Reps Frank and Paul to introduce bill ending federal mary jane prohibition

I agree with the Dr. on this issue but the timing of this does seem to be a bit off. Much more important things to address. This can wait. And it obviously wont help him in the Nomination process either. So i do agree with him but he really did screw the pooch on the timing of this.

You want we should wait another friggen 30 plus years for them to legalize something that never should have been made illegal in the first place.

At first blush one might wonder why MJ was made illegal, but a little cynisim suggests anything which might be grown anywhere and compete with alcohol, easy to make but can be a headache or worse if not done carefully, is a threat to industry.

Today think of the hit the drug pushers will take - both the legal and illegal varieties. Don't think the maker's of "Somas" marketed on our TV everyday want competiton, they'll make sure members of congress defeat the bill at any $$$. Donations are sure to rise if the bill makes it to the floor. Watch how your member of Congress votes and how many donations s/he receives from the pushers of drugs.
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maybe were you work you stupid ass......but then working in a slaughter house does that to ya......
Yeah, Skippy.....that's what I'm.....

Get back to me, when you're old-enough to work a a "professional"-environment.


sorry this one i could not many colors......acid sure a dildo like you understands......
.....would have been adequate, from you, after having been proven wrong.

I'm guessin' you're not old-enough to have a "couple" drinks, at lunch-time, and aren't familiar with the concept.​
I want someone to tell me how a person who advocates for taking power away from the federal gov't and giving it to the states, as well as removing a huge amount of spending, makes someone a "lib"?

Isn't that the Jeffersonian view? And wasn't he a liberal? :cool:

*ducks and runs for cover from all the 'classical' liberals aren't modern liberals rants*

Lol, but hey I'm just pointing out hypocrisy.

"Keep government out of my closet full of guns! But hey my neighbor has an unregulated plant in his closet, GET HIM!!!"

Disclaimer: I'm pro gun ownership
You'd think most thinking gun-owners would recognize the parallel, between the subjects; gun-ownership & recreational-drug that...BOTH are (only) as dangerous as they're used.​
As much as I agree with the legalization of pot, aren't there more pressing things? Like, I dunno, $14,000,000,000,000 debt and whatnot?

Maybe they are hoping that by passing this legislation that we will all be too high to even notice the bad debt they have gotten us into.

Collectively, the three conservative, right-wing administrations of Reagan, Bush I and Bush II contributed $9.3 trillion to the debt.

Is this who you were referring to?
Yeah, ol' grunt11b does have a tendency to over-use pronouns & generalizations.

Typically, people like that are easily sold, I don't think grunt11b has to worry about being "high", that often.
As much as I agree with the legalization of pot, aren't there more pressing things? Like, I dunno, $14,000,000,000,000 debt and whatnot?

Maybe they are hoping that by passing this legislation that we will all be too high to even notice the bad debt they have gotten us into.

yeah, the debt that Bush got started with his crew just before he left office ? Do not try and say he and his boys are innocent in this mess. Its dishonest.
His Daddy & "Uncle" ReRon did their share, as well.....

I agree with the Dr. on this issue but the timing of this does seem to be a bit off. Much more important things to address. This can wait. And it obviously wont help him in the Nomination process either. So i do agree with him but he really did screw the pooch on the timing of this.

I think it's the perfect time. He's fighting for our freedoms (whether we choose to exercise them or not). I don't think the government should have the right to tell an adult what they can and cannot do in the privacy of their own home.

At one time, Corporate America pretty-much had....

....that option.

"In order for the men to qualify for the $5.00 per day pay scale they had to meet certain criteria set up by Ford. He set up a special department modeled after the Inquisition called the Sociology Department."

I think The Government...or, probably Unions....eventually interfered with ol' Hank.​
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I agree with the Dr. on this issue but the timing of this does seem to be a bit off. Much more important things to address. This can wait. And it obviously wont help him in the Nomination process either. So i do agree with him but he really did screw the pooch on the timing of this.

You want we should wait another friggen 30 plus years for them to legalize something that never should have been made illegal in the first place.

At first blush one might wonder why MJ was made illegal, but a little cynisim suggests anything which might be grown anywhere and compete with alcohol, easy to make but can be a headache or worse if not done carefully, is a threat to industry.
When Corporate America gets involved, the last thing they worried-about is whether-or-not someone's gettin' "loaded".

June 23rd, 2011

"Today, a bi-partisan group of representatives introduced the first federal bill since 1937 aimed at ending marijuana prohibition. To coincide with the bill’s introduction NORML is launching a new public service announcement featuring NORML Advisory Board member, country music icon, and cannabis enthusiast Willie Nelson. Willie calls on you to support this important legislation and to contact your elected officials and encourage them to do the same."

[ame=]YouTube - ‪NORML PSA: Willie Nelson for Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition‬‏[/ame]​
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Easy Rider Marijuana and UFO's‬‏[/ame]​

PLAYBOY: Is it true, as one interviewer reported, that you smoked 155 joints during Easy Rider's campfire sequence?

