Republicans Surging Back

Republican party remains a party in exile...

They have no message
no candidates
no money

They will carry the "Stink of Bush" for a generation
And I'm sure it's devastating to them to realize that poseurs like you are never going to like them because they have the audacity not to agree with you. The horror!

Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did
Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did

Yea....sure did. My involvement in local republican politics even earned me an invitation to the Bush inauguration. Given my disatisfaction with the direction my party had taken...i naturally declined
DiveCon said:
rightwinger said:
]Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did

Yea....sure did. My involvement in local republican politics even earned me an invitation to the Bush inauguration. Given my disatisfaction with the direction my party had taken...i naturally declined
here's a hint for you, cause i know your new here
either just hit the quote button and make sure you scroll to the bottom to type, or use the quick reply button
and type in the quick reply box at the bottom of the page
that way you will be less likely to mess up the quotes like you have been doing
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Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did

Yea....sure did. My involvement in local republican politics even earned me an invitation to the Bush inauguration. Given my disatisfaction with the direction my party had taken...i naturally declined

What inauguration was that? 2001?

Please explain what were the Republican positions at that time that so upset you - and how they had diverged from the Reagan-Bush Sr. era you seemed so happy with.

Thank you!
Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did

Yea....sure did. My involvement in local republican politics even earned me an invitation to the Bush inauguration. Given my disatisfaction with the direction my party had taken...i naturally declined

What inauguration was that? 2001?

Please explain what were the Republican positions at that time that so upset you - and how they had diverged from the Reagan-Bush Sr. era you seemed so happy with.

Thank you!

Like I said, I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush (the good one) four times. Starting with the Gingrich revolution in the mid 90's I saw a change in the direction of the party. Reagan had always been able to work with the Dems and work out compromises with Tip O'Neil. They managed to find a middle ground. Once the Republicans took Congress there was no longer a middle ground. way or the highway. An example was the shut down of the government forced by the unwillingness of Gingrich to compromise for the good of the country
Starting with the Whitewater investigation and culminating in the Impeachment proceedings, I saw a vindictive party doing things because they could and not because it was best for the country. The healthcare debate under Clinton also showed the new mean streak of the party. They were unwilling to talk issues, again no compromise, but got their way through smear campaigns rather than open discussion of issues.
I also saw the party become controlled by right wing fundamentalist christians as well as NRA interests. It became a party of anti-gay, anti-abortion and pro guns. No problem with their position, just the way these issues overcame more important issues like the economy, international relations and domestic policy

So, like I said, I never left the republican party....they left me
When the public overwhelmingly denounced the republicans in 2006 and 2008, rather than look inward and revise the party to respond to outraged voters, they chose to dig in their heels and embed themselves with the radical right contingent. Until the party seeks a moderate tone and shows a willingness to compromise, I will remain firmly democrat.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan, 1962

I find it interesting that you would quote exactly Ronald Reagan when it comes to your change in party's. While I don't question your change, it does seem someone interesting that would be upset over the partys take over by special interest then make the leap to the democrats which has the same number of special interests and somehow look at the republicans as if they have some lock on that. Perhaps you have never heard of the word "Independent"? Another thing is this, if you are a life long republican, then the best way to change the party is to go to another party and leave it to others to change what is wrong with it? So what happens when you become upset with the democrats? Do you leave them and join the republicans and wait for that to change? At some point my friend if you are upset with the party and if you are as you say you are, invloved to the point where you get an invite to the convention then you are in a position to change it. Sitting back and making observations after quitting the party seems rather the wrong way to go about it. While I wish you luck in yout new party perhaps you might want to remember the only person that change things it you.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan, 1962

I find it interesting that you would quote exactly Ronald Reagan when it comes to your change in party's.

The coincidence is intentional. In case you haven't noticed, the existing republican party is ruled by Boss Limbaugh. Anyone straying from the fold is quickly and decisively reprimanded. There is no room for open discussion within todays republican party. Moderates are looked at the same as liberals. If that becomes the case, then I guess i'm a liberal
Not quite....I am a registered republican
I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times

I did not leave the republican party....they left me
And until they align their platform with what is acceptable to the country, they will remain a party in exile
yeah, uh huh, suuuuurrreeee you did

Yea....sure did. My involvement in local republican politics even earned me an invitation to the Bush inauguration. Given my disatisfaction with the direction my party had taken...i naturally declined

I also voted for Reagan twice for Governor and twice for President, although during his reelection I was looking at Gary Hart until he was photographed in a compromising position. Then I looked at Mondale, an old-school Democrat and at the time the only candidate to have a shot at a popular Republican incumbent. But when Mondale chose a relatively obscure woman, Geraldine Ferraro, to be his running mate, I thought it showed poor judgment. (Sound familiar?)

Since George H.W. Bush had opposed Reagan the first time around, I was still willing to vote Repubican and hope he would take the "voodoo economics" mantra (which did ultimately occur) and begin to turn the economy back around. I didn't decide until the twelfth hour to vote for Clinton who had made a huge impression on me with his grasp of just about everything.

