Sad milestone as inflation hits 20% under Joe Biden's incompetent leadership

If that were the case and voters were feeling it, then Biden’s approval ratings wouldn’t be in the shitter.

If Biden wins, it won’t be because of his economic record. It will be because more people vote against Trump.
Inflation is a global condition caused by COVID and the Ukraine war.
The US has handled it better than most countries
Such nonsense. People returning to work after democrat lockdowns account for the phony "15 million jobs"

Millions more people are working today than before COVID

Thank Bidenomics
Inflation is a global condition caused by COVID and the Ukraine war.
The US has handled it better than most countries
Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was anything but. Plus, his energy policies have pushed gas prices higher on average throughout his tenure.

If Americans aren’t feeling it and are simply listening to COVID and Ukraine as an excuse, it’s going to put his reelection in jeopardy.

Your best bet is hate for Trump; not Biden’s economic performance.
Millions more people are working today than before COVID

Thank Bidenomics

Millions more have returned to work after the Wuhan virus

Thank Biden for more continuing disasters.

The labor market looks more like Swiss cheese, with job growth being mostly limited to foreigners doing part-time work in only a few parts of the country.

The number of Americans with second jobs increased by 1.6 million in the last three years, and that doesn’t include those who had to take on a third job.

The stark reality is that native-born Americans have seen no progress in terms of jobs over the last four years—in fact, they’ve gone backwards.
Biden's inflation rate and approval rate are dangerously close to crossing over each other.

There's only one way out of this...

On Wednesday, the country hit a sad milestone: Inflation under President Biden hit 20 percent. The dollar’s value has plummeted under his watch. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also confirmed that the consumer price index is resurgent and growing faster than average wages. Combined with weak GDP growth, this data shows the U.S. economy is reentering stagflation.

Historic inflation is causing declining living standards and a cost-of-living crisis. Under Biden’s presidency, grocery prices have increased by nearly one-third and gas has risen by 50 percent. It feels like every daily convenience — from a turkey sandwich to some handyman help — has increased by 50 percent or more.

Yet Biden seems entirely out of touch with this reality. In a recent CNN interview, he responded to these inflation numbers by claiming, “They have the money to spend.” In reality, it now costs the average American family $12,000 more to maintain the same living standards as before President Biden took office.

Biden also tried to deflect from this consumer pain by claiming he inherited high inflation. Fact-check: Inflation was 1.4 percent when he took office.

The macistas are desperately trying to spin this. They already tried the "inlflation was 9 percent when I took office" lie but the populace sniffed that out 50 miles away.
Millions more have returned to work after the Wuhan virus

Thank Biden for more continuing disasters.

The labor market looks more like Swiss cheese, with job growth being mostly limited to foreigners doing part-time work in only a few parts of the country.

The number of Americans with second jobs increased by 1.6 million in the last three years, and that doesn’t include those who had to take on a third job.

The stark reality is that native-born Americans have seen no progress in terms of jobs over the last four years—in fact, they’ve gone backwards.

I am not taking cherry picked data from Heritage Foundation seriously

Show something from BLS
Inflation is a global condition caused by COVID and the Ukraine war.
The US has handled it better than most countries

US inflation is a function of out of control spending by democrats.

Scott: The Biden administration’s spending policies caused this economic pain​

US inflation is a function of out of control spending by democrats.

Scott: The Biden administration’s spending policies caused this economic pain​

So Republican Tim Scott believes that
Color me surprised
Such nonsense. People returning to work after democrat lockdowns account for the phony "15 million jobs"

Your dodge is noted.

Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
One of the main reasons for inflation was the price of Oil...

Now here is a 101 microeconomics lesson... If cut supply of a product and demand stay constant the price goes up... So if you expect increased demand and you would like to increase supply...

So take a bow... Trump caused a huge problem and passed it to Biden... Biden then go wages to rise ahead on Inflation (the only thing he could do because trump used up all the leverage)....

So thank you for showing why the fuck we should never vote for trump again
Millions more have returned to work after the Wuhan virus

Thank Biden for more continuing disasters.

The labor market looks more like Swiss cheese, with job growth being mostly limited to foreigners doing part-time work in only a few parts of the country.

The number of Americans with second jobs increased by 1.6 million in the last three years, and that doesn’t include those who had to take on a third job.

The stark reality is that native-born Americans have seen no progress in terms of jobs over the last four years—in fact, they’ve gone backwards.


Last 3 Democratic presidents: 50 million jobs added
Last 3 Republican presidents: 1½ million jobs added

Cry harder.

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