Mr. President, close the southern border.

Can all these words fit on the protestors banners now?:

"Abolish Ice, Border Patrol, National Guard, US Army, US Air Force, Border Wall, Drones, Citizens of the USA"?

all your talking points are lies. :itsok:
"Abolish Ice, Border Patrol, National Guard, US Army, US Air Force, Border Wall, Drones, Citizens of the USA"

ignorant, fearmongering LIES. :thup:
fools believe paying for a border wall will solve ANYTHING. :itsok:

LefTard Logic:
“Prisons and jails don’t need walls or fences, they don’t work, they’re a waste of money.”

youre an idiot - this country is not a prision.

Follow along and pay attention...the reference was in response to “Walls and fences don’t work.”
Let me know if you’re still confused.
Valerie dear all your talking points are trolling.

i noticed you decided not to answer my question but rather post a projection of your own motivation ^

my question was in direct response to your troll post..

team trump
The correct title is citizens of the United States.

and what is the "correct title" for liberals, democrats, independents, rational moderates, rational republicans, the media, and the overwhelmingly vast majority who do not approve of team trump?
Close the ports of entry. Make Mexicans aware that these border crossings are closed because of the central Americans and let the Mexicans clean it out.

Next, tax remittances. That should have been done years ago already.
fools believe paying for a border wall will solve ANYTHING. :itsok:

LefTard Logic:
“Prisons and jails don’t need walls or fences, they don’t work, they’re a waste of money.”

youre an idiot - this country is not a prision.

Follow along and pay attention...the reference was in response to “Walls and fences don’t work.”
Let me know if you’re still confused.

its impossible to follow along with your train of thought, you're an idiot.

you dont know the difference between a border crossing and a fence to stop people from crossing the border ...
Thank You
President Trump, General Mattis, Wilbur Ross, Ice, Border Patrol, National Guard, US Army, US Air Force, Border Wall, Drones, Citizens of the USA, etc.
fools believe paying for a border wall will solve ANYTHING. :itsok:
It won't solve anything, but it's a start in the right direction

the ONLY DIRECTION is to enforce the laws on the books.

Sure, and we know how well liberals like to follow the law.

you need to digress back to 43 when he had both houses of congress and refused to enforce immigration laws after he built a billion dollar fence
These are not desperate times, pants shitter.

These are not desperate times??? Dood, talk with a liberal.

you're confused. liberals are not the ones irrationally frightened by brown boogeymen. :itsok:

Wow, sound a bit racist there pal. I wasn't referring to "brown boogeymen", I was referring to all the "end of the world" BS stories libs decide to make up on a daily basis....dumbass.

team trump has brought ignorant fearmongering to public policy on a daily basis which is why dumbo bedwetters (like you!) now RABIDLY chant for a border wall, AS IF "these are desperate times"...

(shocking you needed that explained to you) ^

face it, rethuglicans own all the "end of the world" BS stories made up on a daily basis....

blame liberals and the evil media for noticing how fucking irrational and ignorant you assholes are.

Are you saying that the US should accept anyone and everyone that wants to come here? Do you think we can be the dumping ground for the worlds poor and still be a sovereign country? The UnitedStates has been an example of freedom and democracy and by thelooks of the flags these illegals are flying they want to bring their failing politics with them. Can we survive as a country while importing millions of antiAmerican illegals with the intention of voting in change to OUR country. We don’t need them, want them and shouldn’t be forced to take them by globalist that only want to see the United States as we know it fail.
"Are you saying that the US should accept anyone and everyone that wants to come here?"


face it, fraud..fear mongering fake news is all you've got. :blahblah:

Illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border is "the lowest in 17 years."
Donald Trump on Friday, April 21st, 2017 in an interview with the Associated Press

so why do we need a wall Mr Dumbass ?
fools believe paying for a border wall will solve ANYTHING. :itsok:
It won't solve anything, but it's a start in the right direction

the ONLY DIRECTION is to enforce the laws on the books.

Sure, and we know how well liberals like to follow the law.

you need to digress back to 43 when he had both houses of congress and refused to enforce immigration laws after he built a billion dollar fence
43 was as much of a globalist as obama. The old Republican Party was globalist and rinos. Peasident Trump has redefined the Republican Party as the party of America. America first, the was it should be.
If President Trump completely closed the border with Mexico to all traffic how long do you think it would take for Mexico to put an end to caravans assulting our country. If Mexico can’t export trade to the U.S. they will feel the lost revenue quickly. We closed our borders after 9/11 and we should do it on our southern border now. The invasions of foreigners is a threat to our Republic and our President needs to stop it now. We have legal ways to immigrate and that should be the only way anyone comes to this country.
Any benefit in closing our southern border is far out weighed by the harm it would do. About a million people legally cross our southern border every day plus tens of thousands of trucks carrying goods to market. The jobs of millions of Americans depend on keeping our borders open.

This is not the first caravan of migrants headed toward the US border. In fact, it happens nearly every year and has for nearly 20 years. Some never make it to the border and those that do usually result in a few people getting asylum, some being arrested and the rest are turned back. Although it has become a major media event, it represents little danger to the US.

Mexico would probably not close their southern border regardless of what the US did with it's border because by law it has an open border policy and trade agreements with central American countries. Over the 800 hundred mile border with Guatemala, there are hundreds of crossings, most are unmanned.

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