
People generally have strong views about Mitt Romney. As this post will make clear, Romney ought to unstop his ears and uncover his eyes. Only then will he hear that to which he has been too long heedless. Only then will Romney see that for those of us who make our living trying to avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism and an optimistic humanism by combining the truths of both, it is important to consider that Romney has spoke more than his fair share of lengthy, over-worded, pseudo-intellectual tripe. In all such instances he conveniently overlooks the fact that he has repeatedly threatened to treat people's bona fide personal devastation as bathos. Maybe that's just for maximum scaremongering effect. Or maybe it's because I must protest Romney's use of sophomoric nabobs of presentism to achieve his pertinacious goals. But I digress. Iscariotic is as iscariotic does. From this anecdotal evidence I would argue that his hangers-on are too lazy to give direction to a universal human development of culture, ethics, and morality. They just want to sit back, fasten their mouths on the public teats, and casually forget that Romney accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is Romney. Only a die-hard liar like Romney could claim that he is as innocent as a newborn lamb. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that on the issue of pauperism, he is wrong again. Sure, I am morally and ethically opposed to Romney's magic-bullet explanations. But his "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude is rabid because it leaves no room for compromise.

Anyway, the consequence of all this is that if we don't remove the Mitt Romney threat now, it will bite us in our backside in a lustrum or two. There are two reasons that induce me to submit his arguments to a special examination: 1) The evidence for this lies in the underlying assumptions behind his tracts, and 2) it is difficult for many people to accept that his missives are intellectually and morally indefensible. I must admit that the second point in particular sometimes fills me with anxious concern. I have just one word for him: thyroparathyroidectomize.

My fantasy is to immerse myself in the grandeur and greatness of the pre-Romney world, a world in which it was unfathomable that anyone could desire to hasten the destruction of our civilization. As you've no doubt gathered, realizing such a fantasy requires getting the Mitt Romney monkey off our backs and off other people's backs as well. As part of his efforts to gain a mainstream following, he publishes the Journal of Dour Voyeurism. Included alongside articles discussing history, culture, art, religion, and philosophy are endorsements of his plans to engulf reason and humanity within waves of egoism and fear. There's no mystery about it, no more room for fairy tales, just the knowledge that he promises his sycophants that as soon as he's finished exerting more and more control over other individuals, they'll all become rich beyond their wildest dreams. There's an obvious analogy here to the way that vultures eat a cadaver and from its rottenness insects and worms suck their food. The point is that Romney's idea of unbridled irrationalism is no political belief. It is a fierce and burning gospel of hatred and intolerance, of murder and destruction, and the unloosing of a depraved bloodlust. It is, in every literal sense, a blathering and pagan religion that incites its worshippers to an insufferable frenzy and then prompts them to rob, steal, cheat, and murder. And that's it. Whenever I ponder over the meanings and implications of Mitt Romney's deranged treatises, I feel little peace.
I have never aspired to become a speechwriter, politician, or mainstream political columnist. Nevertheless, if you can look beyond my pitiable writing style you'll definitely see that I have something important to tell you about Mitt Romney. To get immediately to the point, Romney's vaporings would have more impact if they were more concise and organized. Instead of trying to be as clear as possible to get his point across, Romney seems to like bandying about all sorts of fancy terms that no one's ever heard and that completely diminish his point. He is a windbag and preaches empty, with no real meaning.

At any rate, if Romney would abandon his name-calling and false dichotomies it would be much easier for me to increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences. Some people don't seem to mind that he likes to have more impact on Earth's biological, geological, and chemical systems during our lifetime and our children's than all preceding human generations had together. What a semi-intelligible world we live in! If you look back over some of my older post, you'll see that I predicted that Romney would sweep his peccadillos under the rug. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about Romney could have made the same prediction.

Perhaps our ability to halt the destructive process that is carrying our civilization toward extinction will creep through a crevice in his wall of Machiavellianism. Sure, it's a long shot, but he's a polarizing figure. Abusive curmudgeons love Romney because he promotes providing ribald conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spread. The rest of us have the opposite opinion, that Romney should learn to appreciate what he has instead of feeling so oppressed because he can't do everything he wants every time he wants to. To summarize my views: It is high time for people to wake up and speak out against Mitt Romney's foolhardy precepts.
This post comes to you in the hope that it will find the place in your mind where rationality resides and where decency and sanity, coupled with a healthy sense of anger, will trigger appropriate action. Let's get down to business: If Mitt Romney were to use more accessible language then a larger number of people would be able to understand what he's saying. Romney babbles alot and its hard to figure out what the hell he is talking about. The downside for Romney, of course, is that a larger number of people would also understand that conclaves of his pickthanks have all the dissent found in a North Korean communist party meeting. That's why no one there will ever admit that Romney's use of the term "anatomicochirurgical" displays, at best, a tone deafness. The term drips with echoes of fascism and warns us all that Romney has compiled an impressive list of grievances against the Democratic Party. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but Romney thinks that the most valuable skill one can have is the ability to lie convincingly. Of course, thinking so doesn't make it so.

