Reasoned Discourse


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Now, I may not be the poster child for reasoned discourse, but it seems awfully hard to come by when the topic has anything to do with immigration. This need not be so.
GOOD , ii hope that YOU are disheartened . most normal Americans realize that imported third worlders flooding the USA is a bad thing for themselves and for their kids . :afro:
Now, I may not be the poster child for reasoned discourse, but it seems awfully hard to come by when the topic has anything to do with immigration. This need not be so.

You are not. IF something hits one of your buttons you resort to nearly lefty like tactics.
It's difficult to have reasoned conversation when one side, the right, has proudly rejected reason, by stating that any facts that contradict the party line are "fake news".

The liberals don't do that. The two sides are nothing alike. The liberal side is attached to reality, the conservative side isn't, and it's a load of crap to pull some phony equivalence song-and-dance and pretend that both sides are the same.
Don't be downhearted, friend. I am here to save you from any dissolution. You want wheat from the chaff? Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?
So what's the topic already? Oh! immigration. So that's been established. What's your take?
It's difficult to have reasoned conversation when one side, the right, has proudly rejected reason...

The liberals don't do that. The two sides are nothing alike. The liberal side is attached to reality, the conservative side isn't......

This kind of partisan nonsense is a big part of the problem.
Now, I may not be the poster child for reasoned discourse, but it seems awfully hard to come by when the topic has anything to do with immigration. This need not be so.
Maybe start with your stance on it then we can reply. I can start with mine. I'm 100% against any illegal ever getting to stay in this country. Where is your stance?
It's difficult to have reasoned conversation when one side, the right, has proudly rejected reason...

The liberals don't do that. The two sides are nothing alike. The liberal side is attached to reality, the conservative side isn't......

This kind of partisan nonsense is a big part of the problem.
I live in a state that would rank in the top 5 for illegals. What do you tell the LEGAL Mexican American when he loses his job to an illegal? Because that IS what happens.
Mexicans. Wow, they are so...what are they? They love violence, Bull AND cock fighting and blood sports, Macho. Hate is one thing, but this male drive to dominate and force, you seem to have a affinity for that, don't you? All that martial arts stuff you are into, male driven bullshit.
I recently helped this Hispanic woman from her abusive husband, She didn't speak English but I understood her perfectly well, good people help each other, they don't exploit or slam each other, do you get that?
Things need to be agreed on by both sides.

There is a difference between immigrants and illegal aliens and they should not be lumped together.

Not all illegal aliens are bad. Some overstayed their visas and just don't want to leave this wonderful country. That still doesn't mean a free pass.

Drug cartels, terrorists, and human traffickers are taking advantage of our porous borders and it needs to stop.

We cannot afford more people on the doles and certainly do not need to import them.

Mexico and other countries should be called on the carpet for not helping their people enough.

It's not America's responsibility to go further into debt by taking care of everyone else's problems. As much criticism as we get, we're the first called when other countries need help.

Muslim countries need to step up and take in refugees since they are quite able to afford it.

We've always been a generous nation. Sadly, generosity is something that often gets taken advantage of and it causes people to be less willing to help. It's okay to put limits on what we do. We don't have the money and it's true that charity must begin at home. Until our homeless citizens have a roof over their heads and food, we shouldn't pass them over to help foreigners coming in.
It's difficult to have reasoned conversation when one side, the right, has proudly rejected reason, by stating that any facts that contradict the party line are "fake news".

The liberals don't do that. The two sides are nothing alike. The liberal side is attached to reality, the conservative side isn't, and it's a load of crap to pull some phony equivalence song-and-dance and pretend that both sides are the same.
Mexicans. Wow, they are so...what are they? They love violence, Bull AND cock fighting and blood sports, Macho. Hate is one thing, but this male drive to dominate and force, you seem to have a affinity for that, don't you? All that martial arts stuff you are into, male driven bullshit.
I recently helped this Hispanic woman from her abusive husband, She didn't speak English but I understood her perfectly well, good people help each other, they don't exploit or slam each other, do you get that?
Bull fighting is mainly Spain and cock fighting I saw practiced by white hillbilly's in Missouri.
.... Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.
I've never understood the need for any immigration into the USA except for importing some few first world exceptional people that are exceptional people .
.... Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.
Please define YOUR idea of immigrant. Did they come here legal or not?
.... Try living with illegal aliens for a couple of weeks, no, months, yea, YEARS and get back to us. Would you condescend to ACTUALLY dealing with issue BEFORE making judgement to those that have, perchance?

In case anyone was wondering, I have far more, deeper, and more meaningful experience with immigration of all sorts than many who might have noise to make. I have lived and worked with, for, among and on behalf of immigrant communities for all of my adult life. I have been an immigrant, I have worked on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers, I have (and do) taught immigrants - of varying status - from elementary through graduate school and beyond. I work everyday in a (very) inner city public school district where I devote all my energies to helping immigrant high school students to learn and achieve. After that, I coach students - many immigrants or first generation - before then going to tutor a very different immigrant community or teaching at a college where my classes are adult immigrant learners. I then go home where very many of my friends and neighbors are immigrants of all sorts. I understand how and why illegal immigration is a problem for this country, and also how and why even illegal immigrants - without mitigating the legal part - are actual human beings and not just a vessel for the fears of the weak-minded, hysterical, and ignorant.
-------------------------------------- sounds like you make your living by servicing immigrants of all sorts !! No wonder that you are pro immigrant !!
I've never understood the need for any immigration into the USA except for importing some few first world exceptional people that are exceptional people .

Any examination of demographics would be edifying.
I always liked apples, but they were never like oranges. Just like Immigrants aren't like illegal aliens, but kinda sorta, but not. Let's don't mix the two.

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