Sad milestone as inflation hits 20% under Joe Biden's incompetent leadership

So the data presented hurt your delicate feelings.


50 million jobs....because I say so.

Lie harder.

Nope, not because I say so. Because the BLS and Census Bureau says so.

Watching you squirm over this is so much fun.
Biden's inflation rate and approval rate are dangerously close to crossing over each other.

There's only one way out of this...

On Wednesday, the country hit a sad milestone: Inflation under President Biden hit 20 percent. The dollar’s value has plummeted under his watch. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also confirmed that the consumer price index is resurgent and growing faster than average wages. Combined with weak GDP growth, this data shows the U.S. economy is reentering stagflation.

Historic inflation is causing declining living standards and a cost-of-living crisis. Under Biden’s presidency, grocery prices have increased by nearly one-third and gas has risen by 50 percent. It feels like every daily convenience — from a turkey sandwich to some handyman help — has increased by 50 percent or more.

Yet Biden seems entirely out of touch with this reality. In a recent CNN interview, he responded to these inflation numbers by claiming, “They have the money to spend.” In reality, it now costs the average American family $12,000 more to maintain the same living standards as before President Biden took office.

Biden also tried to deflect from this consumer pain by claiming he inherited high inflation. Fact-check: Inflation was 1.4 percent when he took office.
But everything's going just fine. Besides, Biden promised that Bidenomics wouldn't hurt anyone earning less than 400K per year.

Last 3 Democratic presidents: 50 million jobs added
Last 3 Republican presidents: 1½ million jobs added

Cry harder.
All here with sources...

Fuck you must be embarrassed...

I don't know why Red States want jobs, ye fucks are the lads with the hand out expecting the Goverment to pay for shit...

Ye are the freeloaders... The Demcrats are just figuring out how to pay for your lifestyle of born dumb, stay dumb and do fuck all, blame Democrats..
Nope, not because I say so. Because the BLS and Census Bureau says so.

Watching you squirm over this is so much fun.

Yep. Watching your silly "because I say so" weasel is funny.

Watching you deflect and sidestep is so much fun.
Yep. Watching your silly "because I say so" weasel is funny.

Watching you deflect and sidestep is so much fun.

Not my problem you can't comprehend I posted a link to the BLS, proving 50m to 1½million.

Not my problem you can't comprehend I posted a link to the BLS, proving 50m to 1½million.


That link comes with caveats and disclaimers you won't admit to.

Not my problem you don't understand what you cut and paste.
Nonsense. My taxes provide benefits for me. Whereas inflation goes into the pockets of businesses who raise their prices.
Inflation is a tax increase on everyone and Biden and the left have increased taxes on Americans to the tune of 20% in less than four years. Bury your head in the sand if you want but Americans are feeling it, making Biden very unpopular and Trump ahead in every single swing state. You might find this article from CNN (not Fox News) interesting:


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