San Juan Mayor Refuses To Meet With FEMA Offering Help. What's Wrong With This Bitch?

I was always taught as a child that you should never disrespect someone if you were asking the person for help.
I think the Mayor of San Juan needs to learn more about American culture, and manners. She should stop complaining , and criticizing the President ,FEMA, and the U.S. response. You live in a Hurricain zone, and should be better prepared to deal with that kind of disaster. FEMA, and the president can only do so much.
And you are going to get pummeled for acknowledging common sense.
the mayor should have thought of that before bashing the president of the US for her failures.

So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.
So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.
They need a witch to magically have them land.
YSW, you're really good at attempting to seep superior by cursing and insulting people, but your knowledge of the situation, processes ,procedures, etc is lacking...probably why you feel like you have to make up for it with insults, personal attacks, and cursing.

Snowflakes want to condemn Trump's team's handling of 3 simultaneous hurricane disasters while assisting with the rescue, medial treatment, and logistics with nearby islands as well.

Isn't that special.

Residents / citizens have praised Trump's team's efforts in both Texas and Florida, and the Mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico, a huge Hillary supporter, wants to publically bash Trump for the horrific conditions in the unique situation that is Puerto Rico.

The hurricane left no open port, no open airport, no helo / logistical landing spots, but libs insist that all of this should have been fixed / resolved in ... what.. 3 - 4 days?

'No help' has come ... if you don't take into account the cruise ships, FEMA teams, multiple USN ships, helos, amphibious assault boats, hundreds of military members and tons of supplies that have filled warehouses.

Damn that Trump!

The ground situation was assessed and has begun to be addressed. Puerto Rico's governor said they have all the fuel they need - they just don't have driver for their trucks because ther drivers have not returned to work.

Damn that Trump!

The power will not be back on for approx. a month - and there isn't much anyone can do to speed that up. It will take time.

Damn that Trump.

As pointed out earlier, libs are triggered, angry, bitter, butt-hurt snowflakes who have not gotten over Trump beating Hillary and have attacked Trump over everything - real and manufactured -since BEFORE the election. That won't change for the next 3 1/2 years. this thread and many unrealistic hate-driven posts prove.
So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.
You are wasting your time with this one.
Can anyone explain?

San Juan mayor says to media Trump is not helping as she stands in front of relief aid pallets sent by Trump.

San Juan Mayor Refused to Visit FEMA HQ After Several Invites – Is Not Participating in ANY FEMA Meetings

BREAKING=> San Juan Mayor Invited to FEMA Command Center Several Times – Refused to Show Up!

Fellow Puerto Rico Mayor SHREDS San Juan Mayor Cruz 'She's Not Participating in Any FEMA Meetings'

San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump – As She Stands In Front of Pallets of Aid
Shes a Hildabeast groupie
She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.
They need a witch to magically have them land.
hey, maybe they could have dropped in in a house like dorothy.
I was always taught as a child that you should never disrespect someone if you were asking the person for help.
I think the Mayor of San Juan needs to learn more about American culture, and manners. She should stop complaining , and criticizing the President ,FEMA, and the U.S. response. You live in a Hurricain zone, and should be better prepared to deal with that kind of disaster. FEMA, and the president can only do so much.
Logic has no effects whatsoever on the stupid asses on the left. This is not what this is about. It is beyond obvious she was under instructions to make Trump look bad, regardless of truth. The democrats used her desperation against her.

That is what all of this is about. The sheep believe the lie. The world that hates America believes the lie. It is all about continuing the race card. The only weapon of the left. Like a venomous snake that only has its venom, it is a very effective political tool. The only one todays democrats or globalists use to crush our culture.
the mayor should have thought of that before bashing the president of the US for her failures.

So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
And that dirty rotten three-star General came in and agreed with the mayor and everything she was saying. Not enough assets like military vehicles and helicopters to distribute the emergency supplies. The dirty bastard General must be a commie trump hater or something. He sure ain't as smart and wise as the trump cult posters here at USMB. They be like wizards and such.

