Remember, there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” Albright said.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Madeleine Albright Says Hillary Clinton Is Going To Hell

It turns out it’s not just Hillary Clinton who is lacking in self-awareness; her surrogates are equally blind to her duplicitous nature. In trying to make a point that Hillary is the pro-women’s issues candidate, Madeleine Albright ended up saying that Clinton is going to burn in the infernal pits of hell.

“And just remember, there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” Albright said.

There was tremendous applause and Hillary Clinton nearly pissed herself with laughter. The thing is, Hillary doesn’t help other women, she only helps herself, so I guess the jokes on her: she’s going to hell.

Hillary’s first ticket to hell comes from the way she treated the women who accused her husband Bill of rape and infidelity. Though Hillary has said that victims of sexual assault have a right to be believed, she never believed any of the women Bad Billy poked and grouped, both consensually and otherwise. In fact, Hillary helped smear the reputations of these women, characterizing them as sluts and bimbos. That ain’t helping women.

Next, Hillary has booked passage on the Hades Express when she said she considers all Republicans to be her biggest enemies. There are around 47 million Republican women in this country and Hillary hates them all with a passion. You definitely ain’t helping women when you consider nearly 50 million of them to be your mortal enemy.

Finally, Hillary has a fast-pass to hell because she is a rabid supporter of abortion. She so nuts on this subject that she thinks it’s totally cool to kill a fully formed unborn baby right up until birth. There are roughly 1 million abortions in the US every year, and if the law of averages works out, about half of those unborn victims are female. By no stretch of the imagination does she help women if she advocates the killing of a half million of them every year.

Madeleine Albright Says Hillary Clinton Is Going To Hell

That's real nice, Albright. You can go back under your rock, now.
Albright sorta looks like Beetlejuice

You have to question Hillary and her staff to allow this type of fear tactics. Seems pretty demeaning to women that they can't just make up their own minds what is best for themselves.
It is funny to see than religion hating, G-d denying left..... suddenly invoke hell and g-d, when it's all about you voting for them. Does anyone else see the endless humor in that?

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