New York Times: $15 an Hour is Meant to Drive Fast Food Out of Business

Why don't you read what I was responding to to find out... it's right there.

Fuck that. You're an idiot. I need to lower my expectations.

Here you go:
FrancoHFW said: "So why is our min wage at most 2/3 of ALL other modern countries, and less than half of NZ and Australia, hater dupes." (emphasis added to help the dopes)​



Tell us your objection to simply basing a worker's wage upon what that worker's work is worth.

Or tell us why you won't tell us your objection to simply basing a worker's wage upon what that worker's work is worth.
My objection is that you fail to give parameter's on what work is worth....and you fail in considering all other factors involved....such as illegal immigrants, bringing down what work is worth for the American citizen at the entry level. And you don't consider what work is worth based on the purchasing power of that paid work.

Are you clear on that fact, Pumpkin? Will I have to tell you again?

You, on the other hand, claim that authority every single time you say for someone else that they cannot be paid less than the statutory minimum for the work they do.

I'd like to know exactly how you came by that authority. I've asked you before, but you never answer.

Why is that, Cupcake?

Should a man work and entire day for someone else, only to be paid enough to buy one half of a loaf of bread when the labor is done...?
If that's what he thinks his work is worth, I have no business disagreeing with him.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do you decide for that worker what his work is worth?

Share with us all, please.

your view on labor, on work and its worth, is one sided...not a partnership between the two parties.
This is a baseless, and ENTIRELY bullshit presumption. And you know it.

You also seem to think that entry level workers have negotiating skills and power...which is far from the truth.
No. It's not. There is a very good reason that entry level workers don't have the SAME negotiating skills and power as skilled and experienced workers.

If you give it a moment's thought, you should be able to figure it out.

Fuck that. You're an idiot. I need to lower my expectations.

Here you go: Entry level workers, being inexperienced and generally unskilled, most often have less to offer in the way of valuable work to merit a higher pay scale. As their skills improve, they also gain opportunities to negotiate better wages. Through the learning process of trial and error, they gain experience--thus greater power, to negotiate better wages.

That's just how it works, Cupcake. Ponies aren't just given away... most everybody has to earn their pony.

I have no problem paying employees for the work's worth,...
This is an obvious lie.

You're PERFECTLY WILLING to underpay some workers in order to over-pay other workers whose work is worth less than the statutory minimum.

Admit it, Pumpkin. You've been banging that exact drum this whole time.

... I have a problem with you thinking this means an employer can arbitrarily think that your work is only worth $1 an hour as you have said many times...
As far as I'm concerned, an employer can establish the worth of the work offered as low--or a retardedly high--as he wishes. That's none of my business. But you CLEARLY believe that it is yours.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do yoiu decide for that employer what his work is worth?

..and there is no job on earth in the USA that is only worth $1 an hour...being paid $8 dollars for a full 8 hour day of work.
Really? Upon what authority do you decide for EVERYBODY what work is worth?
US constitution. Thank god for that.
Nonsense. And nonsense to your superstition too.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
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We can't be compared to Denmark when it comes to the fact that their country works without having a minimum wage, which was done in this thread and the other thread going simultaneously.

We don't have a "Fair Market place" when it comes to entry level workers, because illegal immigration is a huge factor in suppressing the work's worth.
Nonsense. Illegal immigration is a huge factor in demonstrating the work's actual worth. Those folks come here to work voluntarily, and they accept those wages willingly.

Why else would there be so many Mexicans and Southeast Asians working under the table in the U.S.? Is it because they are gluttons for punishment and have a masochistic penchant for exploitation? Hell no! They're here because some jobs are really worth less than $7.25/hr, and they're willing to take that wage, and that's more than they'd make in the country where they were actually being exploited.

Why do you object to simply basing a worker's wage upon what that worker's work is worth?
Yup, GOPers LOVE cheap, easily bullied labor.
So do DEMs. You're all slave-master hopefuls.

