Science proves atheists do not exist

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
If I were one to really enjoy the irony of confirmation bias I would be laughing at all the atheists. As it is I will just enjoy the uproar from all the idiots that think we are "Born that way" instead of embracing free will.

WHILE MILITANT ATHEISTS like Richard Dawkins may be convinced God doesn’t exist, God, if he is around, may be amused to find that atheists might not exist.
Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so deeply ingrained in human thought processes that it cannot be expunged.
While this idea may seem outlandish—after all, it seems easy to decide not to believe in God—evidence from several disciplines indicates that what you actually believe is not a decision you make for yourself. Your fundamental beliefs are decided by much deeper levels of consciousness, and some may well be more or less set in stone.
This line of thought has led to some scientists claiming that “atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think,” says Graham Lawton, an avowed atheist himself, writing in the New Scientist. “They point to studies showing, for example, that even people who claim to be committed atheists tacitly hold religious beliefs, such as the existence of an immortal soul.”
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, since we are born believers, not atheists, scientists say. Humans are pattern-seekers from birth, with a belief in karma, or cosmic justice, as our default setting. “A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith,” writes Pascal Boyer in Nature, the science journal, adding that people “are only aware of some of their religious ideas”.

Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that?s not a joke
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?
If I were one to really enjoy the irony of confirmation bias I would be laughing at all the atheists. As it is I will just enjoy the uproar from all the idiots that think we are "Born that way" instead of embracing free will.

WHILE MILITANT ATHEISTS like Richard Dawkins may be convinced God doesn’t exist, God, if he is around, may be amused to find that atheists might not exist.
Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so deeply ingrained in human thought processes that it cannot be expunged.
While this idea may seem outlandish—after all, it seems easy to decide not to believe in God—evidence from several disciplines indicates that what you actually believe is not a decision you make for yourself. Your fundamental beliefs are decided by much deeper levels of consciousness, and some may well be more or less set in stone.
This line of thought has led to some scientists claiming that “atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think,” says Graham Lawton, an avowed atheist himself, writing in the New Scientist. “They point to studies showing, for example, that even people who claim to be committed atheists tacitly hold religious beliefs, such as the existence of an immortal soul.”
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, since we are born believers, not atheists, scientists say. Humans are pattern-seekers from birth, with a belief in karma, or cosmic justice, as our default setting. “A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith,” writes Pascal Boyer in Nature, the science journal, adding that people “are only aware of some of their religious ideas”.

Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that?s not a joke

The way I see people shaking and girating in those tv church shows, I wonder myself if religion will ever go away completely. I don't think it will. But the extreme believers are getting to be fewer and fewer numbers as science and the internet enable people to look into it rather than having to take some ministers word for it. I never had access to whynogod before the internet. Google it and see. Before all I had was the bible, christians and my parents brainwashing me. No muslims ever tried to convert me or jews so I never even really gave those 2 a good look.

So maybe I disagree with this article. Because if you don't brainwash someone from birth, they don't necessarily grow up to be a believer in god. Someone has to tell them about god. And they have to swallow it. The internet, reading what other atheists have to say, and science will one day overcome at least organized religions. Will the Catholic church always have members? Maybe in the future it won't even be christianity, jews or muslims. It'll just be one religion. But I am sure religion will cling on for as long as it can. In fact, people are always starting new cults. It is easy because the average person on this earth is really stupid.

Think about it. Where would we all be if it weren't for the 1% who invented the wheel, fire, bow and arrows, guns, cars, electricity, etc... The majority of us would die in the wild let alone invent the internet. We need to educate the masses. Math & science. But notice the bible thumpers want us to not teach science and instead teach their fairy tale to our children.

I am sure that the rich use religion to control the masses. They did back in the Pharoah & King days and they do today. They must think that as long as we'll believe in imaginary men in the sky we'll believe anything. As long as we stay religious the powerful have nothing to fear.

It won't be that we are satanists. It'll be a revolution because we will have finally woke up.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?

No one said he can not exist. We just say there is no proof. What proof do you have?

And what we have is bigger brains than you. We see how the lie started and is used to manipulate you and appeal to your sense of stupidity. An invisible man watching everything we do.

