More right wing benghazi propaganda


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Foxnews lives at the bottom of the cesspool. Lindsey Graham on Foxnews; “The British had pulled out. The Red Cross had pulled out.” Why? Protestors over the right wing anti-Muslim video. “Video showed no protestors near the consulate? But protestors took Stevens from the Consulate to the hospital? See how incredible Foxnews and right wing idiots are? Just like Romney. Their stories do not add up to facts. When did Foxnews get this video?

Why didn’t Stevens and the other Americans not leave as the British and Red Cross when they saw there were not ample security and instead they remained in harms way? Who is really at fault here?

Everyone knows that Foxnews is not credible news reporting. Its’ a week old rag. Fox News Lies

Obama NEVER said it was a spontaneous attack and not planned as Foxnews erroneously claimed
Obama's Sept. 12 interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes
“You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.”
Unreleased video shows Obama admitting Benghazi attack was planned - National YouTube |
Was there protesting outside the Consulate?
But why did Rice suggest that the attacks came after a "spontaneous" protest at the Benghazi consulate? There was no protest.
True, but Rice didn't know that at the time because the CIA talking points still referred to "demonstrations" that had been inspired by the protests in Cairo. As David Martin reported: "Over that same weekend, US intelligence began to uncover evidence that there had not been a protest outside the consulate. That new intelligence did not get to Rice before she appeared on the Sunday talk shows, making her the target of Republican accusations the administration was trying to cover up the terrorist attack."
The Benghazi Controversy, Explained | Mother Jones
As usually, Foxnews, Radical Right Wing Extremists, and case in point, Bush, “Shoot first and Aim later.”

John 8 32.
Libruls would sacrifice their first born if it meant keeping their messiah out of trouble. Nothing should surprise any of us at this point about the Zombie lemmings.

Foxnews lives at the bottom of the cesspool. Lindsey Graham on Foxnews; “The British had pulled out. The Red Cross had pulled out.” Why? Protestors over the right wing anti-Muslim video. “Video showed no protestors near the consulate? But protestors took Stevens from the Consulate to the hospital? See how incredible Foxnews and right wing idiots are? Just like Romney. Their stories do not add up to facts. When did Foxnews get this video?

Why didn’t Stevens and the other Americans not leave as the British and Red Cross when they saw there were not ample security and instead they remained in harms way? Who is really at fault here?

Everyone knows that Foxnews is not credible news reporting. Its’ a week old rag. Fox News Lies

Obama NEVER said it was a spontaneous attack and not planned as Foxnews erroneously claimed
Obama's Sept. 12 interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes
“You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.”
Unreleased video shows Obama admitting Benghazi attack was planned - National YouTube |
Was there protesting outside the Consulate?
But why did Rice suggest that the attacks came after a "spontaneous" protest at the Benghazi consulate? There was no protest.
True, but Rice didn't know that at the time because the CIA talking points still referred to "demonstrations" that had been inspired by the protests in Cairo. As David Martin reported: "Over that same weekend, US intelligence began to uncover evidence that there had not been a protest outside the consulate. That new intelligence did not get to Rice before she appeared on the Sunday talk shows, making her the target of Republican accusations the administration was trying to cover up the terrorist attack."
The Benghazi Controversy, Explained | Mother Jones
As usually, Foxnews, Radical Right Wing Extremists, and case in point, Bush, “Shoot first and Aim later.”

John 8 32.

You are a disgusting excuse for a Human Being.
Yup. She sure is.

Apparantly the deaths of 4 Americans and the fuck up of the Obama State Department doesn't mean much to her sorry ass.
Oh good grief. :rolleyes: It's well established that the security for our diplomatic mission in Libya was inadequate and that requests for additional security were denied. Stevens doesn't just get to DECIDE to pull the mission, pack it in, and leave. That decision would've been made in Washington. I suspect that the reasons Stevens wasn't pulled when the Brits left are NOT going to reflect well on this administration, as it's beginning to look like there might have been some behind the scenes weapons transfers. But there was NO demonstration. That's been established as well. And yet, we saw Susan Rice and Jay Carney claiming that this was a mob protesting an obscure youtube video that just got out of hand. We also saw both Obama and Hillary talking about this video. And now... we learn that requests for air support and additional assistance DURING the attack were denied. And I'm inclined to believe it since NONE SHOWED UP. :mad:

