Romney playing dirty?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
“I can’t resist a basketball analogy,” Obama told the crowd, according to a White House pool report. “We are in the fourth quarter. We’re up by a few points but the other side is coming on strong and they play a little dirty.”

What? So far, Obama is the only one throwing out smears. Obama didn't even bother to back-up his gutter rhetoric with any supporting examples. He's a joke.

Carmelo Anthony Appears in Pro-Drug Dealing ‘Stop Snitching’ DVD; Denies Ties to Drug Dealers | Video |

Anthony has defended his participation, saying that the “stop snitching” message is pervasive, even in mainstream music videos, while strictly denying that he associates with drug dealers. However, community activists have complained about his participation, claiming that his appearance will make drug dealing look like the only route to success.
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What? So far, Obama is the only one throwing out smears. Obama didn't even bother to back-up his gutter rhetoric with any supporting examples.

The most prominent example at the moment would be the bullshit Romney fabricated about the TANF work requirements being eliminated. It's false and he knows it--and if he didn't know it, every fact checker and Bill Clinton, the guy he features in his ads, have now let him in on that fact. Romney's a liar whose found himself a lie he seems to really enjoy.
I think Romney's just waiting with the "good stuff" on Obama until closer to election. Obama started right out with the smears and lies, he's not going to have much to go on pretty soon. He'll have shot his wad too early! Lol!
Most Republicans don't lie. they make "mistatements". But Romney is a "legitimate" liar...
What? So far, Obama is the only one throwing out smears. Obama didn't even bother to back-up his gutter rhetoric with any supporting examples.

The most prominent example at the moment would be the bullshit Romney fabricated about the TANF work requirements being eliminated. It's false and he knows it--and if he didn't know it, every fact checker and Bill Clinton, the guy he features in his ads, have now let him in on that fact. Romney's a liar whose found himself a lie he seems to really enjoy.

It was not false. It was true, sort of. Quoting Bill Clinton to call someone a liar is rich with irony.
But Obama&Co have lied extensively, almost every week about some aspect of Romney or Ryan or their policies.
Most Republicans don't lie. they make "mistatements". But Romney is a "legitimate" liar...

Yeah. Saying Obama's policies have failed is really a lie. 8.2% unemployment, record debt, first downgrade. Those are all lies, right?
I think Romney's just waiting with the "good stuff" on Obama until closer to election. Obama started right out with the smears and lies, he's not going to have much to go on pretty soon. He'll have shot his wad too early! Lol!

If he waits till after people have decided then it won’t matter. There is something to be said for having last minute attacks but there is also a lot to be said about getting the message out there first.
obama is a drug addict himself. It's not surprising he would surround himself with like minded individuals. For all we know Carmelo Anthony was there because obama is his best customer.
What? So far, Obama is the only one throwing out smears. Obama didn't even bother to back-up his gutter rhetoric with any supporting examples.

The most prominent example at the moment would be the bullshit Romney fabricated about the TANF work requirements being eliminated. It's false and he knows it--and if he didn't know it, every fact checker and Bill Clinton, the guy he features in his ads, have now let him in on that fact. Romney's a liar whose found himself a lie he seems to really enjoy.

It is absolutely true....he gutted the provision, and unilaterally changed the law.

If you were brighter, I'd add "and you know it."

1. "Determined to destroy Bill Clinton’s signature achievement, President Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

2. ...HHS issued regulations that modified — gutted — the work requirement. Its new regulations allow the states to substitute education programs for work to get welfare benefits. The regs say that “vocational educational training or job search/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare...

3. The Congress specifically prohibited the use of education or training to fulfill the requirement.

4. When it passed welfare reform, Congress expressly limited the authority of the secretary of HHS to waive the work requirement.

a. “Section 415(a)(2)(B) of the welfare reform act, now codified at 42 U.S.C. § 615(a)(2)(B), expressly states that ‘a waiver granted under section 1315 of this title [the one that HHS now claims it is acting under] or otherwise which relates to the provision of assistance under a State program funded under this part (as in effect on Sept. 30, 1996) shall not affect the applicability of section 607 of this title [which applies the work requirements] to the State.’

b. In short, whatever else might be said of the scope of the waiver authority, the Secretary has no lawful authority to waive the work requirements of section 607...

5. ...then-Senate Republican Majority Leader Trent Lott (Miss.) was particularly suspicious that future HHS secretaries might dilute the work requirement, just as the administration has done. He worked overtime with counsel to make sure that education and training would not be used to substitute for the work provision.

6. ...the action is a “blatant violation of the law,” and Mitt Romney has attacked it, saying “the linkage of work and welfare is essential to prevent welfare from becoming a way of life.”

7. ... “in the past, state bureaucrats have attempted to define activities such as hula dancing, attending Weight Watchers, and bed rest as ‘work.’ These dodges were blocked by the federal work standards. Now that the Obama administration has abolished those standards,...

8. ...welfare reform has been one of the most successful programs enacted in recent decades. Under its provisions, the welfare population has been cut in half while child poverty — until the current recession — dropped by one-third.
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Link to prove what you claim is true?

And when I do...will you drop to one knee and genuflect?

Well...OK, then:

"Heritage noted that “in the past, state bureaucrats have attempted to define activities such as hula dancing, attending Weight Watchers, and bed rest as ‘work.’ These dodges were blocked by the federal work standards. Now that the Obama administration has abolished those standards, we can expect ‘work’ in the TANF [welfare] program to mean anything but work.”
Obama kills welfare reform - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
The socialist rhetoric has been toned down a bit by the Hussein administration. I guess they found out that Americans don't really hate rich people and corporations and banks the way the Marxists do. What's left to say except try to pretend Romney hates dogs.
Link to prove what you claim is true?

And when I do...will you drop to one knee and genuflect?

Well...OK, then:

"Heritage noted that “in the past, state bureaucrats have attempted to define activities such as hula dancing, attending Weight Watchers, and bed rest as ‘work.’ These dodges were blocked by the federal work standards. Now that the Obama administration has abolished those standards, we can expect ‘work’ in the TANF [welfare] program to mean anything but work.”
Obama kills welfare reform - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Ms. Truthie....

...what happened to you?

Are you looking for a knee-pad so you can genuflect?

Bill Clinton has a few.....
It is absolutely true....he gutted the provision, and unilaterally changed the law.

Can you point to an 1115 waiver request from a state in response to ACF's memo and identify something in it you find offensive or that you believe would "gut" any provision of existing law if approved?
It is absolutely true....he gutted the provision, and unilaterally changed the law.

Can you point to an 1115 waiver request from a state in response to ACF's memo and identify something in it you find offensive or that you believe would "gut" any provision of existing law if approved?

Are you stating that the law signed by President Clinton included the option for the Secretary of HHS to grant said waivers?
It is absolutely true....he gutted the provision, and unilaterally changed the law.

Can you point to an 1115 waiver request from a state in response to ACF's memo and identify something in it you find offensive or that you believe would "gut" any provision of existing law if approved?

Are you stating that the law signed by President Clinton included the option for the Secretary of HHS to grant said waivers?

Let me ask you again:

Can you point to an 1115 waiver request from a state in response to ACF's memo and identify something in it you find offensive or that you believe would "gut" any provision of existing law if approved?

One concrete example would be fine to illustrate your point.

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