressional investigators (LOL)
Lied to the FBI (LOL)
Lied to Commission investigators (LOL)
Destroyed evidence in at least one place (Not destroyed, just not investigated)
Paid people to plant evidence in three states (No planted evidence)
Faked phone calls (Does the CIA never fake phone calls?)
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee (does this matter?)
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families (Why would the remains have to be fake?)
Lied to the American public (Isn't this a daily occurance in government, or are you that naive?)
Lied to the British Public (same as above)
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked (Pearl Harbor?)
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver. (???)
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it. (Which Osama?)
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind (We've never head the admission)
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11 (The Truthers solved the Mystery!!)

I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid, and it seems the government defenders play off every single event and concern as a coincidence.

Just remember, the Gulf of Tonkin. All just some crazy conspiracy theory until the unclassified documentation came out.

Where I think the truthers clearly go wrong is their insistance on many of the things you posted. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it. It doesn't take a massive cover-up or many people knowing. It doesn't take over-analysis of news footage, and explosives, and fake reports. All it takes is a known CIA tool in Bin Laden and a few other tools willing to fly planes.

You can't prove anything and that's pretty much the only fact surrounding the events of 9/11.
I dare say, I think Candy has got it.

You people are more disturbing than the islamics that keep you up at night.

Who cares if these people think something conspiratorial is afoot? WTF is wrong with you people? If you had your way citizens like eots would be locked up in the funny farm or some concentration camp. Apparently, you missed being an American 1001.

Nope, I like having the twoofers around for the most part anyway.
The entertainment value is worth them being a pain in the ass. As long as they do not present a danger to themselves or others I think they should be left free to commit all the 'light' treason they want.

I do reserve the right to ridicule them at will however........
I'm not a "twoofer" or whatever but all of this stuff is pretty simple to conceive of, and these aren't as simple as you make them.

Planted thermite in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted thermite in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Imposed a media blackout on the press (There was a media blackout?)
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11 (There is a silence of opposition viewpoint?)
Killed witnesses (Isn't this how government works anyways?)
Made witnesses disappear (same as above)
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made (this is actually a known fact, and not a conspiracy)
Made passengers from a plane disappear (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175 (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Shot down flight 93 (Same as above)
Hid evidence in NYC (Truthers would argue the evidence was not hidden as they have solved it)
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania (Same as above)
Hid evidence in Arlington VA (Same as above)
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw (Did they not tell what they saw? "bombs in buildings" and what not?)
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true (Global Warming science?)
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings (insurance money)
Lied to Congressional investigators (LOL)
Lied to the FBI (LOL)
Lied to Commission investigators (LOL)
Destroyed evidence in at least one place (Not destroyed, just not investigated)
Paid people to plant evidence in three states (No planted evidence)
Faked phone calls (Does the CIA never fake phone calls?)
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee (does this matter?)
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families (Why would the remains have to be fake?)
Lied to the American public (Isn't this a daily occurance in government, or are you that naive?)
Lied to the British Public (same as above)
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked (Pearl Harbor?)
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver. (???)
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it. (Which Osama?)
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind (We've never head the admission)
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11 (The Truthers solved the Mystery!!)

I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid, and it seems the government defenders play off every single event and concern as a coincidence.

Just remember, the Gulf of Tonkin. All just some crazy conspiracy theory until the unclassified documentation came out.

Where I think the truthers clearly go wrong is their insistance on many of the things you posted. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it. It doesn't take a massive cover-up or many people knowing. It doesn't take over-analysis of news footage, and explosives, and fake reports. All it takes is a known CIA tool in Bin Laden and a few other tools willing to fly planes.

You can't prove anything and that's pretty much the only fact surrounding the events of 9/11.

with just a little editing you could qualify for the most ironic post 'o' the day award;

"I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it."

that's how I would edit it to qualify for the award anyway.
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with just a little editing you could qualify for the most ironic post 'o' the day award;

"I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it."

See you are missing the point, just like the truthers and anti-truthers. The truthers are wrapped up in some huge conspiracy theory that involves numerous cover-ups, missing bodies, etc. The anti-truthers are picking on that for good reason.

The fact of the matter is Osama has had relations to the CIA, he could very well be dead, and it would take little effort by a few select people in the CIA to flick the initial domino. It's not some huge conspiracy and it's not hard to comprehend.