What is there to have faith in? What do I need to have faith in? Are you afraid of when you die? Why? I didn't suffer one bit the billions of years before I was born I don't think it'll be any different when I'm gone. Wasn't sad before I was born and won't be sad for me when I'm gone. My family might miss me just like an elephant misses a love one that died.

And I'm re reading what you wrote and it doesn't even make a lot of sense to me to be honest with you. You say we either have a massive ego, fear or stupid. Well which is it? That seems pretty fucking vague don't you think?

So anyone who doesn't believe the fairy tales you swallowed is either fearful, stupid or has an ego? Why, because we don't believe an ancient book full of fairy tales?

And actually lady, this is true about your kind. Anyone who believes in god either has a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of death.

You just said that about us but that's the truth about you guys!!!! You think you are so special that a god watches and cares about your sorry ass? Talk about an ego.

You want to talk about stupid? You know Adam and Even, Noah & Moses are just made up stories to teach people right and wrong but you still believe the jesus stories really happened?

And science has theorized that FEAR is why you guys invented your imaginary friend. I know it's hard to believe you've been lied to your whole life but you have and as an adult it is time you wakey wakey the fuck up.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?
Very well said Pennywise!

Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?
Even progressive atheists treat government as their god.

They blindly believe in the mythical omniscience of the angry mob.
I'm agnostic, I don't know if there is an intelligent creator out there. However, when it comes to the God of the Bible, a supernatural being that takes a personal interest in humans, I'm an atheist, no way is any of that true. It may be the greatest story ever told but that is the most it is, a story written by man for man.
The combination of science and right wingers provides endless mirth.
The combination of science and right wingers provides endless mirth.

Funny how you missed the point that I mocked the fucking study I posted a link to. Unlike you, I understand that just because I like something does not mean it is true.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?
Even progressive atheists treat government as their god.
In what way exactly?

They blindly believe in the mythical omniscience of the angry mob.
You mean like the rabid teapartiers who compare Obama to Hitler.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?

Dunno if 'militant' atheists go so far as to claim God cannot exist since that'd require knowledge of the entire universe making the speaker themself God and rendering the statement redundant. :) Think instead we simply leave it at 'we don't believe in gods as religions define them.'

I believe in life in the universe. I'm pretty much convinced I exist, and you exist. I'm as convinced others exist in the rather large cosmos as in aliens equal to, or greater than us insofar as technological development and spiritual thought. So I'm sure somewhere there's a species of beings who if we encountered them would be as gods to us. Way we ourselves are going with technology-integration into the human body (google glass projected far foward wont be an add-on prosthesis for people, but something built right into our eyes/bodies) it's reasonable that a more advanced species will have incorporated technology into their own bodies and thus be able to do things which to us seem godlike.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?
Even progressive atheists treat government as their god.

They blindly believe in the mythical omniscience of the angry mob.

We believe we are all in this together as a society where your side believes it is every man for himself.
Anyone who embraces the concept that god (God) cannot exist, has either a massive ego, a profound genetic stupidity, or a fear of such enormous proportion that it cripples any possible sense of being out of control of destiny.

What is there to have faith in, other than a power far beyond that which we can perceive in our little myopic bubble of existence?

Dunno if 'militant' atheists go so far as to claim God cannot exist since that'd require knowledge of the entire universe making the speaker themself God and rendering the statement redundant. :) Think instead we simply leave it at 'we don't believe in gods as religions define them.'

Exactly. And so isn't Penny the perfect example of why you can't even talk to theists? No matter what you say to them, all they hear is what their preacher or parents have drilled into their heads. They've been programmed to think anyone talking against god is SATAN.

And by Penny's comment either she is purposely twisting what we are saying so she is a liar or she is only hearing what she wants to hear and so she's impossible to even communicate with. This is the problem with religion. Penny, you being an idiot is why I hate religion. It makes people YOU dumber than you should be.
I'm agnostic, I don't know if there is an intelligent creator out there. However, when it comes to the God of the Bible, a supernatural being that takes a personal interest in humans, I'm an atheist, no way is any of that true. It may be the greatest story ever told but that is the most it is, a story written by man for man.

BINGO. :eusa_clap:

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