I know you libs are pissy because this is a poor reflection on your messiah, large FAIL that he is... but it's a good bit worse for Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Foxnews lives at the bottom of the cesspool. Lindsey Graham on Foxnews; “The British had pulled out. The Red Cross had pulled out.” Why? Protestors over the right wing anti-Muslim video. “Video showed no protestors near the consulate? But protestors took Stevens from the Consulate to the hospital? See how incredible Foxnews and right wing idiots are? Just like Romney. Their stories do not add up to facts. When did Foxnews get this video?

Why didn’t Stevens and the other Americans not leave as the British and Red Cross when they saw there were not ample security and instead they remained in harms way? Who is really at fault here?

Everyone knows that Foxnews is not credible news reporting. Its’ a week old rag. Fox News Lies

Obama NEVER said it was a spontaneous attack and not planned as Foxnews erroneously claimed
Obama's Sept. 12 interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes
“You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.”
Unreleased video shows Obama admitting Benghazi attack was planned - National YouTube |
Was there protesting outside the Consulate?
But why did Rice suggest that the attacks came after a "spontaneous" protest at the Benghazi consulate? There was no protest.
True, but Rice didn't know that at the time because the CIA talking points still referred to "demonstrations" that had been inspired by the protests in Cairo. As David Martin reported: "Over that same weekend, US intelligence began to uncover evidence that there had not been a protest outside the consulate. That new intelligence did not get to Rice before she appeared on the Sunday talk shows, making her the target of Republican accusations the administration was trying to cover up the terrorist attack."
The Benghazi Controversy, Explained | Mother Jones
As usually, Foxnews, Radical Right Wing Extremists, and case in point, Bush, “Shoot first and Aim later.”

John 8 32.

TROLL. A failed one at that
Oh good grief. :rolleyes: It's well established that the security for our diplomatic mission in Libya was inadequate and that requests for additional security were denied. Stevens doesn't just get to DECIDE to pull the mission, pack it in, and leave. That decision would've been made in Washington. I suspect that the reasons Stevens wasn't pulled when the Brits left are NOT going to reflect well on this administration, as it's beginning to look like there might have been some behind the scenes weapons transfers. But there was NO demonstration. That's been established as well. And yet, we saw Susan Rice and Jay Carney claiming that this was a mob protesting an obscure youtube video that just got out of hand. We also saw both Obama and Hillary talking about this video. And now... we learn that requests for air support and additional assistance DURING the attack were denied. And I'm inclined to believe it since NONE SHOWED UP. :mad:

I know you libs are pissy because this is a poor reflection on your messiah, large FAIL that he is... but it's a good bit worse for Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Reps on the way!

LilOlDingbat can't admit that O'Blamer and Co. watched the attack AS IT HAPPENED.

It blows her whole argument out of the water.

If Obama admitted the the terrorist nature of the attack in the UNRELEASD interview, why did his Administration repeat the 'video lie' for another 11 days?

The lies are catching up to him...
Oh good grief. :rolleyes: It's well established that the security for our diplomatic mission in Libya was inadequate and that requests for additional security were denied. Stevens doesn't just get to DECIDE to pull the mission, pack it in, and leave. That decision would've been made in Washington. I suspect that the reasons Stevens wasn't pulled when the Brits left are NOT going to reflect well on this administration, as it's beginning to look like there might have been some behind the scenes weapons transfers. But there was NO demonstration. That's been established as well. And yet, we saw Susan Rice and Jay Carney claiming that this was a mob protesting an obscure youtube video that just got out of hand. We also saw both Obama and Hillary talking about this video. And now... we learn that requests for air support and additional assistance DURING the attack were denied. And I'm inclined to believe it since NONE SHOWED UP. :mad:

I know you libs are pissy because this is a poor reflection on your messiah, large FAIL that he is... but it's a good bit worse for Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Reps on the way!

LilOlDingbat can't admit that O'Blamer and Co. watched the attack AS IT HAPPENED.

It blows her whole argument out of the water.

If Obama admitted the the terrorist nature of the attack in the UNRELEASD interview, why did his Administration repeat the 'video lie' for another 11 days?

