CDZ POLL: Are you proud of your party right now?

Are you proud of your party right now?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

I'm not proud of people who sit their behinds on Swiss mountains and act superior to the rest of us. Where's that selection in your poll, Mac?
Not happy with my party. As a Blue Dog Democrat , I’m my own best friend... :abgg2q.jpg:
I'm not proud of people who sit their behinds on Swiss mountains and act superior to the rest of us. Where's that selection in your poll, Mac?
I guess that's a "yes". Please vote, I'd like to see how this goes. Trolling really isn't helpful in the CDZ. Thanks.

My vote would be, and I'm dead serious:

I wish DC would break away from the mainland, float out to sea, and take all the politicians and lobbyists with them. Because I'm a Christian and not totally heartless, we could airlift supplies out to their little Politician Island, where they could continue to do their thing not knowing that their thing would have no effect on the rest of us.

That's my vote.
No. I have no party affiliation.

The ignorance displayed by the partisans is staggering. It is quite clear that the partisans are content to watch the empire come crashing down around us. Not complaining, mind you. Just enjoying the show. As a reality show, it is unrivaled. And America picked the perfect lead character.
My assumption in starting the thread is that a pretty strong majority would say "Yes" and explain.

Given the way folks defend and justify the behaviors, that's pretty obvious.

Not actually sure if that will happen, but I suspect that's what they're thinking.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

If you’re an independent like myself, you don’t have a party….
As for being a liberal, always happy to be further to the left than the right….especially with the right embracing concentration camp internment as just punishment for crossing the border.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

The problem is, you keep pretending partisanship is something new. It really isn't. I'm old enough to remember when Ronnie Reagan was going to BLOW UP THE WORLD!!!! I remember when the hippies were throwing riots that make ANTIFA look like amatuers.

The only difference is that both parties knew enough not to elect a nut. Nominate one - Goldwater, McGovern - yes, but not elect one.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

When you have an openly racist president throwing children into concentration camps, this really isn't the time for civility.

Yesterday, the House had a big argument about whether or not Trump's openly racist comments about four women of color was dignified enough to be condemned in the House.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to. [...]

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

So we have thread #728 decrying their "behaviors".

The only thing new here is the frank admission - thank you - that you don't understand any of it.

Had you been a little less lazy, and listed some of those "behaviors", folks might have undertaken to fill you in on motivations and aims, and thus helped you understand. But you are, and didn't, and so no one could. Pity.

The GOP has gone all-in reactionary White Nationalist, and whoever is proud of same rendered judgment on themselves.

The Dems are in a noisy battle over the soul of the party, having been docile far too long, and trying to muster the energy and the spine to go to battle with the required determination actually to win it. While it isn't always fun to watch, the decline to Trumpish authoritarianism and the normalization of vulgar inhumanity, misogyny and racism require no less. There is some hope in there.
Not much actual voting going on.


Which is telling in itself.

Well, maybe if you gave honest choices, we'd vote for them.

Here's the choice I would like.

"I think that the Republicans have gone full racist cult, and the Democrats are FINALLY starting to stand up to them, but are being too docile, still."

I remember the great BBC Series, I, Claudius, where the titular character says to his mother, Antonia, "Caligula is sick, sick in the head".

"No, Rome is sick. Sick in its heart. Caligula is just the latest rash it's broken out into."
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

If you’re an independent like myself, you don’t have a party….
As for being a liberal, always happy to be further to the left than the right….especially with the right embracing concentration camp internment as just punishment for crossing the border.
And the lie gets repeated again.

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