Zone1 Private Christian School to close over a lack of hate.

Not sure God would appreciate trying to get around it on a technicality.
As if on cue – an example of the ignorance and fear that results in the unwarranted hatred of those gay and transgender.

Gay and transgender Americans seek nothing more than to left alone and conduct their lives as they see fit; they demand only their comprehensive civil rights.

But the hateful, bigoted right refuses to allow gay and transgender Americans to live their lives; as a consequence of their fear, bigotry, and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage and discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
LOL you are either a blazing retard or an outright liar. Gays have been shouting from the rooftops their perversion for years enabled and emboldened by the likes of you. If all they wanted was to quietly go about their lifestyle no one would shed a tear or raise a fuss, but they don't and haven't for years. They are in your face constantly and are anything but just looking to get along.
If you and others on the hateful, bigoted right would simply end your campaign of hate against gay and transgender Americans, you’d not hear of them again.

Needless to say, that’s not going to happen.
You are a LIAR proven so every day by the actions of the Homosexual community the transgenders and the other deviants.
Indoctrinating and grooming minor children is evil. Thankfully the donors found out. I wonder how many of the teachers there raped children?
I simply believe people should not teach hate over something they simply do not understand.

Another lie, believing that something is a sin doesn't mean you hate the sinner. That is not what Jesus taught, on the contrary, He said the second greatest command is to love others. The only greater command is to love God. So are you going to keep repeating the same lie you've been repeating for pages and pages? Pretty much everything you're saying here is wrong, your idea that Christians hate gays and your idea that God created gays. Both are flatly wrong.
All people have sins. Neither the Pope nor most Orthodox Jewish Synagogues point fingers at LGBT people. Discrimination and hostility against LGBT people is wrong.

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