Obama says "you gotta work for everybody"..OK you work for me YOU'RE FIRED!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Appearing on the "Late Show" with David Letterman, President Barack Obama scolded Mitt Romney over his caught-on-camera remarks, declaring that "if you want to be president, you gotta work for everybody, not just for some."
Obama says he works

As your employer Obama I don't want a president that:

A) He wants USA best customer of foreign country's oil.. He said so..
"Brazil we want to be your best customer"!
MY President would NOT want to buy oil from a foreign country! WHY? That's what a real President would want!

B) Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
What happens to the 1,400 health insurance companies then? Go out of business.
Does a President want to destroy businesses that generate $100 billion a year in Fed/state/local and local
property taxes? Folks if they aren't around to provide jobs for 400,000 people what will replace that tax revenue..those jobs?

C) What President would say.."S
if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!
Why would ANY president want any business to go bankrupt?
And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Why would any valid president WANT people to have to pay more? Unless he wants to destroy!
FACT: Coal company shuts 8 mines, hands out 1,200 pinkslips..

D) Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
WHAT? A president WANTS people to pay HIGHER gas prices?
Do you think the majority of Obama voters would have voted for him IF THEY KNEW HE WANTED them to pay more at the pump?

Why would I want a President to do these actions that ARE NOT helpful to Americans!
You can certainly have a hand in firing him, go ahead and Vote.
This isn't meant for Obamatrons!
This is meant for those people that still haven't read where Obama WANTS businesses to go bankrupt!
These people haven't read where Obama WANTS higher gas prices which HIS wish has become a FACT:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent,
When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, the city average price for one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.79, according to the BLS. (The figures are in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation.)
Five months later in June, unleaded gasoline was $2.26 per gallon, an increase of 26 percent.
By December 2011, the price of regular unleaded gas per gallon was $3.28, an 83 percent increase from January 2009.
Ground Beef 24 Percent,
Bacon 22 Percent

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent | CNSNews.com
This isn't meant for Obamatrons!
This is meant for those people that still haven't read where Obama WANTS businesses to go bankrupt!
These people haven't read where Obama WANTS higher gas prices which HIS wish has become a FACT:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent,
When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, the city average price for one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.79, according to the BLS. (The figures are in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation.)
Five months later in June, unleaded gasoline was $2.26 per gallon, an increase of 26 percent.
By December 2011, the price of regular unleaded gas per gallon was $3.28, an 83 percent increase from January 2009.
Ground Beef 24 Percent,
Bacon 22 Percent

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent | CNSNews.com

When prices ballooned under Bush, the nation cried out.

Then, the prices went back down, probably artificially.

Now, it's gradually climbed back under Obama.
Neither candidate is fit for office,our Country is to debt ridden and divided to be "Fixed" .......:eusa_boohoo:

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