Unfortunately, most people have been so brainwashed by Romney's pudibund smears that when push comes to shove they'll end up siding with Romney. That's why we must take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. Let me give you some important advice: Don't let him define you. Instead, show Romney that you're in control by opposing our human vices wherever they may be found—arrogance, hatred, jealousy, unfaithfulness, avarice, and so on—and encouraging others to do the same. I aver that even the most unassertive milquetoast should be able to do something like that. At a minimum, you should remember that my fantasy is to immerse myself in the grandeur and greatness of the pre-Romney world, a world in which it was unfathomable that anyone could desire to have a serious destabilizing effect on our institutions. As you've no doubt gathered, realizing such a fantasy requires instituting change.

In order to solve the big problems with Romney we must first understand these problems, and to understand them, we must detail the specific steps and objectives needed to thwart his jaded, phlegmatic schemes. The notion that he can be reformed into an upright and honorable person may be a pleasant and attractive thought. But people who believe that this can happen should ask it of Santa Claus, in whom they doubtless also believe. He makes it sound like a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have. The evidence against that concept is so overwhelming, even an eight-year-old child can recognize it. Even so, Romney used to maintain that divine ichor flows through his veins. When he realized that no one was falling for that claptrap, he quickly changed his tune to say that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs—or maybe even chocolate. Romney is sincerely a dimwitted liar, and shame on anyone who believes him.

Due to the power relationship between the dominator and the dominated, Romney definitely doesn't want me to defy the international enslavement of entire peoples. Well, I've never been a very obedient dog so I intend not only to do exactly that but also to provide a trenchant analysis of Romney's antics. It should come as no shock to anyone that his companions believe that his xenophobic gestapo is a respected civil-rights organization. It should not be surprising that they believe this, however. As we all know, minds that have been so maimed that they believe that Romney is a perpetual victim of injustice can believe anything, especially if it's false.

If we were to let Romney get away with breaking up society's solidarity and cohesiveness, that would be a gross miscarriage of justice. I warrant that the best way to overcome misunderstanding, prejudice, and hate is by means of reason, common sense, clear thinking, and goodwill. Romney, in contrast, believes that he is beyond reproach. The conclusion to draw from this conflict of views should be obvious: There is something grievously wrong with those malefic pop psychologists who let lackadaisical ignoramuses run rampant through the streets. Shame on the lot of them! I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to offer manumission to those who are held captive by his whiney, subversive cock-and-bull stories. To reiterate the main message of this post, Mitt Romney is changing beyond belief our country's entire national spirit, its philosophy, values, and standards and thereby causing one-sided declamations to be entered into historical fact.

After Romney loses the election maybe he can hide out with JFK on his private island in the Pacific.
...ineligible to be the President of the United States. He may have been born in Mexico. He also might be a criminal according to some and also a tax cheat.

It is with extreme disgust that I write this post and say what will honestly be considered pigheaded by some of my peers. Nonetheless, it must be stated that Mitt Romney preaches tolerance yet actively refuses to tolerate views that differ from his own. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this post will be: Mitt is planning to threaten national security. This does not bode well for the future because he is the picture of the insane person on the street, babbling to a tree, a wall, or a cloud, which cannot and does not respond to his epithets. The pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to defy him?

Although linguacious survivalists are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are rapidly increasing in size and fervor. You've heard me say that Mitt's collaborators are all insipid, meddlesome tax cheats. True, that's a cheap shot, but too often they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. Everybody knows that Mitt doesn't perceive that anything is wrong with him, but you should consider that Mitt promises his confidants that as soon as he's finished disarming us morally, making us rootless and defenseless, and then destroying us, they'll all become rich beyond their wildest dreams. There's an obvious analogy here to the way that vultures eat a cadaver and from its rottenness insects and worms suck their food. The point is that some people apparently believe that if we don't bother Mitt, Mitt won't bother us. The fallacy of that belief is that our desires and his are not merely different; they are opposed in mortal enmity. Mitt wants to preach hatred. We, in contrast, want to alert people that if you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance.

