Send those Latino's back


Gold Member
Feb 12, 2017
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

That's right send them all back.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.

It’s funny they want them for cheap slave labor, which is exactly why Dems and neocons want them here.
I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.

and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.
I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.

and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.

So you oppose having immigration laws or a border or in the so-called ''rule of law''.

I oppose Trump not putting the economy in peril because RW's are so fucking stupid the only way to prove something is to show them.
RW's are so fucking stupid...

Brilliant analysis.

We had 8 years of the community organizer's economy and it was underwhelming. That's why Hillary lost the swing states in 2016.

yank the buying power of 20 million people out of the economy and a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread will cost you $20 bucks.

is that not great or what ...
I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.

and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.

Not only that some states people hate anyway will crash, Florida, Texas, California, NY, Nevada and Illinois. Take away the billion's in sales tax and down the tubes.
I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.

and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.

Not only that some states people hate anyway will crash, Florida, Texas, California, NY, Nevada and Illinois. Take away the billion's in sales tax and down the tubes.

RW fucks aren't going to stfu until they get bad times broke off in their ass..
RW's are so fucking stupid...

Brilliant analysis.

We had 8 years of the community organizer's economy and it was underwhelming. That's why Hillary lost the swing states in 2016.

Yep I see everyone still blaming obamas economy on their own failures.
Lol, you filth know so much that isn't so.

You are such a fucking cry baby, can you whine any louder? Face it the people bitching a moaning about the economy under obama failed at business and life and had to blame someone. My income double in 2010 and has one straight up since then and no it had nothing to do with trump. So if you failed look in the mirror, loser.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
So, basically, what has happened is that LEGAL residents have been undercut by illegal labor, thereby making the job market even more difficult for Americans?

I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.

and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.

Not only that some states people hate anyway will crash, Florida, Texas, California, NY, Nevada and Illinois. Take away the billion's in sales tax and down the tubes.

RW fucks aren't going to stfu until they get bad times broke off in their ass..

But that is where they like it.

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