Press negativety towards Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Let’s compare the press negativity towards previous Presidents

President Obama "has suffered the most unrelentingly negative treatment" of all presidential candidates over the past five months, according to a study released Monday from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Pew found that Mr. Obama was the subject of negative assessments nearly four times as often as he was the subject of positive assessments. It found he received "positive" coverage nine percent of the time, "neutral" coverage 57 percent of the time and "negative" coverage 34 percent of the time.

The study looked at Trump's first 100 days and examined coverage in the print editions of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, as well as broadcast outlets CNN, CBS, Fox News and CNBC parent NBC, and European news outlets the Financial Times, BBC and ARD in Germany. Of the total news stories examined, 41 percent focused on Trump, which was triple the coverage for previous presidents for the same period And of that group, the tone was resoundingly negative — 80 percent of all stories, to be exact. That would be just shy of double the first 100 days of Barack Obama and significantly more than George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.


Now consider the Trump administration vs. other administrations. Trump is the only one of the group not to start a war overseas. Also, Trump resides over the lowest unemployment rate in history with economic growth that Obama supporters are trying to take credit for. Why then is the press attacking him so? Do they want wars abroad? Do they like faltering economies?

Essentially, what you have here is a President that called the press out on what we all knew already, and that is the press in general is biased towards the DNC. He is brash and fights back, sometimes in a way that he should not as a politician. Then you have the Left in general that is in a desperate fight to regain power and silence the success of the current administration.

Case in point is his recent fight with McCain. McCain came out and said that Trump's supporters were "crazies". Naturally, Trump fought back by saying that he thought that the true military heroes were the ones that did not get captured. Again, this was not an advisable statement, but he was goaded into it by McCain who gleefully received the retort. Of course, the press makes next to no mention of the McCain attack, but only proceeds to cover the Trump retort 24/7. To add insult to injury, the press essentially ignored Left winged attacks on McCain's military service when running against Obama. One example was an article in the Huffington Post that told us that McCain's only reason for joining the military was to become an admiral like his daddy. There was never the intent to serve his country, no, it was only a career move to move up the ranks in the military. However, according to the article McCain was at the bottom of his class, but he was made a pilot anyway, with the implication that he probably got shot down during the war because he never should have been a pilot to begin with because of his grades. Then North Korea sends him home because his daddy was an admiral and was able to negotiate the prisoner swap. Others left behind just had to deal. But at the end of the day, no amount of political maneuvers by his daddy could make him an admiral, he was just that much of a screw up so he became a Congressman, again, all this according to the Left winged Huffington Post.

Was any of this coverage put out there to the public in a negative light like we saw with Trump? No. It was just there for those to digest and vote Obama.

And what of the other stories that try to trash Trump? He was said to have banned all Muslims from the US with his recent travel ban. Press agencies all over the country continued to call Trump a bigot and racist. However, the travel ban was never a ban on Muslims.. In fact, the ban did not effect about 90% of Muslims around the world. Instead, it only focused on banning entrance into the country from certain terrorist countries, just like Obama had done without a blink of the eye from the press.

Then we had the whole media blitz about Trump locking up children in cages who were illegally coming across the border. Again, what you did not hear were that many of the pictures you saw regarding the story were taken while Obama was President. Again, the press did not seem to care about it when Obama was President, but then had the gall to lie about the picture and then blame Trump for them.

I could go on but why?

IF Americans fall for this media propaganda blitz, they will vote "D" this November, but if not, what will the powers that be think? They will only have to come to the sobering conclusion that their propaganda and the press have become powerless.

If so, what then will they do? However, if not, they will be rewarded and continue their despicable partisan propaganda.
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goes without saying
same as in other subjects as well
the critical point is a lot of it is not factual at all --same as in the other subjects as well
allow me to add:
not only is a lot of it not factual, it is fabricated
IE Trump is a racist
IE white cops are racist
IE Trump is racist----because he wants to protect America!!!!????!!!!!?????!!!!!--what kind of logic is this??? --I'll tell you, it's hate--not logic is racism from the LEFT, not logic
allow me to add:
not only is a lot of it not factual, it is fabricated
IE Trump is a racist
IE white cops are racist
IE Trump is racist----because he wants to protect America!!!!????!!!!!?????!!!!!--what kind of logic is this??? --I'll tell you, it's hate--not logic is racism from the LEFT, not logic

Wanting to secure the border has been twisted into Trump not wanting brown skinned folk into the country. However, securing the border has nothing to do with immigration other than restricting immigration from those who come in illegally. Additionally, the press then goes on these tirades saying how the brown skinned folk coming across the border will soon outnumber the white fold in the US, thus destroying the GOP because they are all racists. Is this type of thinking not openly racist?

What they should be able to stop coming across the border are people like MS13. And guess what, they are not that hard to spot because the idiots tattoo themselves with gang symbols all over their body. A border wall would stop them coming into the country, or, at least get them to stop with all the tattoos. But when someone is murdered or raped by MS 13 gang members, it is never because there is no border wall.

Just amazing. How many America lives are worth a border wall?

Incidentally, I challenge anyone to find a clip of Trump saying that all illegals are rapists and murderers. No, instead he was said we need to stop rapist and murderers that are coming, which they have an continue to do.

As for law abiding immigrants, who should get in and who should not is a conversation we all need to have. That is a separate issue.
Most other presidents roll over for the press....Trump does not and that is why we voted for him....the media does not run this nation anymore....we do...and they can't stand they are taking it out on Trump....
As the orange cheeto is a sloth he deserves all the comments he gets. Now if he did not lie and quite being a racist hater maybe people would change their tunes about him, but at this point he has made it plainly clear he wants obedience to his word and loyalty to him alone.

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