Romney don’t have any answers


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney cannot answer easy questions at town hall meeting why would we believe he can answer the hard ones as president. After listening to the town hall meeting in Ohio he is a winner when it comes to dodging questions about healthcare, primary education, affordable college, economy, unemployment and foreign policies with answers that have nothing to do with the question. He would just say “I would do just the opposite of anything Obama did.” I believe he has a problem with reading and comprehending. He talk like a corrupt greedy business man and we all know how the last business man ran the country. Into the ground. Bush failed at all his business ventures before he took office and daddy Bush had to bail him out. But daddy could not bail him out of business of the government. Romney’s daddy cannot bail him out either. Federal government is not a corporation that can be run like a business. We don’t want and cannot afford another repeat of 8 years of Bush.
Romney that sent jobs out of the country want us to believe he will bring jobs back?
Look at Romney’s rap sheet on conduction business.

He never answered the young man’s question on how will he make his $75,000 college tuition affordable for him and his mother. After 5 minutes of expounding all he said was he would “find a way” and it involved businesses and college fees. DUH? And he went on to say it would not be by low interest government loans he called a freebie. DUH? A $75,000 debt after graduation a freebie? DUH?

Higher education should be free and it’s not a “handout” but an investment in the country’s future. Even Saddam knew that when he gave higher education free and primary education mandatory. Is anyone attending college at all in the new Iraq?

History of education in Iraq
Education in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney cannot answer easy questions at town hall meeting why would we believe he can answer the hard ones as president. After listening to the town hall meeting in Ohio he is a winner when it comes to dodging questions about healthcare, primary education, affordable college, economy, unemployment and foreign policies with answers that have nothing to do with the question. He would just say “I would do just the opposite of anything Obama did.” I believe he has a problem with reading and comprehending. He talk like a...[/url]

There is no one on this planet less qualified than you to comment on someone else's ability to read and comprehend.

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