Crimson & Clover

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

She left him suddenly without warning. "Crim-" It broke his heart and drove him deep into depression. "-son" Quitting his employment the man cut all contact with the outside world. "and" Receding into his workshop at the edge of town. "clo-" His neurological and electrical specialties "-ver" helped him build a machine that changed "over" everything in the immediate locality of the city. "and" Everyone who lived there suddenly "over" looked upon a rose tinted world. ''Crim-" A message of almost subliminal quality "-son" whispered in their minds "and" repeating barely intelligible words. "clo-" The words were repeated in "-ver" a constant loop "over" that seemed to emanate "and" from everwhere and nowhere. "over"

The End



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