And I've registered Independent ever since, but voted Democrat. Show me a worthy Republican, and I'm all theirs to convince.
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“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan, 1962

I find it interesting that you would quote exactly Ronald Reagan when it comes to your change in party's. While I don't question your change, it does seem someone interesting that would be upset over the partys take over by special interest then make the leap to the democrats which has the same number of special interests and somehow look at the republicans as if they have some lock on that. Perhaps you have never heard of the word "Independent"? Another thing is this, if you are a life long republican, then the best way to change the party is to go to another party and leave it to others to change what is wrong with it? So what happens when you become upset with the democrats? Do you leave them and join the republicans and wait for that to change? At some point my friend if you are upset with the party and if you are as you say you are, invloved to the point where you get an invite to the convention then you are in a position to change it. Sitting back and making observations after quitting the party seems rather the wrong way to go about it. While I wish you luck in yout new party perhaps you might want to remember the only person that change things it you.

Navy, how many people just posting on this board alone claim to have no political affiliation? They claim to have never voted for GWB, which I don't believe for one single moment. They are simply angry that the Republican Party moved too much to the center of the spectrum, which ironically, is precisely where it should be and what the framers envisioned for the nation. When I see such folks calling for an "Independent Party," they are not talking about one that takes the best from both existing parties which would be satisfactory to a majority of Americans, but their OWN "Independent Party" of ultra conservatives.
And I've registered Independent ever since, but voted Democrat. Show me a worthy Republican, and I'm all theirs to convince.

I am registered republican because to vote in the primaries in my state you have to be registered for that party. At the local level and county level, republicans control the government. So I register republican to be able to influence local primaries.
I too am waiting for a Republican to emerge that is worthy of my vote. I supported the maverick McCain in 2000 but found the McCain of 2008 to be a shell of his former self and in the pocket of the extreme right wing.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan, 1962

I find it interesting that you would quote exactly Ronald Reagan when it comes to your change in party's. While I don't question your change, it does seem someone interesting that would be upset over the partys take over by special interest then make the leap to the democrats which has the same number of special interests and somehow look at the republicans as if they have some lock on that. Perhaps you have never heard of the word "Independent"? Another thing is this, if you are a life long republican, then the best way to change the party is to go to another party and leave it to others to change what is wrong with it? So what happens when you become upset with the democrats? Do you leave them and join the republicans and wait for that to change? At some point my friend if you are upset with the party and if you are as you say you are, invloved to the point where you get an invite to the convention then you are in a position to change it. Sitting back and making observations after quitting the party seems rather the wrong way to go about it. While I wish you luck in yout new party perhaps you might want to remember the only person that change things it you.

Navy, how many people just posting on this board alone claim to have no political affiliation? They claim to have never voted for GWB, which I don't believe for one single moment. They are simply angry that the Republican Party moved too much to the center of the spectrum, which ironically, is precisely where it should be and what the framers envisioned for the nation. When I see such folks calling for an "Independent Party," they are not talking about one that takes the best from both existing parties which would be satisfactory to a majority of Americans, but their OWN "Independent Party" of ultra conservatives.

I just find it interesting Maggie that anyone would claim one party has been hijacked by an extreme agenda and then go to another party that basically if the same rules were applied would be the same. In fact both parties have issues of some kind when it comes to groups within them running the show. Personally, I can only speak for myself, I will make no apologies or hide my head in the sand and will proudly say I am a republican in the Barry Goldwater mold. I voted for Ronald Reagan both times, Bush Senior twice, Clinton once, Bush Jr. once, Kerry once. This last election I wrote in someones name for president rather than vote for the 2 major candidates that were presented. While I was no fan of Kerry, I was even less of a fan of Don Rumsfeld and as long as he was at DoD I would not support Bush. So I think that those that are in a party be they republican or democrat sometimes like to complain about things but are unwilling to do the hard work to change them and by doing so they allow the forces of the extreme to dictate the agenda. No one ever wins by giving up and personally I find it rather amazing that someone who has been a lifelong republican and uses the excuse that the party is somehow being run by extreme groups would go to another party that does the exact same thing. Its also my belief that the only way to win is in the middle. and I can tell you this, when I use the word " Independant" I'm not talking about a party that is unwelcoming, I'm talking about a party that first of all recognizes that those in Washington work for us and not the other way around, and one that welcomes EVERYONES views because it has a deep love of the values that the constitution dictates . When you have a party like that, then I really pity both partys because both of them will end up becomming true right and true left. However, it wll starts with the people willing to recognize that we all have a right to express our views and the Govt. is there as a tool for its citizens to prosper not the other way around.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan, 1962

I find it interesting that you would quote exactly Ronald Reagan when it comes to your change in party's. While I don't question your change, it does seem someone interesting that would be upset over the partys take over by special interest then make the leap to the democrats which has the same number of special interests and somehow look at the republicans as if they have some lock on that. Perhaps you have never heard of the word "Independent"? Another thing is this, if you are a life long republican, then the best way to change the party is to go to another party and leave it to others to change what is wrong with it? So what happens when you become upset with the democrats? Do you leave them and join the republicans and wait for that to change? At some point my friend if you are upset with the party and if you are as you say you are, invloved to the point where you get an invite to the convention then you are in a position to change it. Sitting back and making observations after quitting the party seems rather the wrong way to go about it. While I wish you luck in yout new party perhaps you might want to remember the only person that change things it you.

