Paul Campaign: We’re Winning The Battle For Delegates


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

Paul Campaign: We’re Winning The Battle For Delegates
GOP strategist predicts Paul will be on the Republican ticket

The Ron Paul campaign issued a press release yesterday announcing that the Congressman was winning the battle for delegates in the lead up to the Republican National Convention, with with Paul himself adding that he believes he has unlocked the secret to winning the GOP nomination.

“We are thrilled with the yesterday’s results.” Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate stated, “Our campaign to Restore America continues to gain ground, and we are poised to pick up even more delegates from Minnesota and Colorado adding to our delegates in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.”

“As people across the country view the results of yesterday’s contests, it is important to consider a few facts that have not been clearly reported. Not one single delegate was awarded yesterday, instead the caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado were the very first step in the delegate selection process. And there are still over 40 states left to go. The Ron Paul campaign plans to continue to vie for delegates nationwide.” Tate added.

Tate pointed out that the caucuses were essentially “non-binding beauty contests”, and that the Paul campaign is poised to pick up many more delegates in Missouri, Colorado and Nevada than the straw poll numbers indicate.

Tate also stated that following a strong second place showing in Minnesota, “the Paul campaign is well-organized to win the bulk of delegates there.”

“We are confident in gaining a much larger share of delegates than even our impressive showing yesterday indicates. As an example of our campaign’s delegate strength, take a look at what has occurred in Colorado” Tate added, pointing to the fact that delegate slots do not directly correlate with the straw poll vote.

As the graphic below illustrates, in several counties in Colorado, Paul won ALL the delegates despite coming in third or even fourth in the straw polls:


Comment: Go Ron Go!
So far he has no delegates and has never won a primary or a caucus. This is one of the reasons so many people think he's a lunatic.


I heard Ron Paul's tears cure cancer, but he's too AWESOME to cry.
I guess it's a good thing you folks know NOTHING of the delegate selection process...

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