The lies are catching up to him...

The lies are indeed catching up to him and he's counting on the MSM to run interference for him. Even if the media didn't think it's a cover up they should be the ones pointing out that we've had NO answers from this administration after 7 weeks. Does Obama not know who was in the situation room? Does Obama not know who was giving the orders? If Obama doesn't know those answers is he competent to be the CinC?
Oh good grief. :rolleyes: It's well established that the security for our diplomatic mission in Libya was inadequate and that requests for additional security were denied. Stevens doesn't just get to DECIDE to pull the mission, pack it in, and leave. That decision would've been made in Washington. I suspect that the reasons Stevens wasn't pulled when the Brits left are NOT going to reflect well on this administration, as it's beginning to look like there might have been some behind the scenes weapons transfers. But there was NO demonstration. That's been established as well. And yet, we saw Susan Rice and Jay Carney claiming that this was a mob protesting an obscure youtube video that just got out of hand. We also saw both Obama and Hillary talking about this video. And now... we learn that requests for air support and additional assistance DURING the attack were denied. And I'm inclined to believe it since NONE SHOWED UP. :mad:

I know you libs are pissy because this is a poor reflection on your messiah, large FAIL that he is... but it's a good bit worse for Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Reps on the way!

LilOlDingbat can't admit that O'Blamer and Co. watched the attack AS IT HAPPENED.

It blows her whole argument out of the water.

If Obama admitted the the terrorist nature of the attack in the UNRELEASD interview, why did his Administration repeat the 'video lie' for another 11 days?

The lies are catching up to him...

Well, that's the thing. There has to be some reason for this administration to pull the "Look, squirrel!" maneuver on us. They knew there was no protest. They had real time information, and from trusted sources on the ground too. What were they hiding over there?

It's been SEVEN WEEKS since this attack, and they're still telling us they're "investigating". What the hell? Either they can't find their own asses with both hands... or they're LYING. All the information we've had has come from other sources, reporters, witnesses, the families of the slain. Were they going to bother telling us that they were going to scapegoat this Nakoula guy? Frankly, I don't think so. It's pretty clear that they got a little more than they bargained for by pointing to this video and needed to put the fire out in the Middle East, hence the perp-walk for the media over an alleged probation violation. :eek:

Barack Obama and the idiots who surround him are a disgrace to this country. It would've been one thing if they had tried and failed to save lives during the firefight at the annex that night. But not to even try?.... unforgivable.
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Foxnews lives at the bottom of the cesspool. Lindsey Graham on Foxnews; “The British had pulled out. The Red Cross had pulled out.” Why? Protestors over the right wing anti-Muslim video. “Video showed no protestors near the consulate? But protestors took Stevens from the Consulate to the hospital? See how incredible Foxnews and right wing idiots are? Just like Romney. Their stories do not add up to facts. When did Foxnews get this video?

Why didn’t Stevens and the other Americans not leave as the British and Red Cross when they saw there were not ample security and instead they remained in harms way? Who is really at fault here?

Everyone knows that Foxnews is not credible news reporting. Its’ a week old rag. Fox News Lies

Obama NEVER said it was a spontaneous attack and not planned as Foxnews erroneously claimed
Obama's Sept. 12 interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes
“You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.”
Unreleased video shows Obama admitting Benghazi attack was planned - National YouTube |
Was there protesting outside the Consulate?
But why did Rice suggest that the attacks came after a "spontaneous" protest at the Benghazi consulate? There was no protest.
True, but Rice didn't know that at the time because the CIA talking points still referred to "demonstrations" that had been inspired by the protests in Cairo. As David Martin reported: "Over that same weekend, US intelligence began to uncover evidence that there had not been a protest outside the consulate. That new intelligence did not get to Rice before she appeared on the Sunday talk shows, making her the target of Republican accusations the administration was trying to cover up the terrorist attack."
The Benghazi Controversy, Explained | Mother Jones
As usually, Foxnews, Radical Right Wing Extremists, and case in point, Bush, “Shoot first and Aim later.”

John 8 32.

Negged for you blaming your fellow Americans for causing their own death. You grow more disgusting daily with your insane rants.

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