Navy, how many people just posting on this board alone claim to have no political affiliation? They claim to have never voted for GWB, which I don't believe for one single moment. They are simply angry that the Republican Party moved too much to the center of the spectrum, which ironically, is precisely where it should be and what the framers envisioned for the nation. When I see such folks calling for an "Independent Party," they are not talking about one that takes the best from both existing parties which would be satisfactory to a majority of Americans, but their OWN "Independent Party" of ultra conservatives.

I just find it interesting Maggie that anyone would claim one party has been hijacked by an extreme agenda and then go to another party that basically if the same rules were applied would be the same. In fact both parties have issues of some kind when it comes to groups within them running the show. Personally, I can only speak for myself, I will make no apologies or hide my head in the sand and will proudly say I am a republican in the Barry Goldwater mold. I voted for Ronald Reagan both times, Bush Senior twice, Clinton once, Bush Jr. once, Kerry once. This last election I wrote in someones name for president rather than vote for the 2 major candidates that were presented. While I was no fan of Kerry, I was even less of a fan of Don Rumsfeld and as long as he was at DoD I would not support Bush. So I think that those that are in a party be they republican or democrat sometimes like to complain about things but are unwilling to do the hard work to change them and by doing so they allow the forces of the extreme to dictate the agenda. No one ever wins by giving up and personally I find it rather amazing that someone who has been a lifelong republican and uses the excuse that the party is somehow being run by extreme groups would go to another party that does the exact same thing. Its also my belief that the only way to win is in the middle. and I can tell you this, when I use the word " Independant" I'm not talking about a party that is unwelcoming, I'm talking about a party that first of all recognizes that those in Washington work for us and not the other way around, and one that welcomes EVERYONES views because it has a deep love of the values that the constitution dictates . When you have a party like that, then I really pity both partys because both of them will end up becomming true right and true left. However, it wll starts with the people willing to recognize that we all have a right to express our views and the Govt. is there as a tool for its citizens to prosper not the other way around.

I agree with everything you said. While we may disagree on a variety of issues, as people have for eons, the basic principles as you define them are right-on.
And I've registered Independent ever since, but voted Democrat. Show me a worthy Republican, and I'm all theirs to convince.

I am registered republican because to vote in the primaries in my state you have to be registered for that party. At the local level and county level, republicans control the government. So I register republican to be able to influence local primaries.
I too am waiting for a Republican to emerge that is worthy of my vote. I supported the maverick McCain in 2000 but found the McCain of 2008 to be a shell of his former self and in the pocket of the extreme right wing.

If a Democratic candidate emerged in New Jersey that you liked, you could change party affiliation and vote in the Democratic primary, then still vote for whomever you wanted in the national election.

Personally, I think there should just be "primary day" and not have separate dates anyway. It was way too long and drawn out last year, and that's one of the reasons. Poor McCain won his primary in January and didn't know which Democratic candidate he would be opposing until the following June, Clinton or Obama.
Quote: Originally Posted by rightwinger
Republican party remains a party in exile...

They have no message
no candidates
no money

They will carry the "Stink of Bush" for a generation

If you are looking for bush stink...then sniff your wife's panties....

President Bush ran the country the way it needed to be run after 9/11......not a single Democrat has any balls so if Gore was President we would have sent Barney Frank to "negotiate" with Mullah Omar...gave bin Laden a box of cigars, a Viagra prescription and a week in the Lincoln bedroom with Monica Lewinski and planted 2900 trees in Central Park.
Republicans don't have a prayer. Their strategy of voting NO on everything and hoping for an economic collapse is backfiring. The economy is showing signs of reversing. By 2010 elections, the economy will be recovering, healthcare will be passed and troops will be pulling out of Iraq.

Hmmm.........unfortuanately, even the Obama people think unemployment will remain high for several years = political train wreck for the Dums..............
No way to spin unemployment #'s s0n.............

rightwinger - maggie:

I am another guy who voted Republican, was registered Republican, attended more Lincoln Day dinners than I care to count. But the Republican Party left me too.
When they stopped being a party of ideas and started becoming a party dominated by hateful vindictiveness, they lost us. We are the people whose existence the Republican Party refuses to acknowledge.
And until they start producing more ideas than insults, and more sound policy than sound bites, they will not win us back. And their "resurgence" will remain a message board fantasy.
rightwinger - maggie:

I am another guy who voted Republican, was registered Republican, attended more Lincoln Day dinners than I care to count. But the Republican Party left me too.
When they stopped being a party of ideas and started becoming a party dominated by hateful vindictiveness, they lost us. We are the people whose existence the Republican Party refuses to acknowledge.
And until they start producing more ideas than insults, and more sound policy than sound bites, they will not win us back. And their "resurgence" will remain a message board fantasy.

what a load of crap ^^^^. are such a phoney. Your posts over at the MSNBC boards made it clear that you are indeed a 21%'er k00k and always have been.

pwned again s0n...

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