President Biden And First Lady Release Apolitical And Secular Christmas Video To America

President Biden and Jill released a Christmas video via the official President Biden Twitter account .

On the surface, it appears to be an apolitical light-hearted and cute Christmas (as opposed to Happy Holidays) message.

Some thoughts...

Joe and Jill are not pictured in the video. Perhaps this is because Joe does not come across well on camera any more and they don't want to remind Americans how our Commander in Chief is deteriorating. In the still shot released yesterday, Joe appears overwhelmed with dementia to me...

The video is completely secular, not mentioning the Christian association with the historically religious holiday. That's okay, no offense taken, but there is not one nativity scene in the video.

The most notable thing to me, and y'all can bash me if you disagree, is that the video seems to have a subliminal nod to China. At 2:48 in the video, there appears to be some very strong Chinese-flag imagery....

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The video is so carefully crafted, deleting all of Biden's stuttering, I can't believe that this is not intentional.

It could have been worse

At least there were no naked people having sex under the Christmas tree
You do realize your Savior in Chief preached to the Christian mob and got overwhelming approval from them, right?
Trump is not my savior and chief. Progs keep promoting this. What Prog deserve is pure conservatism. Then you would know. frankly many Republican voters are not pure conservatives. Asking for common sense and a little personal responsibility in our lives has become hate crimes. Trump ran on making the nation wealthier. Which would even help Prog people needing resources. What Trump did not do is screw over Christians as others have. Nevertheless, it is a war that Christians are destined to lose for they have not risen up. The kicker is that Islam is growing and growing fast. And it is going to hurt Progs more than Christians and people who do not live the extreme way of Prog groups.
*Joe got everyone in his family a new LLC for Christmas.
I've always wanted my own shell company. Doesn't seem fair the Bribens have 22 of them. Selfish pigs.

"It will take 10 years for them to figure out where the money came from."

I've always wanted a Suspicious Activity Report from an international bank too... they have 171 SARs... I have NONE.

Bah humbug.
Merry Christmas, Pete and husband!

you mean the one that quoted potty mouthed melania?
Thank you for the clarification. I was unfamiliar with that.

I would suggest that the secret recording of Melania Trump made in the Summer is quite a bit different than an official release from the Biden White House...

i got it off google images.... but thanx for the deflection attempt at di-verting the FACT, that the 3rd trophy wife of the one term prez likes to drop the F bomb.

that your thread is ridiculous.
I see that you have not commented on the premise, and instead diverted to another subject.

So you don't think it's a Chinese flag, eh.


Ah, a nice secular closing valediction. Thanks & Merry Christmas.
No matter what a potus puts out someone is upset. Everything is political. It's our way, we must all live by what WE believe. It's embarrassing.
Not upset; I was very surprised. Curious what people think about the secular message and what clearly seems to be a nod to China.

If you think I'm nuts, I can take it, but would really appreciate an explanation why. The Chinese flag imagery seems unmistakable.

Merry Christmas,
So fucking what....You'd bitch if you shit gold turds.
Not true at all.

I appreciate the Biden Admin at least saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays," and I mentioned that in the OP.

I was astonished when I saw the Chinese flag symbolism. Also, since Biden frequently discusses his Catholic faith, it would have been nice for him to include a nativity scene.

Merry Christmas,
It was probably a troll on the CCP. He was saying, “I sent Nancy to Taiwan and you couldn’t do anything about it, except whine”. :funnyface:

Thank you. Now there is a great explanation! Pure fantasy, I think, but an intelligent contribution.

Joe and Jill were intentionally trolling Right Wingers like myself who view Communism as a threat to our once great nation. Very creative.

Merry Christmas,
I've always wanted my own shell company. Doesn't seem fair the Bribens have 22 of them. Selfish pigs.

"It will take 10 years for them to figure out where the money came from."

I've always wanted a Suspicious Activity Report from an international bank too... they have 171 SARs... I have NONE.

Bah humbug.
I can show you how to create one or several I did it for years.
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In fact, at eighty a large percentage of the population has trouble walking, did you harass yer elders when they had age-related problems?
It's a good point, but Biden's deterioration extends to well more than his ability to walk, and he does have his fingers hovering over the big red nuclear launch button while there are ongoing international wars and China is purportedly considering invading Taiwan.

I'd prefer a stable genius.

Trump posted this message on Truth Social 13 minutes after midnight. It has a very Christian message...

It's a good point, but Biden's deterioration extends to well more than his ability to walk, and he does have his fingers hovering over the big red nuclear launch button while there are ongoing international wars and China is purportedly considering invading Taiwan.

I'd prefer a stable genius.

Trump posted this message on Truth Social 13 minutes after midnight. It has a very Christian message...

Both Trump and Biden need to be put out to pasture.
Not true at all.

I appreciate the Biden Admin at least saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays," and I mentioned that in the OP.

I was astonished when I saw the Chinese flag symbolism. Also, since Biden frequently discusses his Catholic faith, it would have been nice for him to include a nativity scene.

Merry Christmas,
I do not have to be catered to to be content and happy. What other people do is their business I certainly know they don't care what I do.
Yeah. It's almost as if that old potato thinks he's president for everybody. I need a personal president to go with my personal Jesus. Biden just doesn't get that.

Thanks, so you prefer a secular message on one of the holiest of Christian days. Fine, to each, their own.

How about the Chinese flag symbolism?

BTW, Biden had no problem mentioning the "miracle" of Hannukah the other day...

Merry Christmas,
Thanks, so you prefer a secular message on one of the holiest of Christian days. Fine, to each, their own.

How about the Chinese flag symbolism?

BTW, Biden had no problem mentioning the "miracle" of Hannukah the other day...

Merry Christmas,

Yup. He's the president of ALL Americans, not just Christians. And that's how it should be.
Thank you for the clarification. I was unfamiliar with that.

I would suggest that the secret recording of Melania Trump made in the Summer is quite a bit different than an official release from the Biden White House...

I see that you have not commented on the premise, and instead diverted to another subject.

So you don't think it's a Chinese flag, eh.

Ah, a nice secular closing valediction. Thanks & Merry Christmas.

There are enough recordings of Melania around that you can pick out the edited selections. It wasn't even cleverly done.

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