That's what the anti-truthers are missing.
with just a little editing you could qualify for the most ironic post 'o' the day award;

"I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it."

See you are missing the point, just like the truthers and anti-truthers. The truthers are wrapped up in some huge conspiracy theory that involves numerous cover-ups, missing bodies, etc. The anti-truthers are picking on that for good reason.

The fact of the matter is Osama has had relations to the CIA, he could very well be dead, and it would take little effort by a few select people in the CIA to flick the initial domino. It's not some huge conspiracy and it's not hard to comprehend.

That's what the anti-truthers are missing.

I'm not a "twoofer" or whatever but all of this stuff is pretty simple to conceive of, and these aren't as simple as you make them.

Planted thermite in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted thermite in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Imposed a media blackout on the press (There was a media blackout?)
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11 (There is a silence of opposition viewpoint?)
Killed witnesses (Isn't this how government works anyways?)
Made witnesses disappear (same as above)
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made (this is actually a known fact, and not a conspiracy)
Made passengers from a plane disappear (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175 (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Shot down flight 93 (Same as above)
Hid evidence in NYC (Truthers would argue the evidence was not hidden as they have solved it)
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania (Same as above)
Hid evidence in Arlington VA (Same as above)
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw (Did they not tell what they saw? "bombs in buildings" and what not?)
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true (Global Warming science?)
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings (insurance money)
Lied to Congressional investigators (LOL)
Lied to the FBI (LOL)
Lied to Commission investigators (LOL)
Destroyed evidence in at least one place (Not destroyed, just not investigated)
Paid people to plant evidence in three states (No planted evidence)
Faked phone calls (Does the CIA never fake phone calls?)
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee (does this matter?)
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families (Why would the remains have to be fake?)
Lied to the American public (Isn't this a daily occurance in government, or are you that naive?)
Lied to the British Public (same as above)
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked (Pearl Harbor?)
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver. (???)
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it. (Which Osama?)
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind (We've never head the admission)
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11 (The Truthers solved the Mystery!!)

I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid, and it seems the government defenders play off every single event and concern as a coincidence.

Just remember, the Gulf of Tonkin. All just some crazy conspiracy theory until the unclassified documentation came out.

Where I think the truthers clearly go wrong is their insistance on many of the things you posted. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it. It doesn't take a massive cover-up or many people knowing. It doesn't take over-analysis of news footage, and explosives, and fake reports. All it takes is a known CIA tool in Bin Laden and a few other tools willing to fly planes.

You can't prove anything and that's pretty much the only fact surrounding the events of 9/11.

So lets say the government or Israel DID do all of the above (which they didn't but I'm playing along). The point is that "they" would do all of that---dozens of violations of the law, trust, decency, etc....--and then turn around and NOT plant a WMD or two in Iraq or Afghanistan to justify the war, the billions spent (and the billions to spend in the future) and the lives lost?

I don't know what to tell a twoofer piece of shit. They're too stupid for words but hell, use your own bizarre logic...if they're capable of the 30 things on the list why not the 31st--when it's clearly, unarguably, and without reservation in their best interest? I mean, one teaspoon of weaponized anthrax (the kind you'd find that was being readied by a government) could kill over a million people; surely in a nation as large as Iraq, we could have planted one teaspoon somewhere in Iraq. Yet these mass murderers didn't want to do that?

Hell, they didn't even need to really plant anything; just say they found wasn't as if they were going to show it to the local crime lab for cross-checking?

I mean, "they" do all of that and when it comes time to cash in the chips, they grow a conscience and don't plant stuff in Iraq or make up a lie and say they found it?
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I dare say, I think Candy has got it.

You people are more disturbing than the islamics that keep you up at night.

Who cares if these people think something conspiratorial is afoot? WTF is wrong with you people? If you had your way citizens like eots would be locked up in the funny farm or some concentration camp. Apparently, you missed being an American 1001.

Islamics? LOL

EOTS is garbage and deserves to be treated that way.

You just don't want to admit what really could be true, and that's fine. I have no dog in this fight. I don't really care to be honest.

What the government apologists will never admit is that while their entire account of the official government story may be 100% correct it does not mean that some part of government may be behind the initial action.

