More and More Laws Made by Bureaucrats – Not Congress


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've seen the piece cited at several website this morning and sort of ignored it until I realized the truth of what it claims. The Founders set up a form of government where THE PEOPLE through their representatives, established laws – something totally alien to what went on elsewhere around the world at that time.

So, what happened that those representatives set things up so unnamed bureaucrats now “make laws” that often impose severe limitations on the rights of the people?

This is worth reading @ Lawmakers Now Empower Non-Elected to Make Laws
Undemocratic: How Unelected Bureaucrats Steal Freedom

I've been saying this forever! I was once married to one of them who worked at the Department of Agriculture and learned how the system works. That is why I catch the major entries every day in the Federal Register almost too many to digest.

Each year, unelected government bureaucrats impose thousands of new laws on Americans -- all without a single vote from Congress.

We've got to stand up and demand they our representatives rein this in.

Read more @ Undemocratic How Unelected Bureaucrats Steal Freedom - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

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