Sharing Emotions

Today, Sunday - the foreman working for my boss......made me wipe down the interior of the Security Trucks......that should have been done yesterday.

Saturday is clean vehicles day, so while I was off ; it did not get done.

The people on my shift, drove their vehicles up to Gate three where I had to wipe down the interior of the truck, INSTEAD of the people driving them doing it. When I am not on the gate, but inside the facility - I wash and wipe down the interior of the truck I drive
How does that make you feel?

If you had to do other people jobs and your own, like I have had to do for over a decade - YOU would be irritated also.

If you got verbally chewed out for the least little thing, and others were able to neglect their job.....WITH the supervisors blessing, you would be irritated also.

If you had to fill fire suppression systems, YOUR own, plus other co-workers fire extinguishers, YOU would be irritated also.

IF you had to deal with a work place with a double standard, YOU would be irritated also.

IF you worked at a place where people harassed you physically, emotionally, psychologically and verbally - as to try to get you to leave and go to work somewhere else, YOU would be irritated also.

People trying to get me to take a book I wrote, to a law firm, in a metropolitan area in the county north of me ---> the people tryg ot get me to take the book to the law the same people whom have been doing me wrong, making my work place environment hard and very difficult, and harassing me in so many ways. Wanting me to go to a "Rice patty" in the county north of where I live and work - so they can help me get my book published. Would you take advice from people whom have been doing you wrong and drugging your coffee and food in the work place? Plus as I understand, My cousins wife thinks ( inter personally) it is a good idea. The same wife whom put chiggers and fleas in the chair I was setting in in their den. The same female, whom passed me with a relative of hers ( Her relatives husband was a Deputy Sheriff in Ohio ).

I don't take the advice of those "Doing me wrong" and it ticks them off, s they make my job harder. As my site supervisor ( former State Trooper ) said - Paraphrased when he started work here, "Its going to get harder on the guy." "We are going to make it harder on him." ---> Something to that effect, as I recall he made the comment in the supervisors office where 1st thu 4th shift foreman work, and he made that comment on days shift ; about a month or so when the company I now work for, took over. Well, he was right ; they are making things harder on me, and "singling" me out. Doing what they can to make me frustrated and angry, and to also make me vent my opinion.

I work with some asinine people, whom do not know what leadership is.

Shadow 355
You said a mouthful

The same wife whom put chiggers and fleas in the chair I was setting in in their den.

You have mice and rats in your place and fleas and chiggers in your chair.

and now you have people who get "ticked"

Seems to me you have no problem discussing and sharing your feelings. I think I would probably get another job, you should hang out with your lawyer friends more they may have openings.

I do not know if I would be upset it all seems to be part of the job.

"Innuendos" of maybe, another ( me maybe ) paycut. But it is only "Innuendos".

Shadow 355
Today, Sunday - the foreman working for my boss......made me wipe down the interior of the Security Trucks......that should have been done yesterday.

Saturday is clean vehicles day, so while I was off ; it did not get done.

The people on my shift, drove their vehicles up to Gate three where I had to wipe down the interior of the truck, INSTEAD of the people driving them doing it. When I am not on the gate, but inside the facility - I wash and wipe down the interior of the truck I drive
How does that make you feel?

If you had to do other people jobs and your own, like I have had to do for over a decade - YOU would be irritated also.

If you got verbally chewed out for the least little thing, and others were able to neglect their job.....WITH the supervisors blessing, you would be irritated also.

If you had to fill fire suppression systems, YOUR own, plus other co-workers fire extinguishers, YOU would be irritated also.

IF you had to deal with a work place with a double standard, YOU would be irritated also.

IF you worked at a place where people harassed you physically, emotionally, psychologically and verbally - as to try to get you to leave and go to work somewhere else, YOU would be irritated also.

People trying to get me to take a book I wrote, to a law firm, in a metropolitan area in the county north of me ---> the people tryg ot get me to take the book to the law the same people whom have been doing me wrong, making my work place environment hard and very difficult, and harassing me in so many ways. Wanting me to go to a "Rice patty" in the county north of where I live and work - so they can help me get my book published. Would you take advice from people whom have been doing you wrong and drugging your coffee and food in the work place? Plus as I understand, My cousins wife thinks ( inter personally) it is a good idea. The same wife whom put chiggers and fleas in the chair I was setting in in their den. The same female, whom passed me with a relative of hers ( Her relatives husband was a Deputy Sheriff in Ohio ).

I don't take the advice of those "Doing me wrong" and it ticks them off, s they make my job harder. As my site supervisor ( former State Trooper ) said - Paraphrased when he started work here, "Its going to get harder on the guy." "We are going to make it harder on him." ---> Something to that effect, as I recall he made the comment in the supervisors office where 1st thu 4th shift foreman work, and he made that comment on days shift ; about a month or so when the company I now work for, took over. Well, he was right ; they are making things harder on me, and "singling" me out. Doing what they can to make me frustrated and angry, and to also make me vent my opinion.

I work with some asinine people, whom do not know what leadership is.

Shadow 355
You said a mouthful

The same wife whom put chiggers and fleas in the chair I was setting in in their den.

