Huckabee... YOU are showing you are really a dummy!!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

What an idiot!
A) He is appealing to "seniors" (LIKE ME!!!) with the absolutely stupid "cut benefits for seniors"!
Bu...Crap HUCKSTER!!!!
When SS was started the LIFE span was 65. Extremely few people lived past 65 so that's why the
originators USE 65.... great plan!
Today the average American life span is 75!

NOT ONE person wants to cut existing "seniors" benefits! Idiot!
What MUST be done for the younger generation is to for ALL People under 55 to understand SS will start at age 68 or 69... NOT 65! BUT NOT one person over 55 including existing "seniors" will have benefits cut!

B) What this idiot seems to forget is the younger voters!!!
The vast majority of which seem resigned to the belief THEY will not get any benefits from SS because it will be exhausted...WHICH IS TRUE!!!

SO if the HUCKSTER was smart he would say in very simple terms!
"HEY all you seniors and over 55... NO FEAR NO CUTS!"

"HEY you all under 55 that think SS won't be there???
HERE is a solid plan!
"1) YOU can choose WHERE your deductions go... into a savings account? YUP.
2) If you don't want to choose ...FINE!!! Stays the same!
But in both options the retirement age will be 68!"

Just those two steps A) give people under 55 a choice B) retire at 68 SAVES SS!!!
NOW for the facts regarding that plan:

I am 72 started working when I was 16 and full-time after college 24.
Over the nearly 40+ years my employers and I paid in over $320,000.
If I had had the choice in 1967 when I graduated to direct SS to invest this $320,000
into a 7% yielding investment from 25 to age 45 and then from 46 to 65 @ 5% yield
I would have accumulated $1,421,966! MINE to do with when I retired at 65!
NO risks involved because over 60 years the Dow Jones Industrial average has grown
at least 7% average per year!
Switching from 7% to lesser percent as I got older preserved my accumulation!

BUT Dumb f...ks like HUCKSTER are scaring the wrong people!
Scare the young ones to get the above plan!
Today's SENIORS...AGAIN Dummy Huckster... NOT TOUCHED!
NOT ONE "cut benefits for seniors"
To the under 55 crowd!
"YOU people can all become millionaires ....
IF YOU choose TO"
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

NO dumber than the goddamn dimocrats running against GW Bush in 2000 and 2004. We heard the same shit right out of algore and the Secretary of State with the broken leg...John Kerry. That's a given that no matter which party is running for office you hear that same social security shit.
The OP seems rather harsh. This is the kind of hyper-rigid judgment that has led to failure in the past. Huckabee compiled a solidly conservative record as governor, considering that his legislature was more Democratic than the one Mitt Romney had to battle.

Some people *have* suggested cutting or gutting SS and Medicare, by the way.
The OP seems rather harsh. This is the kind of hyper-rigid judgment that has led to failure in the past. Huckabee compiled a solidly conservative record as governor, considering that his legislature was more Democratic than the one Mitt Romney had to battle.

Some people *have* suggested cutting or gutting SS and Medicare, by the way.

Indeed. I have been in the workforce (and paying into SS) since I was 13 years of age. I'm now 71. I understand that we have allowed politicians to bamboozle the American public with "giving with one hand and taking with the other". I get it. If "harsh measures" are required (thanks Washington) then either reform SS or do away with it completely - starting with children who are say, 9 years of age. It stops there.

However, I was never given a "choice" as to participate in SS or not. I have held up my end of the contract that Washington forced upon me. I want the government to live up to their end now.

NO ONE who is at retirement age, or close to it, should EVER lose their SS benefits. NO ONE.
Hey OP....

I got some lowdown dirt on Huckabee for ya. Ready?

He's lefthanded.

Run with that.
The OP seems rather harsh. This is the kind of hyper-rigid judgment that has led to failure in the past. Huckabee compiled a solidly conservative record as governor, considering that his legislature was more Democratic than the one Mitt Romney had to battle.

Some people *have* suggested cutting or gutting SS and Medicare, by the way.
WHAT people have suggested gutting SS and Medicare???
I've not heard ONE single person who said WE SHOULD Cut or gut!
Give me sources to that opinion.
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

What an idiot!
A) He is appealing to "seniors" (LIKE ME!!!) with the absolutely stupid "cut benefits for seniors"!
Bu...Crap HUCKSTER!!!!
When SS was started the LIFE span was 65. Extremely few people lived past 65 so that's why the
originators USE 65.... great plan!
Today the average American life span is 75!

