One of the Biggest Government Scams


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Politicians love playing fast and loose with other peoples' money. They make secret deals with public unions, knowing that they won't be around when the huge bills come due. It's not the wealthy people picking up the tab. It's the average worker.

Liberals especially tend to create unsustainable plans. Cities are forced to raise taxes to cover the promises made by irresponsible politicians. The high taxes cause tax payers to leave and place a larger burden on those remaining. Cities could easily end up like Detroit with no choice but to declare bankruptcy. No matter how you look at it, it is unsustainable and very bad policy for states. Things like infrastructure, schools and other important things are given less priority since unions are often bullies who quick to sue states if they don't make good on their big promises to public union employees. Making a promise to some unions is no different than owing the mafia favors. They will collect one way or the other.

In California, some fire fighters retire with nearly 3/4 of a million dollars annually. To say it's out of hand is an understatement. Unions know how to manipulate politicians and can threaten their chances of election or re-election if they don't cave to their demands.

When public unions make deals with politicians, it comes down to promising tax payer money that not only has been earned yet, but in all likelihood may never materialize. And the politicians who gamble with peoples' money for their own benefit are long gone when the shit hits the fan.
Greatest government scams? would one begin?

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Sallie Mae
With all three - we are talking $trilllions
The national debt will be $20 trillion by the time Obama leaves..(which means he doubled it since he took office)
The $700 billion per month in propping up the corrupt financial system
You can go on...
Politicians love playing fast and loose with other peoples' money. They make secret deals with public unions, knowing that they won't be around when the huge bills come due. It's not the wealthy people picking up the tab. It's the average worker.

Liberals especially tend to create unsustainable plans. Cities are forced to raise taxes to cover the promises made by irresponsible politicians. The high taxes cause tax payers to leave and place a larger burden on those remaining. Cities could easily end up like Detroit with no choice but to declare bankruptcy. No matter how you look at it, it is unsustainable and very bad policy for states. Things like infrastructure, schools and other important things are given less priority since unions are often bullies who quick to sue states if they don't make good on their big promises to public union employees. Making a promise to some unions is no different than owing the mafia favors. They will collect one way or the other.

In California, some fire fighters retire with nearly 3/4 of a million dollars annually. To say it's out of hand is an understatement. Unions know how to manipulate politicians and can threaten their chances of election or re-election if they don't cave to their demands.

When public unions make deals with politicians, it comes down to promising tax payer money that not only has been earned yet, but in all likelihood may never materialize. And the politicians who gamble with peoples' money for their own benefit are long gone when the shit hits the fan.

Listening gave his word to leave the board if Obama won. Now you're saying its okay for governments to not honor their agreements either. It must be a Republican thing to where words mean nothing.

I agree that the deal was rotten for taxpayers. I recall a time in Houston when they did away (after 48 years I think it was) with a deal that allowed employees to sell back vacation time at 2X the pay rate.

But you honor your agreements and roll them back on incoming employees. It's simply the way a responsible person/organization operates.
Listening gave his word to leave the board if Obama won. Now you're saying its okay for governments to not honor their agreements either. It must be a Republican thing to where words mean nothing.

I agree that the deal was rotten for taxpayers. I recall a time in Houston when they did away (after 48 years I think it was) with a deal that allowed employees to sell back vacation time at 2X the pay rate.

But you honor your agreements and roll them back on incoming employees. It's simply the way a responsible person/organization operates.

It's not a matter of just breaking a promise. It's a matter of promising something impossible and not being able to keep it. Big difference. They made deals that from the beginning were unsustainable. And they made those promises behind closed doors so the people who would be affected had no say in the matter.

It's not okay to promise such ridiculous pensions that mean sacrificing basic things and harming average workers.

Fire fighters and police deserve pensions, but not the hefty ones some are getting in California. It's those unreasonable deals that are doing the damage and the states simply don't have the funds to back up those promises.

It's dirty politics by some extremely greedy and corrupt politicians who threw the tax payers to the wolves for the sake of their career. The promises should never have been made in the first place and some who are getting wealthy off the pensions knew that they were screwing the public when they got the deals.

It's downright criminal in some of these cases and it's a deal that they had no business making. A responsible person doesn't sell out the tax payers for their own greedy purposes. What part of 'there is not enough money for this' don't some understand? The ones who made these deals were not reasonable or responsible adults. They were crooks screwing the tax payers. Why the hell should cities go bankrupt to make good on politicians promises to steal tax payer money to enrich greedy unions? Those high pensions aren't fair, they are sheer theft.
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