Problem with legalizing ilegals.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
That has been here for 25 years.

Legalization will not stop at 25 years, but some how will find an excuse to include those family members that has only been here a few years with another excuse of not separating families. What about family member who are criminals? In gangs? In prisons? Elderly parents and disabled family member in Mexico that will draw on Social Security, healthcare and social services? Legalization of 25 year resident that has avoided detection and deportation committing crimes like working illegally, driving, etc. This will only lead to blanket amnesty. Bad and incredible stupid idea, Newt.
Why do we keep singing that old amnesty song, not separating families, when we know it will not solve anything. Prisons separate families for years. Some who have been here has been separated from families they left behind in Mexico for 25 years.
What the hell is wrong with enforcement of our immigration laws? There is no statue of limitation of illegal immigration. We don’t give medals to criminals that has evaded the law for 25 years why Illegal Aliens? We get dumber and dumber as a nation.
What do we do with family members who have not been here 25 years? Wait until they have and then give them green cards? Can anyone understand the problem with legalizing 25 year residents will cause and it is an impossible plan to implement successfully?
Like the 1986 amnesty with the cut off date of 1982? Did not mean anything except that some were legalized and some remained illegal but no one was deported. Same problem with the dream act.
Yea, like maybe if we asked `em nicely, they'll all go home...
Romney advocates 'self-deportation' for illegal immigrants
January 23, 2012, One way to solve the nation’s immigration problem, Mitt Romney suggested Monday evening, is through “self-deportation.”
The presidential candidate was replying to a question during the second hour of the NBC/National Journal debate in Tampa, Fla. It was the first of two debates in which the remaining four Republican candidates for president will have this week. Romney was asked how he would reconcile his pledge that, as president, he wouldn't order mass deportations of undocumented immigrants with his promise to crack down on illegal immigration. His answer: “self-deportation.” If the nation’s immigration laws are enforced Romney said, undocumented workers will return to their home countries once employment opportunities dry up. "If people don't get work here, they're going to self-deport to a place where they can get work," he said. Rick Santorum agreed. “It’s happening now. People are going back now,” he said.

The dialogue was part of a rapid-fire series of questions on issues involving immigration and Latinos. Both Romney and Newt Gingrich restated their opposition to the Democrats' Dream Act, which would put children of illegal immigrants on a path toward citizenship if they served in the military or finished college. Both candidates said they would support a version of the legislation that would provide some sort of reward for military service. Children of illegal immigrants, Gingrich said, “should have same opportunity to join the American military and earn citizenship they would have had back home.” The candidates were also asked whether English should be the official language of the United States and whether they opposed ballots being printed in Spanish in states such as Florida with large Latino populations.

Gingrich and Romney defended campaigning in Spanish, as they have done in the state, while supporting English as the official national language. “I think campaigning, historically, you’ve always been willing to go to people on their terms in their culture,” Gingrich said. But, he said, “as a country, we have to unify ourselves in a future where there may be three or 400 languages” spoken. “People need English to get great jobs,” Romney said. “We don’t want people limited in their capacity to reach the American dream because they don’t speak English.” Ron Paul had a slightly different take, citing states' rights. He said he wouldn’t want the federal government to prevent a state such as Florida from printing ballots in Spanish. “If Florida wanted to have some ballots in Spanish, I wouldn’t support a federal law that would prohibit Florida from accommodating a city or local or state election,” he said.

It's something more than asking them to leave nicely. It's making it impossible for them to stay here. No job, no place to live, family members that take them in subject to prosecution and no public benefits to help.
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When you bother to learn the language we can move on to other things.
Why not try to add something positive to the thread instead of being a people basher. Makes me wonder
You start with the broken windows...

Hi, you have received -83 reputation points from Unkotare.
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Why not go fuck yourself?


Just the same reply as you have been giving. I don't think you know how to participate in any real type thread without just throwing out your ignorance.

Have a Great Day
Are you asking me to post the neg rep you gave me before that? I won't because IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Unbunch and move on.

That has been here for 25 years.

Legalization will not stop at 25 years, but some how will find an excuse to include those family members that has only been here a few years with another excuse of not separating families. What about family member who are criminals? In gangs? In prisons? Elderly parents and disabled family member in Mexico that will draw on Social Security, healthcare and social services? Legalization of 25 year resident that has avoided detection and deportation committing crimes like working illegally, driving, etc. This will only lead to blanket amnesty. Bad and incredible stupid idea, Newt.
Why do we keep singing that old amnesty song, not separating families, when we know it will not solve anything. Prisons separate families for years. Some who have been here has been separated from families they left behind in Mexico for 25 years.
What the hell is wrong with enforcement of our immigration laws? There is no statue of limitation of illegal immigration. We don’t give medals to criminals that has evaded the law for 25 years why Illegal Aliens? We get dumber and dumber as a nation.
What do we do with family members who have not been here 25 years? Wait until they have and then give them green cards? Can anyone understand the problem with legalizing 25 year residents will cause and it is an impossible plan to implement successfully?
Like the 1986 amnesty with the cut off date of 1982? Did not mean anything except that some were legalized and some remained illegal but no one was deported. Same problem with the dream act.

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