Reasoned Discourse

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.

So, you've made a career of being a traitor—of promoting the interests of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own countrymen. And the point of this thread was to defend this scumbaggery on your part.

Misunderstanding of terms can lead to irrational conclusions.
But it is YOU who has REFUSED to define the terms OR reply to the question. Do YOU teach ILLEGALS for money?

I don't ask my students about their status. I'm not an ICE agent or an immigration lawyer. The Supreme Court has ruled that all student-age people in the country are to be educated, remember?
Well, you had me right up until you defended the illegals. Do your job with legal immigrants all day, best of luck, hope they do well. Once you compare them to illegals then fuck off.They're illegal, therefore criminal and if you are getting a single dime for doing what you do from government it should be taken away the moment you give any illegal any help. You should actually be a person responsible for reporting these illegals if you're getting government funding. If you don't do that then maybe you're the one that needs to lose his job.

More than that, he needs to be prosecuted for treason. We used to deal with such traitorous filth as Unkotare by the use of a firing squad.

How messed up is it, that someone can openly confess to treason, in a public forum such as this, with no fear of legal consequences?

Not a lawyer, are you?

I don't need to be. I can read Section III, Article 3 of the Constitution, and understand what treason is, as defined there. And I can see how the crimes which you openly admit to having committed meet that definition. I can also know of the history of how our nation has dealt in the past with filthy traitors such as yourself, and wish that it would do so now.

Find a real lawyer and ask him. Learn something.
.... Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.

Reasonable responses to illegal immigration does not make one weak minded, hysterical, or ignorant.

What reasonable people do is get angry when our concerns are not addressed by our government. Today isn't like yesterday. Yesterday, immigrants didn't get government handouts when arriving in this country. It is something we simply cannot afford.

We are a "mature" economy. Massive assimilation is not gonna happen today. We will not be creating millions of jobs anymore. Globalization, automation, and mechanization will see to that.

Personally, I would like to see all immigration stopped for a while, until we figure out what we want as a nation. As for me, I don't see any advantage to making our country even more populated, based on current economic reality and quality of life issues.

Immigrants today understand the importance of learning English and assimilating, just as those who came before them did.
In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.

So, you've made a career of being a traitor—of promoting the interests of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own countrymen. And the point of this thread was to defend this scumbaggery on your part.

Misunderstanding of terms can lead to irrational conclusions.
But it is YOU who has REFUSED to define the terms OR reply to the question. Do YOU teach ILLEGALS for money?

I don't ask my students about their status. I'm not an ICE agent or an immigration lawyer. The Supreme Court has ruled that all student-age people in the country are to be educated, remember?
Obama and Eric Holder issued a GUIDELINE not a law. Trump and Sessions CAN revoke that guideline.
New guidelines ban schools from conducting immigration checks on kids -
Assimilation IS taking place today, and we are NOT going to "stop" immigration for several years despite the fantasies of the fearful.
Of course, immigrants today are assimilating just as generations before them have.
Assimilation? Really? Must be why We have so many Spanish interpreters in courtrooms or Spanish language radio or TV stations now, that's assimilation. Last time I was a juror, we needed a Spanish language person to interpret the whole situation for us, and, ironically enough, the bad guy hurt some other Mexican, he's is going to serve a year in jail, then he gets deported, because it's the LAW. Funny how the law works.
.... Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.
I bet the property values suck in your neighborhood.

I personally don't see why we cannot start vigorously enforcing current immigration laws and grandfather in the existing illegals with the condition that they become documented and they attain citizenship if they are going to stay, except for the criminals. The criminals need to be deported.
Bad move to grandfather them in. They need to go. America would be much better without them and our law abiding natural born Citizens would be safer.
While I agree with your sentiment, I fear that the media fueled backlash that will result if we start rounding them up in mass will undermine the entire operation. Thus, giving certain groups amnesty may get us closer to what we really seek.

We gave them amnesty once. If we do it again, will any illegal really believe we won't do it a third time?

Nope. It has to stop here and now.

There are some rainbow-colored, unicorn-riding air-heads who gas on about "no borders" nonsense, but they seem to be a distinct minority in the real world.
So how do you square this with your illegals are people too and need your help rant?

