NFL is not the only one to lose the lefty fight


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Yea, the NFL is taking quite a beating for the anti American crap that they pulled, but they are not the only ones to lose the lefty fight. The MSM hates America as much as any other lefty does, but like the NFL, their attempt to join forces with the NFL to crap on America failed miserably. The silent majority kicked lefty ass on the NFL thing as hard as we kicked Hillary's back in the November election.
The NFL is far right . It's run by a bunch of billionaires who make money screwing over taxpayers .
Yup...big money always equals corruption. Always has but your brains don't allow you to recognize it. Uber wealth means uber bend the rules.
Is it possible that Americans finally realized that the overpaid corporate athletes didn't have the real culyones to change American social tradition and H'wood corporations were really fronts for democrat fund raising and sexual abuse? Hooray.
Yea, the NFL is taking quite a beating for the anti American crap that they pulled, but they are not the only ones to lose the lefty fight. The MSM hates America as much as any other lefty does, but like the NFL, their attempt to join forces with the NFL to crap on America failed miserably. The silent majority kicked lefty ass on the NFL thing as hard as we kicked Hillary's back in the November election.

uh dude get your facts straight.It is not anti america that these patriotic NFL players are taking a stand against.It is anti corrupt GOVERNMENT they are taking a stand against.they are against all these criminals in washington who run our country who are always starting wars with other countries and suppressing the constitution and freedom of speech.

Land of the FREE is the biggest bullshit,it is the land of the OPPRESSED,that is why i for one will never salute a corrupt govermment as this one like so many blind sheep in america do and why i always leave during the national anthem to go to the restroom.:rolleyes:
Yea, the NFL is taking quite a beating for the anti American crap that they pulled, but they are not the only ones to lose the lefty fight. The MSM hates America as much as any other lefty does, but like the NFL, their attempt to join forces with the NFL to crap on America failed miserably. The silent majority kicked lefty ass on the NFL thing as hard as we kicked Hillary's back in the November election.

uh dude get your facts straight.It is not anti america that these patriotic NFL players are taking a stand against.It is anti corrupt GOVERNMENT they are taking a stand against.they are against all these criminals in washington who run our country who are always starting wars with other countries and suppressing the constitution and freedom of speech.

Land of the FREE is the biggest bullshit,it is the land of the OPPRESSED,that is why i for one will never salute a corrupt govermment as this one like so many blind sheep in america do and why i always leave during the national anthem to go to the restroom.:rolleyes:

So you comment in a forum of a subject you know nothing about?

These millionaire clowns are protesting our police; you know, those people that go out and enforce our laws? They are displaying their total ignorance of our laws and in particular, situations between police and criminals.
The NFL is far right . It's run by a bunch of billionaires who make money screwing over taxpayers .

Oh, so because you are a billionaire, you are a righty? You mean righties like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, and the late Steve Jobs just to name a few?

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