You have mice and rats in your place and fleas and chiggers in your chair.

and now you have people who get "ticked"

Seems to me you have no problem discussing and sharing your feelings. I think I would probably get another job, you should hang out with your lawyer friends more they may have openings.

I do not know if I would be upset it all seems to be part of the job.

"Innuendos" of maybe, another ( me maybe ) paycut. But it is only "Innuendos".

Shadow 355
You need a break look for another job maybe
Is this something you feel you can only do with people close to you?
Or, just the opposite, easier to do with strangers?

Do you not like to do it?
Do peoples deepest thoughts, dreams bore you or interest you?
I can and do sometimes. Then immediately regret it.
About June of the year 2001 to about June of the year 2003 ; I had periods of
" Mania " , and due to ..... I believe being drugged and overdosed - where people put drugs in my food, drink and possibly my tobacco. I was angered - talking rapidly - my skin was hot and my heart was racing.

One evening ( summer of 2001 about ) I come home from work and went from my kitchen to my back porch...... Ranting loudly about a dark blonde nurse I use to work with ( she has two daughters and her ex husband is a truck driver ) . I suffered " Mania " at work, and while driving alone on the road.

I believe that my coffee at work was " doped " as well as food given to me.

I have basically , through no fault if my own ..... Threw away the past 16 years or so of my life by being treated harshly, singled out, worked excessively, drugged with psychotropics as well as downers and uppers to include diuretics and other classes of drugs. And for about 5 or 6 years I worked six and seven days straight with anywhere from 12 to 16 hour work days. I have dealt with mental, psychological, emotional and physical harassment of significant extremes .

I hope to retire when the time comes, in Kentucky. I now have to save up for my own retirement since my job was contracted out .

It has been Hell for me, and then some.

I was left in " hell " by corporate administration , some of my supervisors and members of the Human Resources department, especially those senior people that were there in the year 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 and 2005.

Shadow 355
About June of the year 2001 to about June of the year 2003 ; I had periods of
" Mania " , and due to ..... I believe being drugged and overdosed - where people put drugs in my food, drink and possibly my tobacco. I was angered - talking rapidly - my skin was hot and my heart was racing.

One evening ( summer of 2001 about ) I come home from work and went from my kitchen to my back porch...... Ranting loudly about a dark blonde nurse I use to work with ( she has two daughters and her ex husband is a truck driver ) . I suffered " Mania " at work, and while driving alone on the road.

I believe that my coffee at work was " doped " as well as food given to me.

I have basically , through no fault if my own ..... Threw away the past 16 years or so of my life by being treated harshly, singled out, worked excessively, drugged with psychotropics as well as downers and uppers to include diuretics and other classes of drugs. And for about 5 or 6 years I worked six and seven days straight with anywhere from 12 to 16 hour work days. I have dealt with mental, psychological, emotional and physical harassment of significant extremes .

I hope to retire when the time comes, in Kentucky. I now have to save up for my own retirement since my job was contracted out .

It has been Hell for me, and then some.

I was left in " hell " by corporate administration , some of my supervisors and members of the Human Resources department, especially those senior people that were there in the year 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 and 2005.

Shadow 355
Classic! Thanks!
Is this something you feel you can only do with people close to you?
Or, just the opposite, easier to do with strangers?

Do you not like to do it?
Do peoples deepest thoughts, dreams bore you or interest you?

If the person cares whether you know them or not they will listen and encourage it because it's a necessity to let emotions out in a productive way.

Now if the people that are closest to you don't care you are with the wrong people.

Now there are major introverts but guess what happens when the keep in their feelings? A simple cry, or fuck! Turns into a hydrogen bomb.
Explain this sharing emotions phenomenon. Is this done with mind melding, meditation, etc. and the purpose is ...?

No it's just like, right now, my husband is up but I'm dreading it cause I like my time alone.
I know I should be doing productive stuff, but, mostly I just want to relax and be alone.
I'm also in a sort of "romantic" mood, not sure that is right, maybe just hopeful, positive... hard to explain.

I think most people have big major frustrations in life. I like to hear about those....
You lost me right out of the gate. It went from sharing emotions to being alone before my brain could focus.

People feel things all the time. What's the problem with saying how you feel.
It doesn't have to be a 2 hour conversation (well except with my husband, and he beats the same issues in the ground) - so it's just him whining, not like a conversation

Then whatever is hurting him he's not being proactive and fixing and that's not fair to you.
Explain this sharing emotions phenomenon. Is this done with mind melding, meditation, etc. and the purpose is ...?

No it's just like, right now, my husband is up but I'm dreading it cause I like my time alone.
I know I should be doing productive stuff, but, mostly I just want to relax and be alone.
I'm also in a sort of "romantic" mood, not sure that is right, maybe just hopeful, positive... hard to explain.

I think most people have big major frustrations in life. I like to hear about those....
You lost me right out of the gate. It went from sharing emotions to being alone before my brain could focus.

People feel things all the time. What's the problem with saying how you feel.
It doesn't have to be a 2 hour conversation (well except with my husband, and he beats the same issues in the ground) - so it's just him whining, not like a conversation

Then whatever is hurting him he's not being proactive and fixing and that's not fair to you.

