Zone1 Racism is not the cause of inequality in the United States....but you won't like the real reason....

It's nothing but petulant whining when first worlders suggest we are anything but privileged.

Not petulant whining at all. A simple statement of truth.

And yes, we are privileged and fortunate to be living in the great nation. I have traveled outside the US and have seen the differences between nations.

But to deny the huge gulf between the 1% and the other 99% is to be willfully blind. Look at the earnings of CEOs and other corporate leaders and the vast majority of our population.
Didn't say you should, but it looks ridiculous when people as privileged as us throw temper tantrums over how hard life is.

Who said about life being hard? It's about people not wanting to admit to the hard reasons for problems in this country and instead finding excuses, diversions, and reasons to perpetuate the situation.

"Check your privilege" is nothing but a deflection from trying to discuss actual issues by trying to create artificial gravitas as a counter-response.
Racism has always been the social Cross on the Hill for our society.

I have no doubt the homers on the hard right and the far left try to keep exclusive rights to it in order to gain power and riches.
Not that they are wrong but isn't it sort of a water is wet type of thing?

If you dig down (not far mind you) I suspect you will find a leftist Ivy Leaguer (or I-L light) at the heart of most of our ills in that regard, hell, most other ills too.

I mean it almost never falls, when someone posts something most sane people would balk at as far as a new policy goes a small amount of digging usually turns-up a leftist I-Ler behind it.
The Ivy League Is for Preppies and Their Pets
It is the top 1% that wants the strife of racism, homophobia etc.

As long as the masses are focused on fighting each other, we won't notice how badly we are being screwed by our owners.
It is that same 1% that controls mainstream media and force feeds us that particular narrative.

One party absolutely thrives on it by forcing CRT and radical sexual politics down our throats.
This is an interview with one of the few journalists who actually look at real issues......racism isn't the cause of inequality in the U.S.....those selling that are simply trying to keep power and control.....

Inequality is because not everyone is equal.

Look at the starving people in Ethiopia or dozens of other countries. Is racism the cause? What about the millions of poor broke dumbass white trash people in America, is that because of racism?

People rise to their own level of ambition and that's all there is to it. And most blacks don't have much ambition. That's why in the history of the world they never had a first world country, why almost all of man's advancements have been due to non blacks, and so on.

That's why for every Elon musk there are millions of meth head welfare white people. And for every Oprah there are millions of stupid ass thug nwords.

Blacks should be grateful. Even thug welfare nwords have it better in America than billions of people in other countries have it.

But I have a solution for racism. Send all the blacks back to Africa. They get to be free of racism and can prosper and America is no longer racist with them.
This is an interview with one of the few journalists who actually look at real issues......racism isn't the cause of inequality in the U.S.....those selling that are simply trying to keep power and control.....

I just love it when white people condescend to tell any racial minority what their real problem is.
Millions of whites, East Asians, Hispanics, and even some Negroes agree with Heather McDonald, but they are afraid to say so because they risk their jobs by doing so.

In order to publicly tell the truth about intractable racial differences one must be independently wealthy, or one must be employed by one of the few organizations in the United States that values being factually correct rather than politically correct.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams carelessly destroyed his career by stating a few paragraphs that millions of Americans privately agree with but are afraid to express to to anyone they do not trust.
Good luck getting this message across to those who need to hear it.
Either they will be in complete denial or they will discredit it because it interferes with their race-hustle bottom line.
Telling the truth about average racial differences can get you fired. If you have a low opinion of the Negro race, do not express it with anyone who has not expressed it first.

If those whose good opinions of you are important to you, and they express woke cliches and obvious untruths, smile politically, and keep your opinion to yourself.
With blacks the problems are obvious: low average intelligence and high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

With racist idiots the problems are obvious they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground

Crime and illegitimacy are both indicators of poverty and lack of opportunity. Race has nothing to do with it.

All but one of the states in the top 10 most dangerous states for crime and murder, is a southern red state.

Chicago isn’t the most dangerous city in the nation, Nashville is. Tennessee is the most dangerous state in union

Everything Republicans tell you about Democrat is a lie.

Everything Republicans tell you about Black people is a lie

Republicans tell you about immigrants is is a lie.

They lie to you to frighten you and terrorize you and keep you voting against your own best interests

And still you believe them.

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