Mitt keeps saying that he can convince criminals to fill out an application form before committing a crime. Isn't that claim getting a little shopworn? I mean, if a cogent, logical argument entered his brain, no doubt a concussion would result. We must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to do something good for others. Although a thorough discussion of passive-aggressive nepotism is beyond the scope of this post, back when our policemen were guardians, not enforcers, they would have protected us from Mitt's plunderbund. Today, it seems that most officers of the law are content to sit back and let Mitt plunge us into the dark abyss of annihilation. That's why we must restore the temple of our civilization to the ancient truths. There are some simple truths in this world. First, we are nearing a synthesis of interventionism and desperadoism into an uncouth scapegoatism that will use statism as a weapon for systematic political cleansing of the population. Second, he has never been afraid to leave the terra firma of reason and venture out into the open sea of iracund voyeurism. And finally, I would be grateful if he would take a little time from his rigorous schedule to win the culture war and save this country. Of course, pigs will grow wings and fly before that ever happens. In short, I feel we must build an inclusive, nondiscriminatory movement for social and political change. I hope other members of the community feel the same.

If Romney wins this election, kiss your freedom goodbye. Buy this time next year Americans will be held in concentration camps accross the USA. I've seen them, believe me they exist.
...ineligible to be the President of the United States. He may have been born in Mexico. He also might be a criminal according to some and also a tax cheat.

It is with extreme disgust that I write this post and say what will honestly be considered pigheaded by some of my peers. Nonetheless, it must be stated that Mitt Romney preaches tolerance yet actively refuses to tolerate views that differ from his own. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this post will be: Mitt is planning to threaten national security. This does not bode well for the future because he is the picture of the insane person on the street, babbling to a tree, a wall, or a cloud, which cannot and does not respond to his epithets. The pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to defy him?

Although linguacious survivalists are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are rapidly increasing in size and fervor. You've heard me say that Mitt's collaborators are all insipid, meddlesome tax cheats. True, that's a cheap shot, but too often they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. Everybody knows that Mitt doesn't perceive that anything is wrong with him, but you should consider that Mitt promises his confidants that as soon as he's finished disarming us morally, making us rootless and defenseless, and then destroying us, they'll all become rich beyond their wildest dreams. There's an obvious analogy here to the way that vultures eat a cadaver and from its rottenness insects and worms suck their food. The point is that some people apparently believe that if we don't bother Mitt, Mitt won't bother us. The fallacy of that belief is that our desires and his are not merely different; they are opposed in mortal enmity. Mitt wants to preach hatred. We, in contrast, want to alert people that if you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance.

Mitt keeps saying that he can convince criminals to fill out an application form before committing a crime. Isn't that claim getting a little shopworn? I mean, if a cogent, logical argument entered his brain, no doubt a concussion would result. We must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to do something good for others. Although a thorough discussion of passive-aggressive nepotism is beyond the scope of this post, back when our policemen were guardians, not enforcers, they would have protected us from Mitt's plunderbund. Today, it seems that most officers of the law are content to sit back and let Mitt plunge us into the dark abyss of annihilation. That's why we must restore the temple of our civilization to the ancient truths. There are some simple truths in this world. First, we are nearing a synthesis of interventionism and desperadoism into an uncouth scapegoatism that will use statism as a weapon for systematic political cleansing of the population. Second, he has never been afraid to leave the terra firma of reason and venture out into the open sea of iracund voyeurism. And finally, I would be grateful if he would take a little time from his rigorous schedule to win the culture war and save this country. Of course, pigs will grow wings and fly before that ever happens. In short, I feel we must build an inclusive, nondiscriminatory movement for social and political change. I hope other members of the community feel the same.

If Romney wins this election, kiss your freedom goodbye. Buy this time next year Americans will be held in concentration camps accross the USA. I've seen them, believe me they exist.

...ineligible to be the President of the United States. He may have been born in Mexico. He also might be a criminal according to some and also a tax cheat.

It is with extreme disgust that I write this post and say what will honestly be considered pigheaded by some of my peers. Nonetheless, it must be stated that Mitt Romney preaches tolerance yet actively refuses to tolerate views that differ from his own. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this post will be: Mitt is planning to threaten national security. This does not bode well for the future because he is the picture of the insane person on the street, babbling to a tree, a wall, or a cloud, which cannot and does not respond to his epithets. The pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to defy him?