You're funny JR. I'm just sharing.... I know my options.
About June of the year 2001 to about June of the year 2003 ; I had periods of
" Mania " , and due to ..... I believe being drugged and overdosed - where people put drugs in my food, drink and possibly my tobacco. I was angered - talking rapidly - my skin was hot and my heart was racing.

One evening ( summer of 2001 about ) I come home from work and went from my kitchen to my back porch...... Ranting loudly about a dark blonde nurse I use to work with ( she has two daughters and her ex husband is a truck driver ) . I suffered " Mania " at work, and while driving alone on the road.

I believe that my coffee at work was " doped " as well as food given to me.

I have basically , through no fault if my own ..... Threw away the past 16 years or so of my life by being treated harshly, singled out, worked excessively, drugged with psychotropics as well as downers and uppers to include diuretics and other classes of drugs. And for about 5 or 6 years I worked six and seven days straight with anywhere from 12 to 16 hour work days. I have dealt with mental, psychological, emotional and physical harassment of significant extremes .

I hope to retire when the time comes, in Kentucky. I now have to save up for my own retirement since my job was contracted out .

It has been Hell for me, and then some.

I was left in " hell " by corporate administration , some of my supervisors and members of the Human Resources department, especially those senior people that were there in the year 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 and 2005.

Shadow 355

If you really think that, you should save some of your drink and have it tested in a lab.
It not well, very strange and I'll leave it at that!
  1. 1a obsolete : disturbanceb : excitement

  2. 2a : the affective aspect of consciousness : feelingb : a state of feelingc : a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body
I didn't know what that word was, but it is in the dictionary. I find it hilarious the Websters definition starts with Obsolete!!
Is that an admission that men don't have feelings?



Well even if you don't have feeling admit it.

I tell my husband men never really fall in love and he denies it!

Then, if you talk to other men about love,they are like, "whatever"...?
It's like men believe you can fall head over heels in love, maybe the difference is it's just not as high on their priority list as women...?
  1. 1a obsolete : disturbanceb : excitement

  2. 2a : the affective aspect of consciousness : feelingb : a state of feelingc : a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body
I didn't know what that word was, but it is in the dictionary. I find it hilarious the Websters definition starts with Obsolete!!

Further retaliation.

NOW when I work Gate three - None of my co-workers all allowed at the gate, they are confined to the south end of the facility ; SO NOW I have no visitors from my shift, other than my shift foreman.....PER my Senior Boss ; A former Law Enforcement Officer - whom issued the order just yesterday.

And I have to keep my "bunker gear" at the gate in case of a fire. In case of a fire, I pick up my gear and take it with me to the fire, Instead of it staying with the fire engine, where it is supposed to be. That order from my senior boss......just as of last week.

Of a morning we check the Ambulances and Fire Trucks. I check the emergency lights, air bottles on the Fire Truck, Drugs on the ambulances......and ect. The "bunker gear" is supposed to stay with the fire truck, the person that checks the fire truck lays the "Bunker Gear" beside the in the event of a fire, the "bunker gear" is just put on the truck and you respond. But my senior supervisor ( a former Law Enforcement Officer ) has me and me only, have my bunker gear with me.

Me......getting singled out again.

On duty = People in my department out of uniform, wearing a modified uniform, wearing camouflaged jackets and camouflaged hats, wearing brown boots.....and not one supervisor or the big boss says one thing. But me.....I CONSTANTLY get singled out and harassed, and/or retaliated against.

Some people are just not that smart I guess.

Shadow 355
  1. 1a obsolete : disturbanceb : excitement

  2. 2a : the affective aspect of consciousness : feelingb : a state of feelingc : a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body
I didn't know what that word was, but it is in the dictionary. I find it hilarious the Websters definition starts with Obsolete!!

Further retaliation.

NOW when I work Gate three - None of my co-workers all allowed at the gate, they are confined to the south end of the facility ; SO NOW I have no visitors from my shift, other than my shift foreman.....PER my Senior Boss ; A former Law Enforcement Officer - whom issued the order just yesterday.

And I have to keep my "bunker gear" at the gate in case of a fire. In case of a fire, I pick up my gear and take it with me to the fire, Instead of it staying with the fire engine, where it is supposed to be. That order from my senior boss......just as of last week.

Of a morning we check the Ambulances and Fire Trucks. I check the emergency lights, air bottles on the Fire Truck, Drugs on the ambulances......and ect. The "bunker gear" is supposed to stay with the fire truck, the person that checks the fire truck lays the "Bunker Gear" beside the in the event of a fire, the "bunker gear" is just put on the truck and you respond. But my senior supervisor ( a former Law Enforcement Officer ) has me and me only, have my bunker gear with me.

Me......getting singled out again.

On duty = People in my department out of uniform, wearing a modified uniform, wearing camouflaged jackets and camouflaged hats, wearing brown boots.....and not one supervisor or the big boss says one thing. But me.....I CONSTANTLY get singled out and harassed, and/or retaliated against.

Some people are just not that smart I guess.

Shadow 355

Do you have any friends at work? People you like or that like you?

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