Rush, at a loss for Words

"No greater love has a man than this...." -- God

FINALLY! Rush is at a loss for words!

Vile liberals wont understand this as the posts will show

The man (and I use the term loosely) is scum.

Well we know you’re no man you POS.


I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.
And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

"Decency" huh.

Tell us about the "decency" of a three-day orgy of "SLUT SLUT SLUT" laid on Sandra Fluke. Tell us how "decent' it was to present Chelsea Clinton (then a young girl) as the "White House Dog". Regale us on the "decency" of running "Barack the Magic Negro". Inspire us with the inimitable "decency" of telling a black caller "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

Poster please.

Here’s the only response an idiot like you deserves.:fu: Tell us again your lies about Sandmann. Tell us agin your lies about Kavanaugh. Ignore your sides even worse behavior. Another one who can’t take it when the other side gives it back to you. You people claim the “moral high ground” yet anybody seeing you idiot’s reactions to this instantly sees how low you really are.

Here's your homework.

Go find these "lies". Bring them here.

And when you figure out that you can't do that because they don't exist, let your proctologist know that from now on he's the only one that ventures up there.

I am an individual, not a "you people". See your optometrist too.
Here’s your assignment. Go fuck yourself. I already posted your lies in 2 other threads. You then melted down and ran away with your tail between your legs. You are an uneducated liar. Then take a middle school English course to learn reading comprehension. Exposing you is too easy. Now stick to the subject moron. You want to talk about your lies, start another thread. Insulting a dying man just shows how low you are.

So you can't find them.

What a surprise.

And nor do you have the stones to admit you pulled it out of your ass. Wimp. :gay:

Wrongs again you triggered lying Asswipe. Already do e on 2 previous threads. Never mind that in your normal uneducated idiocy you contradict yourself in your own post claiming your side means you, then crying the opposite in the same post. I kicked your ass and you ran away crying. Now fuck off you grade school dropout. Prove you didn’t say that. Get moving.

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

"Decency" huh.

Tell us about the "decency" of a three-day orgy of "SLUT SLUT SLUT" laid on Sandra Fluke. Tell us how "decent' it was to present Chelsea Clinton (then a young girl) as the "White House Dog". Regale us on the "decency" of running "Barack the Magic Negro". Inspire us with the inimitable "decency" of telling a black caller "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

Poster please.

Here’s the only response an idiot like you deserves.:fu: Tell us again your lies about Sandmann. Tell us agin your lies about Kavanaugh. Ignore your sides even worse behavior. Another one who can’t take it when the other side gives it back to you. You people claim the “moral high ground” yet anybody seeing you idiot’s reactions to this instantly sees how low you really are.
The the poster you are quoting had absolutely nothing to do with sandman's troubles.

I guess we "you people" all look alike to his ass.

A fat uneducated loser living in many mommy’s basement? Yeah you losers all do look alike. Crying and whining.
The man (and I use the term loosely) is scum.

Well we know you’re no man you POS.

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

Well we know you’re no man you POS.

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.
Should Mr. Limbaugh expire prematurely there is great danger to America's liberals.

Stripped of their hate-target their loathing will turn inward and at first they'll turn on each other (hey, wait....have you noticed thei actions of late...are they jumping the gun??) and ultimately to mass suicides.

It'll make for good television.
Should said fat-ass drug-addled scumbag expire early there will be much rejoicing.

Yep, you guys indeed will celebrate. Get ready however to watch your karma points drop.
"Decency" huh.

Tell us about the "decency" of a three-day orgy of "SLUT SLUT SLUT" laid on Sandra Fluke. Tell us how "decent' it was to present Chelsea Clinton (then a young girl) as the "White House Dog". Regale us on the "decency" of running "Barack the Magic Negro". Inspire us with the inimitable "decency" of telling a black caller "take that bone out of your nose and call me back".

Poster please.

Here’s the only response an idiot like you deserves.:fu: Tell us again your lies about Sandmann. Tell us agin your lies about Kavanaugh. Ignore your sides even worse behavior. Another one who can’t take it when the other side gives it back to you. You people claim the “moral high ground” yet anybody seeing you idiot’s reactions to this instantly sees how low you really are.

Here's your homework.

Go find these "lies". Bring them here.

And when you figure out that you can't do that because they don't exist, let your proctologist know that from now on he's the only one that ventures up there.

I am an individual, not a "you people". See your optometrist too.
Here’s your assignment. Go fuck yourself. I already posted your lies in 2 other threads. You then melted down and ran away with your tail between your legs. You are an uneducated liar. Then take a middle school English course to learn reading comprehension. Exposing you is too easy. Now stick to the subject moron. You want to talk about your lies, start another thread. Insulting a dying man just shows how low you are.

So you can't find them.

What a surprise.

