Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as ‘madness’

The issue to me isn't if it's epidemic or not, it's the fact that the church has an official or unofficial policy to cover it up and protect the criminal priests from justice encouraging them to continuing their sinful, immoral and illegal behavior.
Nonsense. The Church has no power to shield these gay offenders from the law.

Pope Francis denounced efforts to limit migration at the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday, calling out a Texas effort to shut down a Catholic charity “madness.”

The Catholic leader said in a “60 Minutes” interview with Norah O’Donnell that American leaders should instead embrace forgiveness toward migrants entering the country.

“Migration is something that makes a country grow,” he said. “They say that you Irish migrated and brought the whiskey, and that the Italians migrated and brought the mafia. Migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) in February attempted to subpoena Annunciation House, a Catholic charity that acts as a temporary boarding house for migrants from Mexico. He accused the group of “alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house.”

“That is madness. Sheer madness,” Francis said. “To close the border and leave them there, that is madness.”

“The migrant has to be received,” he continued, advocating against GOP efforts to close the southern border. “Thereafter, you see how you are going to deal with him. Maybe you have to send him back, I don’t know, but each case ought to be considered humanely.”

Says the man in the pointy hat who lives in a city walled off by 30 foot walls and where ingress/egress are tightly controlled by men with guns.....Walls for me but not for thee.

Air Abbott needs to airlift a few thousand into Vatican City.
Here's a question Norah would have asked had she been an honest reporter:

"Your excellency, President Biden has professed to be a devout Catholic, yet he has made abortion the centerpiece of his campaign. What do you say about that?"
And how many illegals has the Pope let come and take up permanent residency at the Vatican? How much of the Vaticans coffers has he emptied to take care of illegals?

If anyone is supposed to lead by example it's the Pope.

Surely even the conduit for god would understand that yes charity and giving are important, but protecting yourself, your home and your country are also important. A wide open border does none of those things.

America is becoming gradually more godless and illegals are a part of it because we allow so many foreigners into America but will not conform to America. So they bring in and force other religions or anti religion beliefs into America and we allow it to happen. It's fine to believe what you want but it isn't fine for Muslims to start demanding we conform to their standards into society and so on.

So the border isn't just to protect our people, our resources, or money , or America's morals, values, and standards but it also protects our Christian and Catholic based society and country. I don't believe God wants us to sacrifice any of those things by letting illegals come in from anywhere anytime.

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