Nightmare Castle


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The sun was setting and she heard the foot steps. As the person came down the carved rock stairwell she heard that awful sound drag, click, drag, click. It was her nightmare returning once again.

She was chained to a wall hands over her head. She heard the drag,click stop and the foot steps grew closer, ever closer. She could feel the heat of his breath as he stood before her. Panic set in as she knew it was about to begin.

Hearing the sword drawn from it's sheath her breath quicken. The large phallic knobby handle started at her lips slowly and gently side to side over and over again. Her nightly agony had just started.

Slowly ever so slowly the phallic handle moved down to where her neck met her chest and returned to the slow side to side motion she had come so well to know to embrace and yet to fear.

Slowly the handle moved down between her breasts and the side to side went on. Bouncing them lightly Bounce, bounce,bounce as sweat ran from her body and dropped from the crests of her breasts. Her mind raced to both the fear and the act as her body started to quiver.

Slowly it moved down to the top of her hips again over and over it crossed her. Her body now well trained was thrusting mid pass to capture a very primal desire. Slowly it desended As she contorted and convulsed.

It was swaying her most personal being now. Closing one lip and rolling back the other and the strokes went on side to side over and over again. The phallic handle stopped between them and began moving slowly up and down.

Her mind could feel the fear being over taken by desire. Slowly it moved in as her back arched for its arrival. The movement became swifter as her legs quivered. Deeper it went striking nerves and setting off emotion and desires. Tears poured from her cheek's like rain.

With all of her strength she lifted her legs and placed them on his shoulders. She arched her back and look toward the heavens and it stopped. Her legs dropped and she heard the foot steps. They were walking away and she could hear the drag,click,drag,click as he went up the carved rock stairs.

The sun must be coming up she thought and it would only be mere hours before yet once again the sound of foot steps the drag,click,drag,click would announce the arrival of her nightmare.

*curtain closes*

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