NOT ONE person wants to cut existing "seniors" benefits! Idiot!
What MUST be done for the younger generation is to for ALL People under 55 to understand SS will start at age 68 or 69... NOT 65! BUT NOT one person over 55 including existing "seniors" will have benefits cut!

B) What this idiot seems to forget is the younger voters!!!
The vast majority of which seem resigned to the belief THEY will not get any benefits from SS because it will be exhausted...WHICH IS TRUE!!!

SO if the HUCKSTER was smart he would say in very simple terms!
"HEY all you seniors and over 55... NO FEAR NO CUTS!"

"HEY you all under 55 that think SS won't be there???
HERE is a solid plan!
"1) YOU can choose WHERE your deductions go... into a savings account? YUP.
2) If you don't want to choose ...FINE!!! Stays the same!
But in both options the retirement age will be 68!"

Just those two steps A) give people under 55 a choice B) retire at 68 SAVES SS!!!
NOW for the facts regarding that plan:

I am 72 started working when I was 16 and full-time after college 24.
Over the nearly 40+ years my employers and I paid in over $320,000.
If I had had the choice in 1967 when I graduated to direct SS to invest this $320,000
into a 7% yielding investment from 25 to age 45 and then from 46 to 65 @ 5% yield
I would have accumulated $1,421,966! MINE to do with when I retired at 65!
NO risks involved because over 60 years the Dow Jones Industrial average has grown
at least 7% average per year!
Switching from 7% to lesser percent as I got older preserved my accumulation!

BUT Dumb f...ks like HUCKSTER are scaring the wrong people!
Scare the young ones to get the above plan!
Today's SENIORS...AGAIN Dummy Huckster... NOT TOUCHED!
NOT ONE "cut benefits for seniors"
To the under 55 crowd!
"YOU people can all become millionaires ....
IF YOU choose TO"
His entire candidacy is a sham to remain relevant. As soon as he loses in the primaries, he'll be announcing a new book and a new television gig. You heard it here first.
The OP seems rather harsh. This is the kind of hyper-rigid judgment that has led to failure in the past. Huckabee compiled a solidly conservative record as governor, considering that his legislature was more Democratic than the one Mitt Romney had to battle.

Some people *have* suggested cutting or gutting SS and Medicare, by the way.

Indeed. I have been in the workforce (and paying into SS) since I was 13 years of age. I'm now 71. I understand that we have allowed politicians to bamboozle the American public with "giving with one hand and taking with the other". I get it. If "harsh measures" are required (thanks Washington) then either reform SS or do away with it completely - starting with children who are say, 9 years of age. It stops there.

However, I was never given a "choice" as to participate in SS or not. I have held up my end of the contract that Washington forced upon me. I want the government to live up to their end now.

NO ONE who is at retirement age, or close to it, should EVER lose their SS benefits. NO ONE.

AND NO ONE WILL ...UNLESS we change it for those UNDER 55! Do you get it?
They won't have it if we don't follow the laws of nature!
People when SS was started didn't live past 65 on average so that was fine!
Today more people live past 75 today. YOU understand?
AGAIN going to shout for you as you don't understand!
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

What an idiot!
A) He is appealing to "seniors" (LIKE ME!!!) with the absolutely stupid "cut benefits for seniors"!
Bu...Crap HUCKSTER!!!!
When SS was started the LIFE span was 65. Extremely few people lived past 65 so that's why the
originators USE 65.... great plan!
Today the average American life span is 75!

NOT ONE person wants to cut existing "seniors" benefits! Idiot!
What MUST be done for the younger generation is to for ALL People under 55 to understand SS will start at age 68 or 69... NOT 65! BUT NOT one person over 55 including existing "seniors" will have benefits cut!

B) What this idiot seems to forget is the younger voters!!!
The vast majority of which seem resigned to the belief THEY will not get any benefits from SS because it will be exhausted...WHICH IS TRUE!!!

SO if the HUCKSTER was smart he would say in very simple terms!
"HEY all you seniors and over 55... NO FEAR NO CUTS!"

"HEY you all under 55 that think SS won't be there???
HERE is a solid plan!
"1) YOU can choose WHERE your deductions go... into a savings account? YUP.
2) If you don't want to choose ...FINE!!! Stays the same!
But in both options the retirement age will be 68!"

