Republicans Lose Impeachment Vote

More Border Agents?
Republicans blocked it

Tougher rules on asylum?
Republicans blocked it

Limits on the number of migrants?
Republicans blocked it

Help for communities housing migrants?
Republicans blocked it

More Fentanyl detection units?
Republicans blocked it

Who should be impeached?
From the bill itself, not some talking head's interpretation:

(2) an additional $350,000,000 shall be avail-6
able for transfer upon submission of a written cer-7
tification by the Secretary of Homeland Security, to8
the Committees on Appropriations of the House of9
Representatives and the Senate, that U.S. Immigra-10
tion and Customs Enforcement has—

Republicans blocked it.

(3) an additional $116,666,667 shall be avail-1
able for transfer upon submission of a written cer-2
tification by the Secretary of Homeland Security, to3
the Committees on Appropriations of the House of4
Representatives and the Senate, that U.S. Immigra-5
tion and Customs Enforcement has—

Republicans blocked it.

For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and Entrant6
Assistance’’, $350,000,000, to remain available until ex-7

Republicans blocked it.

This is a pork bill, except that it gives most of the pork to foreign dictators.

For an additional amount for ‘‘Economic Support15
Fund’’, $415,000,000, to remain available until Sep-16
tember 30, 2026: Provided, That of the total amount made17
available under this heading in this Act, $230,000,00018
shall be made available to increase foreign country capac-19
ity to accept and integrate returned and removed individ-20

Republicans blocked it.

For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Personnel,4
Air Force’’, $23,302,000, to remain available until Decem-5
ber 31, 2024, to respond to the situation in Ukraine and6
for related expenses:

Republicans blocked it
For an additional amount for ‘‘International Disaster7
Assistance’’, $850,000,000, to remain available until ex-8
pended, to address humanitarian needs in the Western9

Republicans blocked it.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Personnel,12
Space Force’’, $4,192,000, to remain available until De-13
cember 31, 2024, to respond to the situation in Ukraine14
and for related expenses:

The "Ukrainian Space Force?"


Yeah, uh . . . Republicans blocked it.
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1. Open borders are a national security threat. He let about 30,000 Chinese and 30,000 Russians into the US. Mayorkas is a threat to national security.

2. He lied to congress many times.

3. Not doing the job you were appointed to do is grounds for impeachment. Letting 10,000,000 illegals into the US is grounds for impeachment.
There are no grounds for impeachment.

Any issues with ‘the border’ is the fault of Congress for failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform; indeed, it’s the fault of Congressional Republicans due to their unwarranted opposition to comprehensive immigration reform – the currant border legislation shot down by Republicans is proof of that.
More proof of the Uni-Party
A 216 to 214 vote?

Think about how warped and damaged your rationality is right now. You just said that. About those vote numbers.

Think about the artificial handicap on your thought process that causes you to make these bizarre leaps at the slightest sound or change in the wind.

I mean it, take some time, think about it.
There are no grounds for impeachment.

Any issues with ‘the border’ is the fault of Congress for failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform; indeed, it’s the fault of Congressional Republicans due to their unwarranted opposition to comprehensive immigration reform – the currant border legislation shot down by Republicans is proof of that.

A 216 to 214 vote?

Think about how warped and damaged your rationality is right now. You just said that. About those vote numbers.

Think about the artificial handicap on your thought process that causes you to make these bizarre leaps at the slightest sound or change in the wind.

I mean it, take some time, think about it.

Word salad
A House GOP effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas failed in an embarrassing fashion Tuesday as three Republicans joined Democrats in voting against what would have been the second-ever impeachment of a Cabinet official.

The 214-216 vote is a stunning loss for a GOP that has faced continual pressure from its right flank to impeach a Biden official, even as the party has waffled over which one to focus on.

The failure came about because of the surprise appearance in the chamber of Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who showed up unexpected to vote against the bill.
Not particularly shocking, the party is largely made up of spineless shit.
Honest-to-Christ... you MAGA a$$wipe$ in Congress would screw-up a two-car funeral...

Alejandro needed to be spanked... hard... and you idiots couldn't even pull that off in the House of all places...

Re-tards... :mad:

There was no impeachable offense.
Honest-to-Christ... you MAGA a$$wipe$ in Congress would screw-up a two-car funeral...

Alejandro needed to be spanked... hard... and you idiots couldn't even pull that off in the House of all places...

Re-tards... :mad:
Honest-to-Christ... you MAGA a$$wipe$ in Congress would screw-up a two-car funeral...

Alejandro needed to be spanked... hard... and you idiots couldn't even pull that off in the House of all places...

Re-tards... :mad:

There was no impeacable offense. This was strickley showboating
You'll live, now stop annoying me

You're a little leftist tool
How disconcerting!

I bet you have a collection of "little tools".

Again, I kid, I kid.

So the impeachment fantasy failed again, I see.

How many times this year, across the multitude of fantasy GOP impeachments? I think that makes three. Not all by vote. A couple just by sheer public embarrassment.
How disconcerting!

I bet you have a collection of "little tools".

Again, I kid, I kid.

So the impeachment fantasy failed again, I see.

How many times this year, across the multitude of fantasy GOP impeachments? I think that makes three. Not all by vote. A couple just by sheer public embarrassment.

Go the fck away already, seriously
More Border Agents?
Republicans blocked it

Tougher rules on asylum?
Republicans blocked it

Limits on the number of migrants?
Republicans blocked it

Help for communities housing migrants?
Republicans blocked it

More Fentanyl detection units?
Republicans blocked it

Who should be impeached?

The illegals that beat up the NYC police officers….. that’s a Trump campaign add.

The illegal on the scooter that robbed and drag a seventy year old woman down the sidewalk smashing her into a pole…..Trump campaign add.
Between now and November there will be many many more.

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