Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk: Mandatory Depression Screening Is A Depressing Thought...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Good ole Big Brother. He just wants to help. So just chill out and do what you're told... Or else.

Ron Paul has a lot of good ideas and workable ideas, but he can go from reasonable to stark raving mad in about 3.2 seconds. His boy is the same way.
Ron Paul has a lot of good ideas and workable ideas, but he can go from reasonable to stark raving mad in about 3.2 seconds. His boy is the same way.

Yep. As a conservative, I tend to lean libertarian... but the libertarians make sense up to a point then they fall off the deep-end and just seem batshit crazy.
Ron Paul has a lot of good ideas and workable ideas, but he can go from reasonable to stark raving mad in about 3.2 seconds. His boy is the same way.

How are he and his son 'stark raving mad?' Elaborate.
Ron Paul has a lot of good ideas and workable ideas, but he can go from reasonable to stark raving mad in about 3.2 seconds. His boy is the same way.

Yep. As a conservative, I tend to lean libertarian... but the libertarians make sense up to a point then they fall off the deep-end and just seem batshit crazy.

Wait till the Gun Grabbers start using these screenings to deny firearm ownership. Anyone being prescribed medication for things like depression and anxiety will be denied their 2nd Amendment right.

I have a feeling all the Pro-2nd Amendment supporters out there are gonna wish they had stood with Dr. Paul on opposing his stuff. But by then i'll be too late.

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