Rant? What rant?
You just had a giant post about immigrants and in the end went all soft on illegal's. I'm honestly confused by you right now. Would never have expected you to be so pro illegal.
Immigrants today understand the importance of learning English and assimilating, just as those who came before them did.
How about you walk your ass into an islamic refuge area and say "I'm here to assimulate" and see how that sh#t works.

I have worked to help Muslim refugees resettle in the US many times. They have been - each one - human beings, and very grateful for the opportunity. How about you look into the eyes of an old man who has lived in a refugee camp for 20 years, or his grandchildren who have lived nowhere else, and spout your talking points? You wouldn't. Internet bluster aside, you are probably a human being.
Liberals are the side that thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

She is. Deal with it, bigot. Nobody cares about your sick perverted prejudices.

Liberals are the side that thinks that a sick homosexual mockery of a marriage is in any way comparable to a genuine marriage.

If love offends you, tough. Deal with it, bigot.

Liberals are the side that deny the humanity and the basic human rights of the youngest, most innocent, and most defenseless of all human beings.

You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. Only liars and lunatics say that they think that.

Liberals are the side that openly upholds madness over reason, perversion over decency, and evil over good.

And Liberals are the side that thinks that they can take these insane, delusional, evil positions, and at the same time, claim to be the side that is “attached to reality”.

Satan clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

Another reason why it's so good to be a liberal is that, unlike you, we won't be burning in hell for all of eternity. Repent of your evil ways, before it's too late.

Bruce Jenner is not a woman. Not physically, not psychologically, and not genetically.

If you really think the left believes in reality, this is a prime example of why everyone else thinks they don't.

In liberal land, if Jenner believes he is a tree, the left would celebrate it. But Jenner would not be a tree, no matter how hard you wish it so.

There are some rainbow-colored, unicorn-riding air-heads who gas on about "no borders" nonsense, but they seem to be a distinct minority in the real world.
So how do you square this with your illegals are people too and need your help rant?

Rant? What rant?
You just had a giant post about immigrants and in the end went all soft on illegal's. I'm honestly confused by you right now. Would never have expected you to be so pro illegal.

Illegal immigration is obviously wrong. Illegal immigrants should not be in the US and the government has an obligation to secure our borders (not "close" them or pretend to any of the juvenile Rambo nonsense posted here on the subject). That having been said, the great majority of illegal immigrants are not rapists and murderers. They are human beings.

Reasoned discourse, remember?
Liberals are the side that thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

She is. Deal with it, bigot. Nobody cares about your sick perverted prejudices.

Liberals are the side that thinks that a sick homosexual mockery of a marriage is in any way comparable to a genuine marriage.

If love offends you, tough. Deal with it, bigot.

Liberals are the side that deny the humanity and the basic human rights of the youngest, most innocent, and most defenseless of all human beings.

You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. Only liars and lunatics say that they think that.

Liberals are the side that openly upholds madness over reason, perversion over decency, and evil over good.

And Liberals are the side that thinks that they can take these insane, delusional, evil positions, and at the same time, claim to be the side that is “attached to reality”.

Satan clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

Another reason why it's so good to be a liberal is that, unlike you, we won't be burning in hell for all of eternity. Repent of your evil ways, before it's too late.

Bruce Jenner is not a woman. Not physically, not psychologically, and not genetically.

If you really think the left believes in reality, this is a prime example of why everyone else thinks they don't.

In liberal land, if Jenner believes he is a tree, the left would celebrate it. But Jenner would not be a tree, no matter how hard you wish it so.

I like this new guy, he has balls!
Immigrants today understand the importance of learning English and assimilating, just as those who came before them did.
How about you walk your ass into an islamic refuge area and say "I'm here to assimulate" and see how that sh#t works.

I have worked to help Muslim refugees resettle in the US many times. They have been - each one - human beings, and very grateful for the opportunity. How about you look into the eyes of an old man who has lived in a refugee camp for 20 years, or his grandchildren who have lived nowhere else, and spout your talking points? You wouldn't. Internet bluster aside, you are probably a human being.

I would guess that probably half the planet wants to move here. They are all people that should get an opportunity. Maybe its time that they make their opportunity in their home lands.


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