Just those two steps A) give people under 55 a choice B) retire at 68 SAVES SS!!!
NOW for the facts regarding that plan:

I am 72 started working when I was 16 and full-time after college 24.
Over the nearly 40+ years my employers and I paid in over $320,000.
If I had had the choice in 1967 when I graduated to direct SS to invest this $320,000
into a 7% yielding investment from 25 to age 45 and then from 46 to 65 @ 5% yield
I would have accumulated $1,421,966! MINE to do with when I retired at 65!
NO risks involved because over 60 years the Dow Jones Industrial average has grown
at least 7% average per year!
Switching from 7% to lesser percent as I got older preserved my accumulation!

BUT Dumb f...ks like HUCKSTER are scaring the wrong people!
Scare the young ones to get the above plan!
Today's SENIORS...AGAIN Dummy Huckster... NOT TOUCHED!
NOT ONE "cut benefits for seniors"
To the under 55 crowd!
"YOU people can all become millionaires ....
IF YOU choose TO"
Religious nut

But a nice guy.
I never liked Huckabee for exactly this kind of thing. IT is a total demagogue. No one is talking about "gutting social security." The only one who will gut SS is Huckabee himself because keeping the formula and the program the same will guarantee is bankruptcy in a short time.
I really don't understand how complicated this is.

  1. When the Social Security program was initiated in 1935, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. Considering that the average age for retirement has remained consistently around 65, beneficiaries in the early years of the program were receiving payment for a much shorter time.
    The Social Security Dilemma

    WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Life expectancy rates in the United States are at an all-time high, with people born in 2005 projected to live for nearly 78 years, a new federal study finds.

    The finding reflects a continuing trend of increasing life expectancy that began in 1955, when the average American lived to be 69.6 years old. By 1995, life expectancy was 75.8 years, and by 2005, it had risen to 77.9 years, according to the report, released Wednesday.
    U.S. Life Expectancy Hits New High - ABC News

    PLUS the "work" people are doing less physical activities and as a result can work longer.

    The normal age of retirement is scheduled to increase to 67 by 2022,
    and several proposals to increase it to age 70 are being considered.
    SO it is already planned to raise to 67 again NOT AFFECTING any of the "seniors" on SS today! NO cuts!!
I really don't understand how complicated this is.

  1. When the Social Security program was initiated in 1935, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. Considering that the average age for retirement has remained consistently around 65, beneficiaries in the early years of the program were receiving payment for a much shorter time.
    The Social Security Dilemma

    WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Life expectancy rates in the United States are at an all-time high, with people born in 2005 projected to live for nearly 78 years, a new federal study finds.

    The finding reflects a continuing trend of increasing life expectancy that began in 1955, when the average American lived to be 69.6 years old. By 1995, life expectancy was 75.8 years, and by 2005, it had risen to 77.9 years, according to the report, released Wednesday.
    U.S. Life Expectancy Hits New High - ABC News

    PLUS the "work" people are doing less physical activities and as a result can work longer.

    The normal age of retirement is scheduled to increase to 67 by 2022,
    and several proposals to increase it to age 70 are being considered.
    SO it is already planned to raise to 67 again NOT AFFECTING any of the "seniors" on SS today! NO cuts!!
You are right. The actuarial assumptions in SS are simply not valid any more. The retireement age needs to be raised for anyone under 55. Hell I'd want the whole thing privatized. Let people invest their own money.
I really don't understand how complicated this is.

  1. When the Social Security program was initiated in 1935, the average life expectancy was 61 years old. Considering that the average age for retirement has remained consistently around 65, beneficiaries in the early years of the program were receiving payment for a much shorter time.
    The Social Security Dilemma

    WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Life expectancy rates in the United States are at an all-time high, with people born in 2005 projected to live for nearly 78 years, a new federal study finds.

    The finding reflects a continuing trend of increasing life expectancy that began in 1955, when the average American lived to be 69.6 years old. By 1995, life expectancy was 75.8 years, and by 2005, it had risen to 77.9 years, according to the report, released Wednesday.
    U.S. Life Expectancy Hits New High - ABC News

    PLUS the "work" people are doing less physical activities and as a result can work longer.

    The normal age of retirement is scheduled to increase to 67 by 2022,
    and several proposals to increase it to age 70 are being considered.
    SO it is already planned to raise to 67 again NOT AFFECTING any of the "seniors" on SS today! NO cuts!!
You are right. The actuarial assumptions in SS are simply not valid any more. The retireement age needs to be raised for anyone under 55. Hell I'd want the whole thing privatized. Let people invest their own money.