Some people can't actualize something they don't want to believe. They will make everything they want to believe as the "truth". It's something I struggle with so I understand it. The truth is we are all human so we are all wrong most of the time. I just wish more people would understand that.
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“Half Truth Movement: How The 9/11 Cult Falsifies History”

Paul Stott – Presented at the 2008 Anarchist Studies Network Conference, 4-6 September 2008, Loughborough University.

It is my intention to look at three main areas in this paper:

• 9/11’truth’ and the Ummah
• 9/11 ‘truth’ and anti-semitism
• The truth movements mutations – in particular 7/7 ‘truth’

the rest of it can be read here;
documents/.../Paul%20Stott.doc -Anarchist Studies Network

sorry agent 2parties, you seem to be just another twoofer to me......
I'm not a "twoofer" or whatever but all of this stuff is pretty simple to conceive of, and these aren't as simple as you make them.

Planted thermite in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in the towers (They couldn't?)
Planted thermite in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Planted bombs in WTC7 (They couldn't?)
Imposed a media blackout on the press (There was a media blackout?)
Silenced opposition viewpoints on 9/11 (There is a silence of opposition viewpoint?)
Killed witnesses (Isn't this how government works anyways?)
Made witnesses disappear (same as above)
Rammed through a Patriot Act that was already made (this is actually a known fact, and not a conspiracy)
Made passengers from a plane disappear (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Killed the passengers from Flights 11, 77, and 175 (didn't the terrorists do this?)
Shot down flight 93 (Same as above)
Hid evidence in NYC (Truthers would argue the evidence was not hidden as they have solved it)
Hid evidence in Pennsylvania (Same as above)
Hid evidence in Arlington VA (Same as above)
Paid off first responders to not tell what they saw (Did they not tell what they saw? "bombs in buildings" and what not?)
Paid off investigators to not pursue what they know to be true (Global Warming science?)
Coerced/Went along with Larry Silverstein wanting to topple his own buildings (insurance money)
Lied to Congressional investigators (LOL)
Lied to the FBI (LOL)
Lied to Commission investigators (LOL)
Destroyed evidence in at least one place (Not destroyed, just not investigated)
Paid people to plant evidence in three states (No planted evidence)
Faked phone calls (Does the CIA never fake phone calls?)
Arranged for the death of the wife of the SGOUS--a Bush appointee (does this matter?)
Arranged for fake remains to be forwarded to families (Why would the remains have to be fake?)
Lied to the American public (Isn't this a daily occurance in government, or are you that naive?)
Lied to the British Public (same as above)
Committed high treason by allowing the country to be attacked (Pearl Harbor?)
Knowingly destroyed the windshield of a cab driver. (???)
Falsified the video where Osama Bin Ladin admitted to doing it. (Which Osama?)
Falsified the admission of guilt of KSM as the mastermind (We've never head the admission)
Thwarted every media inquiry since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every inquiry by FBI agents since 9/11 (Have they?)
Thwarted every investigation by anybody since 9/11 (The Truthers solved the Mystery!!)

I'm not a truther, but at the same time I think some concerns are valid, and it seems the government defenders play off every single event and concern as a coincidence.

Just remember, the Gulf of Tonkin. All just some crazy conspiracy theory until the unclassified documentation came out.

Where I think the truthers clearly go wrong is their insistance on many of the things you posted. It's clear Tim Osman errr Osama Bin Laden is a CIA tool. He may have also died 8 years ago. You just need him admitting the attacks, and a few tools to fly plains into buildings and that's it. It doesn't take a massive cover-up or many people knowing. It doesn't take over-analysis of news footage, and explosives, and fake reports. All it takes is a known CIA tool in Bin Laden and a few other tools willing to fly planes.

You can't prove anything and that's pretty much the only fact surrounding the events of 9/11.

So lets say the government or Israel DID do all of the above (which they didn't but I'm playing along). The point is that "they" would do all of that---dozens of violations of the law, trust, decency, etc....--and then turn around and NOT plant a WMD or two in Iraq or Afghanistan to justify the war, the billions spent (and the billions to spend in the future) and the lives lost?

I don't know what to tell a twoofer piece of shit. They're too stupid for words but hell, use your own bizarre logic...if they're capable of the 30 things on the list why not the 31st--WHEN IT IS IN "THEY'RE" BEST INTEREST?


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