Thanks for being an HONEST greedy Pub dupe. LOL
I'm certain I can't take credit for whatever a "Pub dupe" is, but I'll accept your thanks for being honest. You're welcome.
It's a person who believes bs Pub propaganda/hate like you.
Whatever are you talking about? Demonstrate with valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality. I don't go in for anyone's superstition, Cupcake.
Fox Rush Heritage are totally FOS, Pub dupe.
My objection is that you fail to give parameter's on what work is worth....and you fail in considering all other factors involved....such as illegal immigrants, bringing down what work is worth for the American citizen at the entry level. And you don't consider what work is worth based on the purchasing power of that paid work.

Are you clear on that fact, Pumpkin? Will I have to tell you again?

You, on the other hand, claim that authority every single time you say for someone else that they cannot be paid less than the statutory minimum for the work they do.

I'd like to know exactly how you came by that authority. I've asked you before, but you never answer.

Why is that, Cupcake?

Should a man work and entire day for someone else, only to be paid enough to buy one half of a loaf of bread when the labor is done...?
If that's what he thinks his work is worth, I have no business disagreeing with him.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do you decide for that worker what his work is worth?

Share with us all, please.

your view on labor, on work and its worth, is one sided...not a partnership between the two parties.
This is a baseless, and ENTIRELY bullshit presumption. And you know it.

You also seem to think that entry level workers have negotiating skills and power...which is far from the truth.
No. It's not. There is a very good reason that entry level workers don't have the SAME negotiating skills and power as skilled and experienced workers.

If you give it a moment's thought, you should be able to figure it out.

Fuck that. You're an idiot. I need to lower my expectations.

Here you go: Entry level workers, being inexperienced and generally unskilled, most often have less to offer in the way of valuable work to merit a higher pay scale. As their skills improve, they also gain opportunities to negotiate better wages. Through the learning process of trial and error, they gain experience--thus greater power, to negotiate better wages.

That's just how it works, Cupcake. Ponies aren't just given away... most everybody has to earn their pony.

I have no problem paying employees for the work's worth,...
This is an obvious lie.

You're PERFECTLY WILLING to underpay some workers in order to over-pay other workers whose work is worth less than the statutory minimum.

Admit it, Pumpkin. You've been banging that exact drum this whole time.

... I have a problem with you thinking this means an employer can arbitrarily think that your work is only worth $1 an hour as you have said many times...
As far as I'm concerned, an employer can establish the worth of the work offered as low--or a retardedly high--as he wishes. That's none of my business. But you CLEARLY believe that it is yours.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do yoiu decide for that employer what his work is worth?

..and there is no job on earth in the USA that is only worth $1 an hour...being paid $8 dollars for a full 8 hour day of work.
Really? Upon what authority do you decide for EVERYBODY what work is worth?
US constitution. Thank god for that.
Nonsense. And nonsense to your superstition too.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
The Supreme Court and the Constitution are made up shit? Pascal's "the bet" is made up? WTF ARE you talking about?
Nonsense. Illegal immigration is a huge factor in demonstrating the work's actual worth. Those folks come here to work voluntarily, and they accept those wages willingly.

Why else would there be so many Mexicans and Southeast Asians working under the table in the U.S.? Is it because they are gluttons for punishment and have a masochistic penchant for exploitation? Hell no! They're here because some jobs are really worth less than $7.25/hr, and they're willing to take that wage, and that's more than they'd make in the country where they were actually being exploited.

Why do you object to simply basing a worker's wage upon what that worker's work is worth?
Yup, GOPers LOVE cheap, easily bullied labor.
So do DEMs. You're all slave-master hopefuls.

Thanks for being an HONEST greedy Pub dupe. LOL
I'm certain I can't take credit for whatever a "Pub dupe" is, but I'll accept your thanks for being honest. You're welcome.
It's a person who believes bs Pub propaganda/hate like you.
Whatever are you talking about? Demonstrate with valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality. I don't go in for anyone's superstition, Cupcake.
Fox Rush Heritage are totally FOS, Pub dupe.
Whatever are you talking about? Demonstrate with valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality. I don't go in for anyone's superstition, Cupcake.