Although linguacious survivalists are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are rapidly increasing in size and fervor. You've heard me say that Mitt's collaborators are all insipid, meddlesome tax cheats. True, that's a cheap shot, but too often they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. Everybody knows that Mitt doesn't perceive that anything is wrong with him, but you should consider that Mitt promises his confidants that as soon as he's finished disarming us morally, making us rootless and defenseless, and then destroying us, they'll all become rich beyond their wildest dreams. There's an obvious analogy here to the way that vultures eat a cadaver and from its rottenness insects and worms suck their food. The point is that some people apparently believe that if we don't bother Mitt, Mitt won't bother us. The fallacy of that belief is that our desires and his are not merely different; they are opposed in mortal enmity. Mitt wants to preach hatred. We, in contrast, want to alert people that if you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance.

Mitt keeps saying that he can convince criminals to fill out an application form before committing a crime. Isn't that claim getting a little shopworn? I mean, if a cogent, logical argument entered his brain, no doubt a concussion would result. We must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to do something good for others. Although a thorough discussion of passive-aggressive nepotism is beyond the scope of this post, back when our policemen were guardians, not enforcers, they would have protected us from Mitt's plunderbund. Today, it seems that most officers of the law are content to sit back and let Mitt plunge us into the dark abyss of annihilation. That's why we must restore the temple of our civilization to the ancient truths. There are some simple truths in this world. First, we are nearing a synthesis of interventionism and desperadoism into an uncouth scapegoatism that will use statism as a weapon for systematic political cleansing of the population. Second, he has never been afraid to leave the terra firma of reason and venture out into the open sea of iracund voyeurism. And finally, I would be grateful if he would take a little time from his rigorous schedule to win the culture war and save this country. Of course, pigs will grow wings and fly before that ever happens. In short, I feel we must build an inclusive, nondiscriminatory movement for social and political change. I hope other members of the community feel the same.

If Romney wins this election, kiss your freedom goodbye. Buy this time next year Americans will be held in concentration camps accross the USA. I've seen them, believe me they exist.


Yes Really

It is with extreme disgust that I write this post.... snip
And it is with, at least equal disgust that I read it.

Me too. The left seems to be coming unhinged all around us. Not to say the Right isn't getting a little wacky, and ahead of themselves as well. lol

The Truth is Romney is a Moderate who has a Proven Record of being able to work with Both sides to get things done, and a Proven Track record as an Organizer, and leader.

sounds like exactly what we have been lacking for a long time now, not just 4 years.
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...another linguacious loquacious chattering nattering magpie.....straight from the liberal nuthouse of course.....:cuckoo:
We're going to outsource our Progressives, find some other country more "progressive" like Cuba or Cambodia
The left seems to be coming unhinged all around us. Not to say the Right isn't getting a little wacky

The left is not coming unhinged. I will tell you this. Romney is the one coming unhinged. I think he has missed more than a few doses of his meds.

He says that his ramblings are intelligent, commonsensical, and entirely consonant with the views of ordinary people. LOLOLOLOL
O-blame-a's attorney general signed off on an insane plan to ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and his secretary of state "took responsibility" for the deaths of four people including a US Ambassador and two Veteran Navy Seals and....and you think Romney "might" be a threat to National security? You better screw your head down a little tighter.
I have had enough of Romney! For starters, Romney would have us believe that he has a "special" perspective on mysticism that carries with it a "special" right to deflect attention from his unwillingness to support policies that benefit the average citizen. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But Romney is surrounded by antisocial, self-pitying Luddites who parrot the same nonsense, which is why he likes ballyhoos that stir up class hatred. Could there be a conflict of interest there? If you were to ask me, I'd say that if I wanted to brainwash and manipulate a large segment of the population, I would convince them that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points. In fact, that's exactly what Romney does as part of his quest to instill a general ennui.

Who among you reading these words is not moved to admonish Romney not seven times, but seventy times seven? Particularly telling is the way that he finds it convenient to blame all of society's woes on gin-swilling vulgarians. Doing so fits with the rest of Romney's populist sloganeering and takes less intellectual effort than investigating the structural factors and material practices that may in fact be the true reason that Romney's spinmeisters resist seeing that Romney's allegations are a gangrenous putrefaction that serves only to revive the ruinous excess of a bygone era to bounce and blow amidst the ruinous excess of the present era. They resist seeing such things because to see them, to examine them, to think about them and draw conclusions from them is to preach a message of community and brotherly love. The only way out of Romney's rat maze is to make him answer for his wrongdoings. It's that simple

P.S. If I were to start my own YouTube channel would you come watch me?

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