Rasmussen Is a Neo-Con Tool

Rasmussen's BIAS is nothing new. Here's his BUSH approval polls from 2005, compared to everyone else. Notice anything peculiar? :lol:

Well, there's the thing... the way Rasmussen asks it's questions, it's less that it's "unreliable" per se and more that the questions beg certain responses that are skewed to the right. Then right wing pundits and bloggers and partisans use those skewed results.

We do know that the results have issues... that doesn't matter to the people who find the numbers to their advantage.

don't use your legal words to snub rasmussen....they are like any other poll group

per se

really.....they are per se jillian? maybe you want them malum prohibitum

i'm sorry you aren't smart enough to follow along. *shrug*

i kind of feel bad for you though... you have this weird need to troll my posts and continue to make yourself look silly.

feeling lonely? i respond to your posts rarely and when i do, you respond like this....if you need special attention, there are plenty of 900 numbers you can call....

if you want to stop looking like an idiot, don't post legal words in a context that makes no sense
Designed to skew things in favor of Republicans and all things Neo-Con.

Why can't you neo-cons see/accept that?

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Is Rasmussen Reports Biased?
Rasmussen's Polling Stirs Bias Debate -- Politics Daily
How Rasmussen's right-wing bias has made it a laughing stock among major pollsters - LiveDaily Community
National Ledger - Scott Rasmussen Accused of Bias - Rasmussen Reports Polls Scrutiny

FiveThirtyEight.com said:
Now, what you do need to be aware of is that Rasmussen's opinion is one among many. They might turn out to be right -- but so might all of the other pollsters who have a different opinion about the electorate. If you're running a news organization and you tend to cite Rasmussen's polls disproportionately, it probably means that you are biased -- it does not necessarily mean that Rasmussen is biased.

* * *

But there are other respects in which I'm much less sympathetic to Rasmussen's case. In particular, this has to do with their choices of question wording and subject matter. The Politico question, for instance, points toward an August question in which Rasmussen asked "It’s always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money.” That is not a question designed to elicit the most accurate reflection of public opinion.


Notice how Rasmussen uses very vague phrases like "likely voters" which should be read as "voters likely to vote for/favor republicans" and "pretty similar" as in "their numbers are pretty similar to ours" where "pretty similar" is not a defined range and varies substantially.

Notice also how Bill O'Reilly gently spoonfeeds Scottie all the necessary talking points.


Too bad for you he is one of the most accurate pollsters around. :lol:
Because it better gives lefties the results they want to get.

Yes, and that is the only reason. Polling non-voters is without a doubt intentionally skewing the results away from relevance. It just proves that as much as it is true that the more educated someone is the more likely they are to vote that the less educated someone is the more likely they are to side with the democrats.
Anything that benefits the Right makes marc shout Neo-Con..

Yet, he still labels all the Right leaning folks on here Neo-Cons without actually knowing who they are or what they believe in.

When he had the Dems in front, he was great, now he's a 'neocon tool'.

Do you wake up and decide you will make a fool of yourself on a message board or is it just spontanious?

When has Scott Rasmussen EVER skewed to the left of other polls?

Please feel free to give us an example, any example.
Feel free to grow a finctioning brain half wit.

Rassmussen predicted on the money 2006, 2008 and the two gov electonions this year.

Partisan morons like you however are driven insane because he's predicting what will happen and you are desperate to have that not happen.
So does any liberal here have an answer as to why we should poll non-voters? Why do we even bother to poll Americans? Or limit it to just the homeless.
For all the derision directed toward pre-election polling, the final poll estimates were not
far off from the actual nationwide voteshares for the two candidates. On average, preelection
polls from 23 public polling organizations projected a Democratic advantage of
7.52 percentage points on Election Day, which is only about 1.37 percentage points away
from the current estimate of a 6.15-point Obama margin in the national popular vote.
Following the procedures proposed by Martin, Traugott and Kennedy (see Public Opinion
Quarterly, Fall 2006, pp. 342-369) to assess poll accuracy, I analyze poll estimates from
these 23 polling organizations. Four of these polls appear to have overestimated McCain
support (indicated with a * below), while most polls (17) overestimated Obama strength.
Pre-election projections for two organizations’ final polls—Rasmussen and Pew—were
perfectly in agreement with the actual election result (**).

The following list ranks the 23 organizations by the accuracy of their final, national preelection
polls (as reported on pollster.com).
1. Rasmussen (11/1-3)**
1. Pew (10/29-11/1)**
2. YouGov/Polimetrix (10/18-11/1)
3. Harris Interactive (10/20-27)
4. GWU (Lake/Tarrance) (11/2-3)*
5. Diageo/Hotline (10/31-11/2)*

http://www.fordham.edu/images/acade...ccuracy in the 2008 presidential election.pdf

Doesn't sound too much like a polling company bent on trying to skew the facts.

Meanwhile, Fox is still saying mcCain is leading and will win the presidency. Go McCain, go sarah, go fox. Please.

Opinion Dynamics Corporation

Zona that is where Fox gets a lot of it's polling data from, but what I posted was a study done at Fordham University and not by Fox or anyone else. My contention is that a polling company puts out the data and it's up to the networks to do with that as they wish, for a company to skew data on purpose is self defeating for a company in the polling business and is rather like an airline going into all it's aircraft and taking half the seats out.
Rasmussen's BIAS is nothing new. Here's his BUSH approval polls from 2005, compared to everyone else. Notice anything peculiar? :lol:


Well, what I find peculiar is that somehow Rasmussen managed to miraculously engineer a methodology that

1. Always gave the Republican GW Bush HIGHER THAN AVERAGE job approval ratings, and

2. Always gives the Democrat Barack Obama LOWER THAN AVERAGE job approval ratings.

And still there are people who wonder why the right will defend to the death Rasmussen's credibility.
All you have to do is look at the poll questions.. there is nothing misleading... just that usually there are more choices than the simple approve or disapprove...

I am on the Gallup panel and I detest the simple approve or disapprove choices... would like more degrees of approval... would love to have the option to say strongly disapprove for things such as government run or funded healthcare... or somewhat approve for something like a question on cutting the number of earmarks...

funny thing is too that places like Fox also use gallup, Zogby and others.. because to get a better picture, more views and angles are needed

And if Media Matters hates Rasmussen, the guy has to be doing something right
Meanwhile, none of this matters at all.

The President's and Congress' approval ratings will go back up as soon as the economy starts really picking up again.

Which it has been showing every sign of doing.


It's all a question of how fast the recovery occurs. The real question is:

Will Republicans be able to delay a recovery until the 2010 elections so they can gain politically?
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:lol: Republicans 'delay' the recovery??? :lol: How are they going to do that? With their magic wand?? Too funny.

Don't worry yourself, your Dems haven't even spent most of the stimulus money yet, they're waiting until closer to election time so they can give a false picture of 'improvement' in the economy.

AllGov - News - 85% of Stimulus Funds Still to be Spent

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