Thank you ! You are right as I've suggested IF I'd had when I was first paying SS allowed to tell SS where to put my
payments that I couldn't touch obviously at my starting age it would be into the stock market for all it's MORE ups then downs over 20 years I'd accumulate enough that at 45 I'd switch more to less risky and then at 65 take an annuity!
Simple... I'd have over $1 million accumulated which would pay my health bills, and when I died might even be something left for my granddaughter!
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

What an idiot!
A) He is appealing to "seniors" (LIKE ME!!!) with the absolutely stupid "cut benefits for seniors"!
Bu...Crap HUCKSTER!!!!
When SS was started the LIFE span was 65. Extremely few people lived past 65 so that's why the
originators USE 65.... great plan!
Today the average American life span is 75!

NOT ONE person wants to cut existing "seniors" benefits! Idiot!
What MUST be done for the younger generation is to for ALL People under 55 to understand SS will start at age 68 or 69... NOT 65! BUT NOT one person over 55 including existing "seniors" will have benefits cut!

B) What this idiot seems to forget is the younger voters!!!
The vast majority of which seem resigned to the belief THEY will not get any benefits from SS because it will be exhausted...WHICH IS TRUE!!!

SO if the HUCKSTER was smart he would say in very simple terms!
"HEY all you seniors and over 55... NO FEAR NO CUTS!"

"HEY you all under 55 that think SS won't be there???
HERE is a solid plan!
"1) YOU can choose WHERE your deductions go... into a savings account? YUP.
2) If you don't want to choose ...FINE!!! Stays the same!
But in both options the retirement age will be 68!"

Just those two steps A) give people under 55 a choice B) retire at 68 SAVES SS!!!
NOW for the facts regarding that plan:

I am 72 started working when I was 16 and full-time after college 24.
Over the nearly 40+ years my employers and I paid in over $320,000.
If I had had the choice in 1967 when I graduated to direct SS to invest this $320,000
into a 7% yielding investment from 25 to age 45 and then from 46 to 65 @ 5% yield
I would have accumulated $1,421,966! MINE to do with when I retired at 65!
NO risks involved because over 60 years the Dow Jones Industrial average has grown
at least 7% average per year!
Switching from 7% to lesser percent as I got older preserved my accumulation!

BUT Dumb f...ks like HUCKSTER are scaring the wrong people!
Scare the young ones to get the above plan!
Today's SENIORS...AGAIN Dummy Huckster... NOT TOUCHED!
NOT ONE "cut benefits for seniors"
To the under 55 crowd!
"YOU people can all become millionaires ....
IF YOU choose TO"

Huckabee: Doing more for atheism than every atheist in history. :)
Scaring seniors is not a new tactic used by politicians. They have been doing it a long time.

It is a strawman argument, but it does seem to be effective.
“Unlike some in Washington who want to cut benefits for seniors, I will protect Social Security and Medicare. Period,” the former Fox News host said at the forum organized by sitting Florida Gov. Rick Scott. “These programs are not entitlements they are earned benefits. The government took that money from you involuntarily when you started working – with the promise that you’d get that money back when you retire. For the government to even think about breaking that promise is absolutely ridiculous.”
Mike Huckabee Aims for Seniors with Social Security Pitch in Florida

NOT ONE F...king person WANTS to CUT social security! How dumb!

What an idiot!
A) He is appealing to "seniors" (LIKE ME!!!) with the absolutely stupid "cut benefits for seniors"!
Bu...Crap HUCKSTER!!!!
When SS was started the LIFE span was 65. Extremely few people lived past 65 so that's why the
originators USE 65.... great plan!
Today the average American life span is 75!

NOT ONE person wants to cut existing "seniors" benefits! Idiot!
What MUST be done for the younger generation is to for ALL People under 55 to understand SS will start at age 68 or 69... NOT 65! BUT NOT one person over 55 including existing "seniors" will have benefits cut!

B) What this idiot seems to forget is the younger voters!!!
The vast majority of which seem resigned to the belief THEY will not get any benefits from SS because it will be exhausted...WHICH IS TRUE!!!

SO if the HUCKSTER was smart he would say in very simple terms!
"HEY all you seniors and over 55... NO FEAR NO CUTS!"

