Rick Santorum: Here Are the Reasons That Romney Might Lose


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Howard Kurtz

The former senator is heading to Tampa to speak on behalf of his former rival. He tells Howard Kurtz what Romney must avoid if he is to beat Obama.

“If the campaign is about issues, we win,” he tells me. “If it’s about Mitt Romney’s record as a businessman, then we don’t win. If it’s about Mitt Romney’s tax returns, then we don’t win. If it’s about whether people like Mitt Romney more than Barack Obama, then we don’t win.”

Despite his bruising primary battle with Romney, Santorum is heading to the Tampa convention next week as a loyal Republican lieutenant on behalf of the party’s ticket. He is energized by Romney’s pick of a fellow Catholic conservative, Paul Ryan—there “couldn’t have been a better choice."

The former Pennsylvania senator knows full well that every time he attempts to defend Romney, journalists will recycle the stinging criticisms they hurled at each other during an unusually personal contest. Santorum’s ragtag, underfunded campaign managed to win 11 states and he was the last man standing against Romney. He also derided his rival’s conservative credentials and said that because of Romney’s Massachusetts record, he was the worst possible nominee to make the case against Obamacare.

More: Rick Santorum: Here Are the Reasons That Romney Might Lose - The Daily Beast
How in the hell could Romney win on the issues? He lies about everything, and no one knows where he really stands on anything.
Romney can't win on the issues, either. Tax-cuts for the under-taxed rich? Replace Obamacare with Romneycare? Romney better come up with something, and not more neocon bullshit that drives moderates away. He should take a cue from Ron Paul.

CHART: Akin's Views On Women's Health Are In Line With GOP | ThinkProgress
Welllllllll......you lose when you fail to refute your failed assertions in other threads.

And my statement is not a HuffPo piece...it's USMB docs.

Amen, hallelujah, praise Jesus and just pray... :lol:
How in the hell could Romney win on the issues? He lies about everything, and no one knows where he really stands on anything.

lol, you just repeat the same thing over and over..poor dear:eusa_boohoo:

How can you know where he really stands? He has flip flopped on a few issues, even you can't deny that.

I thought it was called, evolving?
I know where Obama stands that's all I need to know.. I don't want some idiot being President who believes he can take our wealth and spread it around or transform the country I love
vote Obama out people
lol, you just repeat the same thing over and over..poor dear:eusa_boohoo:

How can you know where he really stands? He has flip flopped on a few issues, even you can't deny that.

I thought it was called, evolving?
I know where Obama stands that's all I need to know.. I don't want some idiot being President who believes he can take our wealth and spread it around or transform the country I love
vote Obama out people

How is the Kool aid these days? Sweet or bitter?

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