The full deployment of National Guard didn't happen. Truck drivers aren't showing up for work on the island. How the fuck is that Trumps fault?
So your house was demolished & your family has little or no food & you tell them to fends for themselves while you go to work without any transportation to get there. All the while Trump is telling us what a great job he was doing on Puerto Rico.

Two issues:

1) The relieve effort was too slow.
2) Trump lying about it

Quit blaming truck drivers, the mayor, Democrats, etc
and yet you feel that the main land help is just going to magically arrive?

truckers can't get there due to infrastructure issues, but mainland help can? too funny.

When mainland help arrives, won't they be in that same infrastructure?

The ocean was blocked by trees? Really dumbass?
The Navy calls them waves.

During a hurricane these waves become big.

Big waves capsize ships, you know, turn them over.

The Navy pulled back these ships till the big waves subsided, you know, got little.

Fucking idiots.

Just an FYI. I'm not military but it doesn't take a civilian like me training to understand they also had to reopen the port in San Juan to get the ships in. And as far as I read they just got air traffic control back on. Cripes it was a Category 5 and all these good men and women in the military and with the rescue/aid operations have been working 24/7 with 3 back to back really serious disasters.

"The aid effort quickened with the opening of the island’s main port in the capital, San Juan, allowing 11 ships to bring in 1.6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots, dozens of generators and food. Dozens more shipments are expected in upcoming days.

The federal aid effort is racing to stem a growing crisis in towns left without water, fuel, electricity or phone service. Officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) said they would take satellite phones to all of Puerto Rico’s towns and cities, more than half of which were cut off."

Aid reaches Puerto Rico after Maria as threat from cracked dam recedes
So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
Look RETARD an Aircraft Carrier was there so an admiral was in charge DUMB FUCK.Good you are beyond stupid. Until they assess and evaluate the conditions the local commanders are in charge. UNTIL they can send in more troops and equipment there is NO NEED for a 3 star General to be in charge RETARD.
She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
so where are the truck drivers? oh yeah, can't get there due to storm damage. shit you fk I can't make this shit up you post. too funny.
She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
Helicopters can not land when the ground is covered in downed trees and power lines dumb fuck. Plus debris whipped up by the blades will wreck a helicopter in a second. All requires assessment and figuring out where when and how to cover the problems all handled by Local Commanders until it is determined what will be sent. And as I read literally tons of units and equipment with troops were being sent just couldn't get in due to damage to airfields and ports.
When she says genocide she means one of replacement considering the very likely outcome of lower income Puerto Ricans being replaced by wealthy whites and jews as they leave the island to live in the States.
If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
Helicopters can not land when the ground is covered in downed trees and power lines dumb fuck. Plus debris whipped up by the blades will wreck a helicopter in a second. All requires assessment and figuring out where when and how to cover the problems all handled by Local Commanders until it is determined what will be sent. And as I read literally tons of units and equipment with troops were being sent just couldn't get in due to damage to airfields and ports.

So, there was no space for a helicopter to land? Really. You are really trying to user that as an argument here?
If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
Helicopters can not land when the ground is covered in downed trees and power lines dumb fuck. Plus debris whipped up by the blades will wreck a helicopter in a second. All requires assessment and figuring out where when and how to cover the problems all handled by Local Commanders until it is determined what will be sent. And as I read literally tons of units and equipment with troops were being sent just couldn't get in due to damage to airfields and ports.

And this completely backs you up. They just got air control up and running.

Air National Guard Restores Air Traffic Control in Puerto Rico
By Air Force Capt. Matt Murphy and Air Force Tech. Sgt. Dan Heaton, Puerto Rico Air National Guard

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 2, 2017 — Air National Guard units from Puerto Rico, Illinois and Wisconsin teamed up to restore Federal Aviation Administration-managed air traffic control operations on Puerto Rico as part of response efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria's devastation on the island.

