Rep Elijah Cummings (D) Faces 5 Years

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
This has been alluded to in other threads but it deserves one of its own.

I have been curious about Cummings' behavior in the entire IRS scandal. He released full transcripts of some interviews and claimed he had solved the mystery: it was all the fault of some lowly IRS lawyer, a conservative Republican of course.
Then Cummings staged a fauxrage to deflect attention from Lerner taking the 5th, after she agreed to testify. The news story was "Cummings demands apology", not "Lerner takes the 5th and reneges."
Cummings seems like he has been trying to give this investigation a flat tire from day one. Why?

So now we know. Cummings himself was neck deep in the scandal, asking the IRS to put pressure on "True the Vote", a conservative org. He failed to disclose any of this to Issa. And now he faces 5 years if found guilty. He wont be. A black Democrat in Congress has the closest thing to a Get oUt of Jail Free card this country offers.
Democrat Elijah Cummings Faces Up to Five Years in Federal Prison | The Gateway Pundit
Not only Elijah Cummings, the IRS gave confidential tax records of their Republican opponents to many Democrats.

They silenced the voices of over 600 Conservative organizations while 'rubber stamping' Liberal applications for the same classification.
They covered up the Benghazi murders so Obama could falsely claim to have eliminated Al Qaeda.
Rampant voter fraud in South Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Philadelphia, Chicago, and other locations.
Harry Reid, from the Well of the Senate, accusing Mitt Romney of Income Tax fraud.

If you truly believe Obama won in a fair election you have rocks in your head!
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Not only Elijah Cummings, the IRS gave confidential tax records of their Republican opponnets to many Democrats.

I agree. Schumer was another one. This hasnt come up yet. And it when it does the press will sweep it under the carpet.
It is far reaching and systemic. We need to outlaw the Democrat Party.
First of all let me beat our liberal friends in calling you a racist. Certainly that is your objective, oh wait Learner isn't black, so you are a racist misogynist.

Maybe these stories don't get a lot of play because they are like the story of the light photographed on Mars. Yeah interesting but nothing to get to excited about it is too bizzard to think there are Martians living inside the planet. Same with this, this is such a story of corruption that it just can't be true. At least that has to be what the MSM thinks.

Besides, democrats cheat, and dogs bite men. Nothing new.

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