Political leanings on the USMB Board

Air America failed because nobody wanted to listen to it. You could have supported it if it were important to you. NPR receives government handouts and has a very liberal editorial viewpoint. It's not the right's fault that the left can't run a viable business on the radio.

You're wrong.

Yup, many on the left don't need talking points and bullshit to confirm our opinions and beliefs, we rely on facts....:ducks: :lol:

ok...so whats your problem?....you dont fit in there at all....
Air America failed because nobody wanted to listen to it. You could have supported it if it were important to you. NPR receives government handouts and has a very liberal editorial viewpoint. It's not the right's fault that the left can't run a viable business on the radio.

You're wrong.

Yup, many on the left don't need talking points and bullshit to confirm our opinions and beliefs, we rely on facts....:ducks: :lol:

whatever you say, "trollcunt".
The above is one of the more ignorant statements of the day. But it has its place. . . representative of a non-thinking comment.

and r u 2 stupid to link back to where the comment comes from?

need help?

Why? The comment of the poster stood on its own. Look it up if you want. I wonder if you are best ignored as some have counseled. I will have to see.

because its nice to see who you are quoting.....ok.....
I googled "The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass."

Post 196 was the only result
☭proletarian☭;2084275 said:
I googled "The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass."

Post 196 was the only result

Why not some of both at the same time?
The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass.

Me. I no longer care what others think My leanings are.
The above is one of the more ignorant statements of the day. But it has its place. . . representative of a non-thinking comment.
This coming from the dumbest mother fucker on the forums. Thanks, I needed the laugh.
☭proletarian☭;2084275 said:
I googled "The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass."

Post 196 was the only result

Why not some of both at the same time?

wouldn't a combination of end all be all and can't wipe your own ass be like eating shit?
☭proletarian☭;2084275 said:
I googled "The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass."

Post 196 was the only result

Why not some of both at the same time?

wouldn't a combination of end all be all and can't wipe your own ass be like eating shit?

Seems to be pretty much where we are headed allright.
Isn't it interesting that the majority of the citizenry watch broadcast television which is 100% liberal but they complain about FoxNews. They even went so far as to provide boxes for digital reception of their media outlets and still they fear one little cable network station like it is destroying America.

The same with Talk Radio. There are more cities and towns that don't get the Limbaugh program then do and these people are stuck listening to the propaganda of the left but they complain about the measly 20 million listeners that Limbaugh gets.

And it still isn't enough for them. That they have to actually consider passing legislation to silence that little bit of opposition programing.

Amazing stuff.

Maybe it's because righties always provide links and quote these guys are sources....
You mean like all the quotes I see from ABC affiliates and NBC affiliates and CNN and New York Times and Newsweek, and SF Chronicle and the LA Times and every single left-leaning blog in existence?

Yeah. One FoxNews link is so powerful that it overwhelms the dozens of left wing media links out there.

That was pretty lame. And a poor attempt at changing the subject.

You did manage to make My point for Me though so I owe you one.

Actually, you missed my point, so you don't owe me anything....
I am what you would call "conservative" - which is your basically mainstream American citizen. America is conservative and the elections in November 2010 will prove that. Some of us may have been fooled by the slick talker Barrack Obama, but it's not long before we wise up. His ass will be gone after his 1 term is up.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Well...good for you....now let's look at reality. When the President trys to ram a flawed bill down the throats of Americans that affects 1/6th of our economy and nearly 60% of Americans oppose it all of a sudden the USMB turns rightie? 40% of Americans strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office...80% disapprove of Congress's performance? Better recheck your bearings there skipper...YOU are the one off course.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Well...good for you....now let's look at reality. When the President trys to ram a flawed bill down the throats of Americans that affects 1/6th of our economy and nearly 60% of Americans oppose it all of a sudden the USMB turns rightie? 40% of Americans strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office...80% disapprove of Congress's performance? Better recheck your bearings there skipper...YOU are the one off course.