Are you clear on that fact, Pumpkin? Will I have to tell you again?

You, on the other hand, claim that authority every single time you say for someone else that they cannot be paid less than the statutory minimum for the work they do.

I'd like to know exactly how you came by that authority. I've asked you before, but you never answer.

Why is that, Cupcake?

If that's what he thinks his work is worth, I have no business disagreeing with him.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do you decide for that worker what his work is worth?

Share with us all, please.

This is a baseless, and ENTIRELY bullshit presumption. And you know it.

No. It's not. There is a very good reason that entry level workers don't have the SAME negotiating skills and power as skilled and experienced workers.

If you give it a moment's thought, you should be able to figure it out.

Fuck that. You're an idiot. I need to lower my expectations.

Here you go: Entry level workers, being inexperienced and generally unskilled, most often have less to offer in the way of valuable work to merit a higher pay scale. As their skills improve, they also gain opportunities to negotiate better wages. Through the learning process of trial and error, they gain experience--thus greater power, to negotiate better wages.

That's just how it works, Cupcake. Ponies aren't just given away... most everybody has to earn their pony.

This is an obvious lie.

You're PERFECTLY WILLING to underpay some workers in order to over-pay other workers whose work is worth less than the statutory minimum.

Admit it, Pumpkin. You've been banging that exact drum this whole time.

As far as I'm concerned, an employer can establish the worth of the work offered as low--or a retardedly high--as he wishes. That's none of my business. But you CLEARLY believe that it is yours.

Why do you claim that it is your business? Upon what authority do yoiu decide for that employer what his work is worth?

Really? Upon what authority do you decide for EVERYBODY what work is worth?
US constitution. Thank god for that.
Nonsense. And nonsense to your superstition too.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
The Supreme Court and the Constitution are made up shit?
The Supreme Court and the Constitution gives you the moral authority to decide for EVERYONE what work is worth--Yeah, that's some made up shit right there, Cupcake.

Pascal's "the bet" is made up?
Yeah, Pumpkin. A fundamental premise of Pascal's wager is some made up shit.

WTF ARE you talking about?
The predictable fact that superstitious retards of all flavor invoke made-up shit when they get cornered by their own dumb. A prediction that you are furiously validating.

It's just fascinating.
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

Oh robots are horribly expensive to run. But $15/hr is just the face value cost. When you add in the taxes, the health care mandates, the unemployment insurance that's mandatory, and on and on and on, the wage is way way higher. Suddenly, a kiosk is cheaper. Automated fry cookers and burger flippers. Tons of cash. But eventually you drive up costs enough, and it becomes economical.
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

Oh robots are horribly expensive to run. But $15/hr is just the face value cost. When you add in the taxes, the health care mandates, the unemployment insurance that's mandatory, and on and on and on, the wage is way way higher. Suddenly, a kiosk is cheaper. Automated fry cookers and burger flippers. Tons of cash. But eventually you drive up costs enough, and it becomes economical.
That is correct. The true cost of labor is significantly higher than just the hourly amount paid to the employee, and automated systems don't take sick days or show up with a bad attitude.
US constitution. Thank god for that.
Nonsense. And nonsense to your superstition too.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
The Supreme Court and the Constitution are made up shit?
The Supreme Court and the Constitution gives you the moral authority to decide for EVERYONE what work is worth--Yeah, that's some made up shit right there, Cupcake.

Pascal's "the bet" is made up?
Yeah, Pumpkin. A fundamental premise of Pascal's wager is some made up shit.

WTF ARE you talking about?
The predictable fact that superstitious retards of all flavor invoke made-up shit when they get cornered by their own dumb. A prediction that you are furiously validating.

It's just fascinating.
Nope just the MINIMUM. DUH

RWers are a helluva lot more superstitious.

You are an idiot troll, methinks lol.
I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour...

How many workers can one robot replace? How long of a lifespan will that robot have? Don't forget that $15/hr costs an employer more than $15/hr. There's taxes, Obamacare, etc...
Not to worry, soon there will be robots to replace people. I find it hard to believe a robot can be bought and maintained for much less then 15 dollars an hour but because of the liberals good intentions we soon may find out.