Air Force Capt. Jeff Rutkowski, a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, and members of his team work inside the Puerto Rico Federal Aviation Administration Operations Center, where the Wisconsin Air National Guard established a Joint Incident Site Communications Capability center to restore air traffic communications, allowing the FAA to resume full operations, Sept. 30, 2017. Puerto Rico Air National Guard photo by Air Force Capt. Matt Murphy
Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on Sept. 20 and destroyed a key generator used by the FAA to power its control center that directs aircraft movement in and around the island. The FAA's San Juan Center is responsible for directing the movement not only civilian and military aircraft for takeoff and landing at the island's airports, but also any aircraft flying in the vicinity.

"Thanks to our relationship with the Puerto Rico Air National Guard, they were able to provide us with the assistance we needed to get back up and running, and now the Air National Guard is supporting us with redundancy as a backup now that power is restored to our building," said Edward Tirado, an operations manager with the FAA in Puerto Rico.

Air Traffic Control Curtailed

The loss of power and communications lines required that all aircraft traffic be controlled by visual and physical spacing. Only one aircraft could arrive or leave the island every 10 minutes, or six per hour, to ensure that the aircraft were safely separated. Under normal operating conditions, an airport the size of San Juan International can handle about 45 flights per hour.

The limited aircraft movement choked the supply chain of critical material and personnel, officials said.

More at link.

Air National Guard Restores Air Traffic Control in Puerto Rico > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
When she says genocide she means one of replacement considering the very likely outcome of lower income Puerto Ricans being replaced by wealthy whites and jews as they leave the island to live in the States.
White Supremacist Piece of Fucking Shit.
Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"
Dumb FUCK the navy was there the minute the storm stopped As for the army and marines guess what the PORTS and airfields were damaged exactly how were they supposed to be there the day after the storm YOU FUCKING RETARD.

8 f r e a k i n days to assign a general to be in charge.

You assholes were just blaming the truck driverts.

But now you blame storm damage?

Make up your minds here.

I rreally think the military can go places without a port. Really.

They have these things called helicopters that can deliver good & personnel to get shit done.
Helicopters can not land when the ground is covered in downed trees and power lines dumb fuck. Plus debris whipped up by the blades will wreck a helicopter in a second. All requires assessment and figuring out where when and how to cover the problems all handled by Local Commanders until it is determined what will be sent. And as I read literally tons of units and equipment with troops were being sent just couldn't get in due to damage to airfields and ports.

And this completely backs you up. They just got air control up and running.

Air National Guard Restores Air Traffic Control in Puerto Rico
By Air Force Capt. Matt Murphy and Air Force Tech. Sgt. Dan Heaton, Puerto Rico Air National Guard

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 2, 2017 — Air National Guard units from Puerto Rico, Illinois and Wisconsin teamed up to restore Federal Aviation Administration-managed air traffic control operations on Puerto Rico as part of response efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria's devastation on the island.

Air Force Capt. Jeff Rutkowski, a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, and members of his team work inside the Puerto Rico Federal Aviation Administration Operations Center, where the Wisconsin Air National Guard established a Joint Incident Site Communications Capability center to restore air traffic communications, allowing the FAA to resume full operations, Sept. 30, 2017. Puerto Rico Air National Guard photo by Air Force Capt. Matt Murphy
Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on Sept. 20 and destroyed a key generator used by the FAA to power its control center that directs aircraft movement in and around the island. The FAA's San Juan Center is responsible for directing the movement not only civilian and military aircraft for takeoff and landing at the island's airports, but also any aircraft flying in the vicinity.

"Thanks to our relationship with the Puerto Rico Air National Guard, they were able to provide us with the assistance we needed to get back up and running, and now the Air National Guard is supporting us with redundancy as a backup now that power is restored to our building," said Edward Tirado, an operations manager with the FAA in Puerto Rico.

Air Traffic Control Curtailed

The loss of power and communications lines required that all aircraft traffic be controlled by visual and physical spacing. Only one aircraft could arrive or leave the island every 10 minutes, or six per hour, to ensure that the aircraft were safely separated. Under normal operating conditions, an airport the size of San Juan International can handle about 45 flights per hour.

The limited aircraft movement choked the supply chain of critical material and personnel, officials said.

More at link.

Air National Guard Restores Air Traffic Control in Puerto Rico > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
But you dipsticks blamed the truckers? You said the Mayor of an Juan was blocking aid to make Trump look bad.

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