"HEY you all under 55 that think SS won't be there???
HERE is a solid plan!
"1) YOU can choose WHERE your deductions go... into a savings account? YUP.
2) If you don't want to choose ...FINE!!! Stays the same!
But in both options the retirement age will be 68!"

Just those two steps A) give people under 55 a choice B) retire at 68 SAVES SS!!!
NOW for the facts regarding that plan:

I am 72 started working when I was 16 and full-time after college 24.
Over the nearly 40+ years my employers and I paid in over $320,000.
If I had had the choice in 1967 when I graduated to direct SS to invest this $320,000
into a 7% yielding investment from 25 to age 45 and then from 46 to 65 @ 5% yield
I would have accumulated $1,421,966! MINE to do with when I retired at 65!
NO risks involved because over 60 years the Dow Jones Industrial average has grown
at least 7% average per year!
Switching from 7% to lesser percent as I got older preserved my accumulation!

BUT Dumb f...ks like HUCKSTER are scaring the wrong people!
Scare the young ones to get the above plan!
Today's SENIORS...AGAIN Dummy Huckster... NOT TOUCHED!
NOT ONE "cut benefits for seniors"
To the under 55 crowd!
"YOU people can all become millionaires ....
IF YOU choose TO"

Huckabee: Doing more for atheism than every atheist in history. :)
So true. Sad, but true.

The OP seems rather harsh. This is the kind of hyper-rigid judgment that has led to failure in the past. Huckabee compiled a solidly conservative record as governor, considering that his legislature was more Democratic than the one Mitt Romney had to battle.

Some people *have* suggested cutting or gutting SS and Medicare, by the way.

Indeed. I have been in the workforce (and paying into SS) since I was 13 years of age. I'm now 71. I understand that we have allowed politicians to bamboozle the American public with "giving with one hand and taking with the other". I get it. If "harsh measures" are required (thanks Washington) then either reform SS or do away with it completely - starting with children who are say, 9 years of age. It stops there.

However, I was never given a "choice" as to participate in SS or not. I have held up my end of the contract that Washington forced upon me. I want the government to live up to their end now.

NO ONE who is at retirement age, or close to it, should EVER lose their SS benefits. NO ONE.

AND NO ONE WILL ...UNLESS we change it for those UNDER 55! Do you get it?
They won't have it if we don't follow the laws of nature!
People when SS was started didn't live past 65 on average so that was fine!
Today more people live past 75 today. YOU understand?
AGAIN going to shout for you as you don't understand!

Have you lost your mind? or are you incapable of simple comprehension? Apparently you aren't capable. Politicians have been robbing from the SS trust fund for the last 50 years. do YOU understand that? The American people are VICTIMS of politicians. Do YOU understand that? I don't give a damn if you live to 150. YOU paid into the SS system that was then taken and used for everything EXCEPT SS. Do YOU understand that?

Stop being an idiot and realize that SS is no longer viable for young people. Do YOU understand that?
For those who might be interested, here is Huckabee's campaign pledge/basic platform that he included in his e-mail announcing his candidacy:

I, Mike Huckabee, pledge allegiance to God, the Constitution, and the citizens of the United States:

- I will adhere to the Constitution of the United States.

- I will oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes.

- I will advocate for a complete overhaul of our tax system. This means passing the FairTax and abolishing the IRS.

- I will support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

- I will now, and will for the duration of my presidency, promote and sign all measures leading to Obamacare’s defunding, deauthorization, and repeal.

- I will oppose amnesty and government benefits for illegal immigrants who violated our laws, repeal President Obama's unconstitutional executive orders, and secure our borders.

- I will stand for the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception until the grave. Taking this unequivocal stand includes fighting to defund Planned Parenthood.

- I will stand for the Institution of Marriage and vigorously oppose any redefinition.

- I will defend our 2nd Amendment rights and oppose gun control legislation.

- I will fight for the United States military to be the most feared, respected, and capable fighting force the world has ever known. I will restore our military infrastructure after years of abuse and neglect.

- I will stand with our friend and ally Israel in our shared fight against Radical Islam.

- I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear capability.

- I will end the national disgrace of failing to properly care for our veterans.

- I will protect Social Security and Medicare and never rob seniors of the benefits they were promised and forced to pay for.

- I will fight to kill Common Core and restore common sense. Education is a family function - not a federal function.

- I will support the elevation of none but faithful constitutionalists as judges or justices. They must be committed to restraint and applying the original meaning of the Constitution, not legislating from the bench.

- I will fight for term limits for members of Congress and judges.

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