NO Dem. "coronation" 5 Dem. candidates

Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.

Hillary's running mate will be Julian Castro.

Julian Castro is not going to be on the top of anybody's list. No candidate is going to pick a mayor that nobody has heard of outside his city to be their running mate.

Spiro Agnew....
Sarah Palin...
Paul Ryan....

Nope. Never seen that happen.

Correct, you haven't, since none of those examples compare.

They compare exactly. They were all unknowns (nationally) before being tapped. Agnew himself was the inspiration for the phrase "not a household word". What do you think that meant?
Illinois public sector union disaster.....

Why Illinois is Going Bankrupt

Lawmakers promised more and more benefits to retired teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other government workers over the past decade; meanwhile, the pool of money to pay these pledges was neglected. The estimated shortfall of nearly $100 billion between now and 2045 is, believe it or not, a rosy scenario, given that a) it assumes robust investment returns and b) doesn’t include local pension disasters, like the estimated $20 billion hole in the City of Chicago system.

Typical R-Wer's response......NO ONE is stating that there are NO excesses with unions.......What even an idiot should not deny, however, is that without unions there would be NO middle class in this country....only an oligarchy or plutocracy.
Whats union membership running these days?

That depends on whether you are talking about regular Unions...who did a good job back in the day keeping the New York/New England Greed Mongers from starving and brutalizing coal workers and many others. The old Unions helped to protect the folks from the main vice of Capitalism--GREED. (The fact that it has a vice does not mean Capitolism isn't the best system we have come up with so far for bringing prosperity to a society--and the United States has been for many years the best example of its power. "Has been"--for we have now twice elected a socialist and a fool and a liar (they go hand-in-hand).

But, then the private Unions got greedy themslves and have pretty much put themselves out of business.

But the unholy alliance of Public Employee Unions (who work for the Tax Payers who are not into Greed, just surviving) and the DEMOCRATIC Elected Officials that these Blood-suckers have in their pocket, well, that sector is thriving...for now.

Their day of reckoning for their massive corruption is hopefully at hand.

I suspect this board is populated by Government Union employees who cannot be fired for anything ever. They get to "work" and troll the porn sites until they get tired of that, then come to boards like this and spout their socialist bullshit until its time to go home and get drunk.

God bless Scott Walker for having the stones to take them on before they broke Wisconsin like they did Detroit...with Chicago next.

Yes...the public sector unions are destroying these states.....private sector unions at least have a limit placed on their greed...if they get too greedy their jobs are takes so much longer, and there is so much tragedy about to happen in the public sector unions........but like you is coming...........
Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.
I could maybe get excited about Webb, but he's not really a chief executive type, but more a lone wolf. O'Malley was at one time more centrist than populist. He might be the best of the lot.
Y'all know this is 2015, right? Not an election year? You realize poll numbers are meaningless at this point?

So Chief ... Which one of those other powerhouse candidates do you think has a snowball's chance in hell of turning the poll numbers around?
My guess is that if Hillary doesn't win the nomination ... It will be because some of the stinky crap she has rolled in doesn't come out in the wash ... And it won't be due to anything those other knuckleheads actually accomplish or have to offer.

But I am no expert ... So what's your assessment?

Oh, and here's a big, heaping, rotting, stinking pile of facts:


That lists doesn't include Super-PAC money at all, practically exactly what we're talking about here.

We weren't talking about Super-PACs were we? The specific mention was of wealthy donors like the Koch Brothers, not Super PACs.

hey do you THINK wealthy donors contribute most of their money to campaign efforts nowadays??? Dark Money IS Super PACs, Super PACs ARE wealthy donors. It's the modern election cycle, and yes Republicans have a huge advantage when it comes to billionaires giving political contributions.

Do you really believe "Koch Industries" only gave $18 million in contributions since whenever that list was made? That's ridiculous.

Guess what, it still doesn't absolve Democrats of their guilt in partaking in these activities. Both parties do it, and the one complaining about it is as equally duplicitous as the other.

Super PACs aren't wealthy INDIVIDUAL donors, macrobrain. What you did was point out two specific people, the Koch Brothers, who as I can tell do not run a Super PAC but a multi billion dollar corporation. I can't help people who are unable to delineate between Super PACs and actual human beings.
Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.

Hillary's running mate will be Julian Castro.

Julian Castro is not going to be on the top of anybody's list. No candidate is going to pick a mayor that nobody has heard of outside his city to be their running mate.

Spiro Agnew....
Sarah Palin...
Paul Ryan....

Nope. Never seen that happen.

Correct, you haven't, since none of those examples compare.

They compare exactly. They were all unknowns (nationally) before being tapped. Agnew himself was the inspiration for the phrase "not a household word". What do you think that meant?

Let's see.... Governor of Maryland, Governor of Alaska, and a fairly well known United States Congressman. Yeah, that's exactly the same as the mayor of San Antonio whom nobody has heard of. Granted he's been Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for about a year now, but walk down the street and ask 100 people who the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is and if even three of them can answer that I'll be shocked.
Hillary's running mate will be Julian Castro.