In fairness, perceptions may be flawed--probably a great many are--but they are still real perceptions. I can see how several days of threads where the 'righties' pretty much have the upper hand might cause somebody to think the board has tilted drastically right. And then one of those nights when I check in late and see nothing but 'leftie' threads and leftie last members to post, it's easy to think the board is being taken over by left wingnuts. :)

But yeah, Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress are having a really rough patch right now. The polls identify more people seeing themselves as conservative these days than any other group, and those identifying themselves as conservative and middle-of-the-road combined greatly outnumber those identifying themselves as 'left' or 'liberal'. Then given that the majority of Americans don't want Obamacare, don't want Cap & Trade, don't want any more stimulus money spent, don't want to keep increasing and increasing and increasing a terrifyingly large deficit, probably those on the left are having a tougher time on boards like USMB.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Well...good for you....now let's look at reality. When the President trys to ram a flawed bill down the throats of Americans that affects 1/6th of our economy and nearly 60% of Americans oppose it all of a sudden the USMB turns rightie? 40% of Americans strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office...80% disapprove of Congress's performance? Better recheck your bearings there skipper...YOU are the one off course.

Nothing like parroting the Republican talking point of the moment.

Most Americans favor the healthcare bill when it is explained to them.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

USMB has always been a right wing echo chamber run by bitter old white men with government health insurance who don't want anyone else to have it.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

USMB has always been a right wing echo chamber run by bitter old white men with government health insurance who don't want anyone else to have it.
no, we just don't want YOU to have it. you parasitic piece of shit.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Well...good for you....now let's look at reality. When the President trys to ram a flawed bill down the throats of Americans that affects 1/6th of our economy and nearly 60% of Americans oppose it all of a sudden the USMB turns rightie? 40% of Americans strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office...80% disapprove of Congress's performance? Better recheck your bearings there skipper...YOU are the one off course.

Nothing like parroting the Republican talking point of the moment.

Most Americans favor the healthcare bill when it is explained to them.

Really? Please PLEASE explain it to us then. I would really really like to think it would be a good thing for America.

Of course Queen Pelosi said just in the last 24 hours or so that everybody else will have to wait until it is passed to know what is in it.

So you could do us a tremendous service and give us a leg up here.
Well...good for you....now let's look at reality. When the President trys to ram a flawed bill down the throats of Americans that affects 1/6th of our economy and nearly 60% of Americans oppose it all of a sudden the USMB turns rightie? 40% of Americans strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office...80% disapprove of Congress's performance? Better recheck your bearings there skipper...YOU are the one off course.

Nothing like parroting the Republican talking point of the moment.

Most Americans favor the healthcare bill when it is explained to them.

Really? Please PLEASE explain it to us then. I would really really like to think it would be a good thing for America.

Of course Queen Pelosi said just in the last 24 hours or so that everybody else will have to wait until it is passed to know what is in it.

So you could do us a tremendous service and give us a leg up here.

Do you believe people should go bankrupt because they get cancer?

Do you believe people should be denied coverage because of pre existing conditions?

Do you believe that only the rich should have healthcare coverage?

Do you believe that corporations should be able to charge dying people $1,000 for a toothbrush?

Do you believe that a system that costs TWICE AS MUCH per capita as the rest of the industrialized world and produces worse results is a good idea?

Do you believe that it helps American corporations to have to pay for employee's healthcare when corporations overseas don't?

Do you believe Republicans in Congress are opposing healthcare reform because they received BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from healthcare corporate lobbyists in the last decade?
Nothing like parroting the Republican talking point of the moment.

Most Americans favor the healthcare bill when it is explained to them.

Really? Please PLEASE explain it to us then. I would really really like to think it would be a good thing for America.

Of course Queen Pelosi said just in the last 24 hours or so that everybody else will have to wait until it is passed to know what is in it.

So you could do us a tremendous service and give us a leg up here.

Do you believe people should go bankrupt because they get cancer?

Do you believe people should be denied coverage because of pre existing conditions?

Do you believe that only the rich should have healthcare coverage?

Do you believe that corporations should be able to charge dying people $1,000 for a toothbrush?

Do you believe that a system that costs TWICE AS MUCH per capita as the rest of the industrialized world and produces worse results is a good idea?

Do you believe that it helps American corporations to have to pay for employee's healthcare when corporations overseas don't?

Do you believe Republicans in Congress are opposing healthcare reform because they received BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from healthcare corporate lobbyists in the last decade?

oh you mean the dems in congress didn't receive any money from healthcare lobbyists you partisan hack cocksucker?
Sheesh. This discussion certainly became bright and cheerful. :)

I'm headed for bed. Good night and sweet dreams fair ladies and handsome princes. Tomorrow we shall be fresh and invigorated and ready to do battle again.

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