NICHOLSON: That's a little exaggerated. But each time I did a take or an angle, it involved smoking almost an entire joint. We were smoking regular dope, pretty good Mexican grass from the state of Michoacán. Now, the main portion of this sequence is the transition from not being stoned to being stoned. So that after the first take or two, the acting job becomes reversed. Instead of being straight and having to act stoned at the end, I'm now stoned at the beginning and have to act straight and then gradually let myself return to where I was—which was very stoned. It was an unusual reverse acting problem. And Dennis was hysterical off camera most of the time this was happening. In fact, some of the things that you see in the film—like my looking away and trying to keep myself from breaking up—were caused by my looking at Dennis off camera over in the bushes, totally freaked out of his bird, laughing his head off while I'm in there trying to do my Lyndon Johnson and keep everything together.

Oh and get people out of jail who were busted for an ounce or two. Seriously, there are people doing years for 2 oz.'s.

The worst thing about putting users behind bars is that they come out worse than when they went in, in many cases. They are harder to employ and they become a long term detriment to society. Going to prison rarely turns people's lives around for the better. We have seen this over and over again. That doesn't mean that we should not imprison real criminals, but sending non-violent offenders there turns many of them into something much worse.

Have you ever seen Blow? It's an awesome movie if you haven't. You're post basically describes part of the plot. He goes in for marijuana trafficking, links up with an inmate who knows about coke and has connections, and when they gets released they set up their own international cocaine trafficking operation. One of his lines in the movie is something like, "I went in with a bachelors in marijuana, and came out with a PhD in cocaine".
You know what's weird, even though weed creates the munchies and all that, I've never actually met a fat stoner. It's not logical, but... :dunno:

Not necessarily illogical, just an improbable toss of the dice actually. There are plenty of fat stoners.

Yeah no doubt there are. I'm just figuring with for how many years I've been smoking and the different groups I've smoked with and new people I've met, by now I should have kicked it with a fat toker. But yeah improbable would be a better word than illogical.
Restoring our individual liberties is of paramount importance. For others to be able to tell another what he/she can put into their OWN bodies is not just wrong, it's a CRIME!
As much as I agree with the legalization of pot, aren't there more pressing things? Like, I dunno, $14,000,000,000,000 debt and whatnot?

This isn't legalization. It would take the federal gov't out of the law enforcement (arrests), and the prosecution, and the imprisonment of anyone when it came to drug crimes within any state's jurisdiction. You know, states rights?

Additionally, all that federal money that was previously spent on arresting, prosecuting, and jailing people for drug crimes can be spent on something else.

Btw, I hate weed lol...
For the vast majority of users marijuana is an absolutely harmless, non-addictive, euphoric tranquilizer.

For some it has a mind-expanding effect, causing them to contemplate things much more deeply than they normally would. Many artists, writers and musicians use marijuana to prime and expand their creativity

There is a category known as addictive personalities. Such individuals will even become addicted to such things as candy, soft drinks, etc., and this is the only category of marijuana users who claim to be addicted to it. Actually marijuana contains no medically recognized addictive components.

The bio-chemistry of a small percentage of people is such that THC induces a "bad trip," which typically includes extreme paranoia with accompanying hallucinations. These are the occasional "emergency room" cases we hear about. Has this been your experience? If not, what is you hate about weed?
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I agree with the Dr. on this issue but the timing of this does seem to be a bit off. Much more important things to address. This can wait. And it obviously wont help him in the Nomination process either. So i do agree with him but he really did screw the pooch on the timing of this.

You want we should wait another friggen 30 plus years for them to legalize something that never should have been made illegal in the first place.

At first blush one might wonder why MJ was made illegal, but a little cynisim suggests anything which might be grown anywhere and compete with alcohol, easy to make but can be a headache or worse if not done carefully, is a threat to industry.

Today think of the hit the drug pushers will take - both the legal and illegal varieties. Don't think the maker's of "Somas" marketed on our TV everyday want competiton, they'll make sure members of congress defeat the bill at any $$$. Donations are sure to rise if the bill makes it to the floor. Watch how your member of Congress votes and how many donations s/he receives from the pushers of drugs.

Making Pot legal would ether force druglords to go legit or take away a large portion of their income.
Dont need to read minds. I read history. When governments want to abuse power and control people they encourage behavior like this.

So you don't consider the absolutely counterproductive prohibition of marijuana to be an abuse of power and an utterly unnecessary control of the American People? You seem to be looking through the wrong end of the scope.
Does anyone know what the "Social Cost" of Marijuana use is? Is it as high as Alcohol?

Bloomberg: Legalize Marijuana for Tax Revenue?
Studies show that the U.S. collects about $8 billion yearly in taxes from alcohol. The problem is, the total cost to the U.S. in 2008 due to alcohol-related problems was $185 billion, and the government pays about 38% of that cost (approximately $72 billion), all due to consequences of alcohol consumption, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
Remember kids, FDR outlawed hemp.
While marijuana was legalized during FDR's administration there is some mitigation in that it was the era of credible Reefer Madness.

The real effort behind marijuana prohibition came from Wm. Randolph Hearst, who applied the political influence of his newspaper empire to demonize the "evil weed" and to have his future son-in-law appointed head of the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics. He was motivated to suppress marijuana by very significant financial concerns.

If the truth about marijuana were known back then I strongly doubt that FDR would have allowed the prohibition to go forward.

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