Julian Castro is not going to be on the top of anybody's list. No candidate is going to pick a mayor that nobody has heard of outside his city to be their running mate.

Spiro Agnew....
Sarah Palin...
Paul Ryan....

Nope. Never seen that happen.

Correct, you haven't, since none of those examples compare.

They compare exactly. They were all unknowns (nationally) before being tapped. Agnew himself was the inspiration for the phrase "not a household word". What do you think that meant?

Let's see.... Governor of Maryland, Governor of Alaska, and a fairly well known United States Congressman. Yeah, that's exactly the same as the mayor of San Antonio whom nobody has heard of. Granted he's been Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for about a year now, but walk down the street and ask 100 people who the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is and if even three of them can answer that I'll be shocked.

And before they were nominated by a high-profile national POTUS candidate, nobody outside their sphere ever heard of Agnew, Palin or Ryan either unless they were hard-core political junkies. Doesn't matter what their office is-- in an election, name recognition rules.

See that Gallup poll threaded recently about "most admired men and women"? It amounts to nothing more than "names I've heard of".
Y'all know this is 2015, right? Not an election year? You realize poll numbers are meaningless at this point?

So Chief ... Which one of those other powerhouse candidates do you think has a snowball's chance in hell of turning the poll numbers around?
My guess is that if Hillary doesn't win the nomination ... It will be because some of the stinky crap she has rolled in doesn't come out in the wash ... And it won't be due to anything those other knuckleheads actually accomplish or have to offer.

But I am no expert ... So what's your assessment?

Oh I'm no expert either, but it's just waaaay too early in the game to be making predictions, that's all. I will admit that Hillary has a lot more power than I had given her credit for, judging by the number of nervous butthurt threads about her in this forum... I guess I misunderestimated her... but whether that stays true as other lesser known candidates, some not even yet visible, make their case, is yet to be known.

I'm just saying, you don't call a ball game in the first inning. To stroke the analogy I refer you back to that wise old baseball philosopher Joachin Andujar, who famously said:

"Baseball can be summed up in one word, and that one word is: "you never know"".
Hillary's running mate will be Julian Castro.

Julian Castro is not going to be on the top of anybody's list. No candidate is going to pick a mayor that nobody has heard of outside his city to be their running mate.

Spiro Agnew....
Sarah Palin...
Paul Ryan....

Nope. Never seen that happen.

Correct, you haven't, since none of those examples compare.

They compare exactly. They were all unknowns (nationally) before being tapped. Agnew himself was the inspiration for the phrase "not a household word". What do you think that meant?

Let's see.... Governor of Maryland, Governor of Alaska, and a fairly well known United States Congressman. Yeah, that's exactly the same as the mayor of San Antonio whom nobody has heard of. Granted he's been Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for about a year now, but walk down the street and ask 100 people who the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is and if even three of them can answer that I'll be shocked.

Many Democrats will and do remember Julian Castro from his excellent keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. As soon as he gave that speech there was talk of him being on the next ticket. Should Hillary pick Castro, which I do believe she will, it is not going to be some big surprise. Julian Castro Not holding my breath for Hillary VP nod - Business Insider
Not being a 'Democrat', it is not my intention to promote that party. Looking at it objectively, I don't see how the Republicans could find in their ranks a candidate more suited to the American electorate than Webb.
Calling Warren 'far left' is a gross exaggeration. There isn't a person even on the US political horizon who is 'far left'.
Not matter whom the Americans 'elect', their obligation to submit to the two party dictatorship will render them tame. Something more thorough needs to be done than just replace the present disappointment.
If Hillary were not running, a Webb/Warren ticket would work well. Warren being so far left would be more than offset by Webb's centrism.

The "problem" with Warren is that she is a "one-message" politician....granted, a VERY important issue in trying to protect the middle class from Wall Street and corporate greed.

Warren will not be ready to be a presidential candidate until she garners strong opinions on other important issues...... She WILL, however, make an excellent Treasury Sec. in 2017.
Not being a 'Democrat', it is not my intention to promote that party. Looking at it objectively, I don't see how the Republicans could find in their ranks a candidate more suited to the American electorate than Webb.

Probably true. Unfortunately competence and preparedness never wins elections -- emotional appeal wins elections. We don't elect a candidate, we buy whichever candidate-product is the best emotionally marketed. This is where the better people like Webb and Huntsman get lost -- they're just not the emotive actor-types that work well with TV marketing. But as long as we keep voting on that basis --- we deserve what we get. :(

Calling Warren 'far left' is a gross exaggeration. There isn't a person even on the US political horizon who is 'far left'.

Readily agreed. We've drifted so far to the right we don't have much of a 'left' left at all. We have a right-wing party and a center-right party, with no more difference between them than between purple and indigo.

Not matter whom the Americans 'elect', their obligation to submit to the two party dictatorship will render them tame. Something more thorough needs to be done than just replace the present disappointment.

Essentially a one-party state that dresses in two colors to present an illusion of choice, while both drift in the same direction.

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