Oh robots are horribly expensive to run. But $15/hr is just the face value cost. When you add in the taxes, the health care mandates, the unemployment insurance that's mandatory, and on and on and on, the wage is way way higher. Suddenly, a kiosk is cheaper. Automated fry cookers and burger flippers. Tons of cash. But eventually you drive up costs enough, and it becomes economical.
That is correct. The true cost of labor is significantly higher than just the hourly amount paid to the employee, and automated systems don't take sick days or show up with a bad attitude.
Nobody wants to be served by robots...but would prefer happy employees who care about their jobs. What do you RW a-holes have about a happy, stable country...
robots dont defecate and not wash their hands, people, however, do. People spread diseases, robots do not. People steal and cheat, robots do not. Robots do not have to be trained and they dont quit or demand raises in pay. Robots dont run off customers, or file/cause lawsuits. they don't sabatoge the place, nor set fires, nor snitch on you to the cops.
Nonsense. And nonsense to your superstition too.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
The Supreme Court and the Constitution are made up shit?
The Supreme Court and the Constitution gives you the moral authority to decide for EVERYONE what work is worth--Yeah, that's some made up shit right there, Cupcake.

Pascal's "the bet" is made up?
Yeah, Pumpkin. A fundamental premise of Pascal's wager is some made up shit.

WTF ARE you talking about?
The predictable fact that superstitious retards of all flavor invoke made-up shit when they get cornered by their own dumb. A prediction that you are furiously validating.

It's just fascinating.
Nope just the MINIMUM. DUH

RWers are a helluva lot more superstitious.

You are an idiot troll, methinks lol.
Left... Right... whatever.

Statists gonna state.

There are a lot of faithful adherents to the Church of Beneficent Government... it's all just superstition.

Don't Stop Believin', Pumpkin.
robots dont defecate and not wash their hands, people, however, do. People spread diseases, robots do not. People steal and cheat, robots do not. Robots do not have to be trained and they dont quit or demand raises in pay. Robots dont run off customers, or file/cause lawsuits. they don't sabatoge the place, nor set fires, nor snitch on you to the cops.
Unhappy, underpaid, screwed over employees with no pride do, hater dupes.
The SC is with me. I'll go with God, thanks. see Pascal, "The Bet". You appear to be treasonous as well as a dupe, AND faithless. Bad ideas.
Just like with old Earth creationists, when superstitious statist retards get cornered by their own dumb, they revert to the fundamentals of what they do best... just making shit up.
The Supreme Court and the Constitution are made up shit?
The Supreme Court and the Constitution gives you the moral authority to decide for EVERYONE what work is worth--Yeah, that's some made up shit right there, Cupcake.

Pascal's "the bet" is made up?
Yeah, Pumpkin. A fundamental premise of Pascal's wager is some made up shit.

WTF ARE you talking about?
The predictable fact that superstitious retards of all flavor invoke made-up shit when they get cornered by their own dumb. A prediction that you are furiously validating.

It's just fascinating.
Nope just the MINIMUM. DUH

RWers are a helluva lot more superstitious.

You are an idiot troll, methinks lol.
Left... Right... whatever.

Statists gonna state.

There are a lot of faithful adherents to the Church of Beneficent Government... it's all just superstition.

Don't Stop Believin', Pumpkin.
Yeah, I believe in good gov't, too bad we haven't had it since the greatest generation left the building before Reaganism. So what's your alternative? Ay caramba. We need a living wage in this country, about $12 at least. Cheaper college, vacations, paid parental leave- and to wait for bosses to do it in this whacky country is stupid...
We are already subsidizing fast food to the tune of 7 billion a year with giving the workers food stamps and emergency room health care. Why not make the companies pay instead of the tax payer? Keep government out. Pay the workers so they don't need food stamps and other subsidies.
Funny that Republicans will scream out "let him die" at presidential debates and cut school lunches for children but will stand in line to hand over subsidies to corporations.
When Mitt said "corporations are people", he meant the ONLY people.

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