This Place is Getting Darker.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed. But when it's almost all darkness what's the point? "Let the dead bury the dead"--Luke 9:59-60

To those of you not overcome with darkness, God bless. I think we're in for some hard times.
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed.

You said it Sue. The forces that stole the 2020 election and drove Biden into office are nothing short of pure evil, and it is built upon years and years of driving hatred and lies against Trump for all of their base.

Now, having spent billions upon billions to no avail, and dozens upon dozens of crooked, parsed, and failed impeachments and hearings, Trump is stronger than ever, supported more than ever, leaving the Left with nothing but their hate.

And with that will come nothing but violence and desperation. All the more reason why Trump must win, to expose what the Left really are and like a fire, put them out and destroy their extremism lest this evil rot consume this country once and for all.

To give in and succumb to it and not elect Trump would only SECURE this evil's hold on our country once and for all.
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed. But when it's almost all darkness what's the point? "Let the dead bury the dead"--Luke 9:59-60

To those of you not overcome with darkness, God bless. I think we're in for some hard times.
We hold the same current view -- you would have to be dim witted not to see it--- but have different reasons for explanation .
Suffice to say we do travel successfully through this period of Chaos and come out collectively as benefitters within the new age of Aquarius .
It will take more than a few years before we truly move into "sunnier" times but , as ever , it is all part of the process or pre-determined collective cosmic path .

The level of chaos and social disruption increases hugely but there are no nuclear wars or Ends Of Time .
Just the process .
The Big Ugly continues and worsens, involves more violence and then on a collective basis
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You said it Sue. The forces that stole the 2020 election and drove Biden into office are nothing short of pure evil, and it is built upon years and years of driving hatred and lies against Trump for all of their base.

Now, having spent billions upon billions to no avail, and dozens upon dozens of crooked, parsed, and failed impeachments and hearings, Trump is stronger than ever, supported more than ever, leaving the Left with nothing but their hate.

And with that will come nothing but violence and desperation. All the more reason why Trump must win, to expose what the Left really are and like a fire, put them out and destroy their extremism lest this evil rot consume this country once and for all.

To give in and succumb to it and not elect Trump would only SECURE this evil's hold on our country once and for all.

The darkness is political, of course, but it's more than that too. It has permeated so much of life. Well, here anyway, and other places. Not my real life at all, thank God
The enemies of America take consolation in the absurd bitterness of well-off people pretending to be desperate and willing to kill.
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed. But when it's almost all darkness what's the point? "Let the dead bury the dead"--Luke 9:59-60

To those of you not overcome with darkness, God bless. I think we're in for some hard times.
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed. But when it's almost all darkness what's the point? "Let the dead bury the dead"--Luke 9:59-60

To those of you not overcome with darkness, God bless. I think we're in for some hard times.
the best solution to darkness is light. Bring the light. It's beebeen dark in here for awhile reminds me of Ontario. Places become dark and creepy when people are.
This forum has always had its trolls and haters, but man, it's dark lately. The viciousness is dark. As I just said to a poster, darkness cannot be reasoned with; it can only be exposed. But when it's almost all darkness what's the point? "Let the dead bury the dead"--Luke 9:59-60

To those of you not overcome with darkness, God bless. I think we're in for some hard times.

Yes, yes we are. I get the feeling this is like the collective madness that led to WWI.

Personally I think it's healthy that we are not trusting the government or religions as much as we used to.

WWI, when you read the histories, starting in about 1908, there was this collective madness that struck Europe. Pretty much every country wanted war, and it was from the poorest to the richest.

Everybody wanted it.
No it's not.

It's the same as it ever was to quote David Byrne
Since covid the light has dimmed the darkness expanding. Add the attacks on Ukrsine and Israel and there is simply too much sorrow to go around.
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Since covid the light has dimmed the darkness expanding. Add the attacks ofpn Ukrsine and Israel and there is simply too much sorrow to go around.
No it hasn't.

COVID was a temporary inconvenience.

And humans have been warring since there have been humans there has never been any time period where humans were not warring somewhere.

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