And nor do you have the stones to admit you pulled it out of your ass. Wimp. :gay:

Wrongs again you triggered lying Asswipe. Already do e on 2 previous threads. Never mind that in your normal uneducated idiocy you contradict yourself in your own post claiming your side means you, then crying the opposite in the same post. I kicked your ass and you ran away crying. Now fuck off you grade school dropout. Prove you didn’t say that. Get moving.

It is neither my job, nor possible, to prove a negative of some idiocy you pulled out of your ass. Actually it's your job to return it there.

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:
Here’s the only response an idiot like you deserves.:fu: Tell us again your lies about Sandmann. Tell us agin your lies about Kavanaugh. Ignore your sides even worse behavior. Another one who can’t take it when the other side gives it back to you. You people claim the “moral high ground” yet anybody seeing you idiot’s reactions to this instantly sees how low you really are.

Here's your homework.

Go find these "lies". Bring them here.

And when you figure out that you can't do that because they don't exist, let your proctologist know that from now on he's the only one that ventures up there.

I am an individual, not a "you people". See your optometrist too.
Here’s your assignment. Go fuck yourself. I already posted your lies in 2 other threads. You then melted down and ran away with your tail between your legs. You are an uneducated liar. Then take a middle school English course to learn reading comprehension. Exposing you is too easy. Now stick to the subject moron. You want to talk about your lies, start another thread. Insulting a dying man just shows how low you are.

So you can't find them.

What a surprise.

And nor do you have the stones to admit you pulled it out of your ass. Wimp. :gay:

Wrongs again you triggered lying Asswipe. Already do e on 2 previous threads. Never mind that in your normal uneducated idiocy you contradict yourself in your own post claiming your side means you, then crying the opposite in the same post. I kicked your ass and you ran away crying. Now fuck off you grade school dropout. Prove you didn’t say that. Get moving.

It is neither my job, nor possible, to prove a negative of some idiocy you pulled out of your ass. Actually it's your job to return it there.

Now projecting gay fantasies and denying his own post. Again, go fuck yourself uneducated asshole. Does it chafe your pussy when people laugh at your demands? You assert you did not do something. Prove it loser. Get moving. You’re a joke.
And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yes you re melting down you illiterate. I’m laughing at you. Now get back on topic.

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yes you re melting down you illiterate. I’m laughing at you. Now get back on topic.

Blind sniveling hero-worship sycophancy IS the topic. And thanks for all the demos thereof.

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

you sound triggered.

poor little fella
And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

you sound triggered.

poor little fella

Another idiot heard from. See, some of us were raised with actual values, unlike you Dim supporters. YOU idiots have been triggered and wishing suffering and death on a man you don’t like. Remember, you now must keep your mouth shut when Obozo, Biden, Bernie, etc. get hammered. Or show your hypocrisy as usual.
No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.
View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yes you re melting down you illiterate. I’m laughing at you. Now get back on topic.

Blind sniveling hero-worship sycophancy IS the topic. And thanks for all the demos thereof.

Hey asshole where did I defend Rush as a great guy? Point it out. NOW boy. Seems YOU need the proctologist. See, it’s called not insulting a dying man. Some of us were actually raised properly. You’re exposed as a liar again.
The left has proven the dont want cancer research. Pogo proves he supports lung cancer and approves of those plagued with the disease.

Why do you support lung cancer, pogo?

I insulted a public figure (one who richly deserves is), but you're umiids insult me. Why do you take it so personally? You aren't him. You aren't related to him. You don't even know him personally.

So why so touchy?

And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

You've never kicked anyone's ass, liar.
And you richly deserve to be called an inconsiderate, uneducated, worthless piece of shit. See jackass, YOU richly deserve insulting for being a prick. It’s called common decency. Something you obviously know nothing about. But you show that every day......

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yeah, he's lost it.

so fuck you.

No FUCK YOU you drunk HYPOCRITE. Shall we put up all your pals from CNN and MSNBC and the bullshit you cheer? Not enough space here for that so fuck you asshole.

View attachment 307097

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yes you re melting down you illiterate. I’m laughing at you. Now get back on topic.

Weak, pathetic, and stupid.

Wanna try again or just run home with your tiny little tail.between your legs?

Poor triggered STUPiDUS. Need I kick your ass again like on your lies about Kaepernick? Laughing at you assholes on your way down to the devil’s playground isn’t triggered. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Enjoy the Trump landslide. May you drown in your own tears.

Haven't seen a meltdown this dramatic since Chernobyl. :popcorn:

Yes you re melting down you illiterate. I’m laughing at you. Now get back on topic.

Blind sniveling hero-worship sycophancy IS the topic. And thanks for all the demos thereof.

Hey asshole where did I defend Rush as a great guy? Point it out. NOW boy. Seems YOU need the proctologist. See, it’s called not insulting a dying man. Some of us were actually raised properly. You’re exposed as a liar again.
Look out everybody! He's backing up!

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