Mitch McConnell and McCarthy own the deficit


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
It is the clear truth. Neither McCarthy nor McConnell has tried at all to cut the spending and get the deficit under control. Just the opposite, both are for funding Ukraine ever more, but at least on that score McCarthy has had a tiny bit of public restraint that didn't matter... none from ZPF McConnell
Lets not forget GW Bush and the GOP congress inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, they then went on the pass $trillions in do nothing spending bills and started failed and mis-managed wars.

Worse still is the US had only a $587B deficit in 2016 at the end of Obama's presidency, Trump blew that up and doubled it pre covid.

The GOP own this debt and the massive $3T 2020 Trump deficit because their policies caused it
I've brought this up a few times on this forum, but do Republicans even like themselves? They seem to hate everybody they've ever voted for. Both Bushes suck. McCain sucked. Romney sucked. Everybody in Congress sucks. They didn't walk in and declare their office. Millions of people had to leave the house and enter a polling booth.
I've brought this up a few times on this forum, but do Republicans even like themselves? They seem to hate everybody they've ever voted for. Both Bushes suck. McCain sucked. Romney sucked. Everybody in Congress sucks. They didn't walk in and declare their office. Millions of people had to leave the house and enter a polling booth.
They are all Karens. Not much more to say about that.
Lets not forget GW Bush and the GOP congress inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, they then went on the pass $trillions in do nothing spending bills and started failed and mis-managed wars.

Worse still is the US had only a $587B deficit in 2016 at the end of Obama's presidency, Trump blew that up and doubled it pre covid.

The GOP own this debt and the massive $3T 2020 Trump deficit because their policies caused it

I'm glad you brought that up, because that was 2001 and in the mid 1990s Gingrich was actually cutting spending.

What happened?

Faux News
Sub replaced libertarian in GOP
GOP packed with ZPF "Faux News approved" Zionist Fascist Left Wingers like McConnell, Hastert, Boehner, Murkowski...

The GOP is what changed. The pre 1998 GOP was a fiscally conservative party patriotic to America. The post 1998 GOP has been a left wing big government big spending supporter of Zionist Fascist Treason against America, and still is.
Lets not forget GW Bush and the GOP congress inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus, they then went on the pass $trillions in do nothing spending bills and started failed and mis-managed wars.

Worse still is the US had only a $587B deficit in 2016 at the end of Obama's presidency, Trump blew that up and doubled it pre covid.

The GOP own this debt and the massive $3T 2020 Trump deficit because their policies caused it

There never was ANY budget surplus. The national debt increased EVERY single year of the Clinton presidency. Clinton borrowed from one arm of the federal gov't to pay for the other arm of the federal gov't.

Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself;

It is the clear truth. Neither McCarthy nor McConnell has tried at all to cut the spending and get the deficit under control. Just the opposite, both are for funding Ukraine ever more, but at least on that score McCarthy has had a tiny bit of public restraint that didn't matter... none from ZPF McConnell
much of the deficit is spending from the Inflation Reduction Act, which is Democrats, the 117th congress, not the current congress
It is the clear truth. Neither McCarthy nor McConnell has tried at all to cut the spending and get the deficit under control. Just the opposite, both are for funding Ukraine ever more, but at least on that score McCarthy has had a tiny bit of public restraint that didn't matter... none from ZPF McConnell
So what is your point? That Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans? Try selling that bridge.
There never was ANY budget surplus. The national debt increased EVERY single year of the Clinton presidency. Clinton borrowed from one arm of the federal gov't to pay for the other arm of the federal gov't.

Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself;

you are exactly right, debt grew every year under Clinton
much of the deficit is spending from the Inflation Reduction Act, which is Democrats, the 117th congress, not the current congress

And McCarthy and the GOP really dug in and cut spending.... NOT!!!
you are exactly right, debt grew every year under Clinton

Yeah, but by how much.... this chart shows the end of the Gingrich years with total debt down....


So what is your point? That Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans? Try selling that bridge.

No, the point is that the GOP since 1998 is not the same as the GOP before 1998.

Before 1998 - patriotic to America, fiscally conservative
After 1998 - patriotic only to Israel, fiscally liberal
Obamacare is the deficit increase year after year. Democrats own most of it as they only use their terms to buy votes for the following elections with freebies.

The annual deficit was only $587B in 2016, then Trump came in and passed massive Trillion dollar spending bills and the deficit exploded, before covid. Then Trump took it to another level after covid, blowing it up to $3+B. Then Biden came in and lowered it down to $1T last year.

The republicans and their policies gave us this debt. Nice try though...
It is the clear truth. Neither McCarthy nor McConnell has tried at all to cut the spending and get the deficit under control. Just the opposite, both are for funding Ukraine ever more, but at least on that score McCarthy has had a tiny bit of public restraint that didn't matter... none from ZPF McConnell

How about making the rich and big corporations sacrifice. Ordinary people get screwed by Republicans and the rich and powerful and you clowns are upset at the idea that thy might have to pay a little more in taxes.
The 2024 budget will be the first negotiated by the 118th congress that came into session on Jan 3, 2023. That's 3 months after the federal 2023 fiscal year began on October 1, 2022.
Thus, I lay blame on the previous congress (under Democrats) for the current year's deficit spending.
How about making the rich and big corporations sacrifice. Ordinary people get screwed by Republicans and the rich and powerful and you clowns are upset at the idea that thy might have to pay a little more in taxes.

Demographic data compiled in the 2016 and 2020 elections showed that the top 40 percent of income earners preferred the Democratic candidate for president (Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden) over the Republican (Donald Trump),
The 2024 budget will be the first negotiated by the 118th congress that came into session on Jan 3, 2023. That's 3 months after the federal 2023 fiscal year began on October 1, 2022.
Thus, I lay blame on the previous congress (under Democrats) for the current year's deficit spending.

No doubt. There has been no fiscal discipline in DC since Newt was couped. But McCarthy said he would do something, not nothing, and to date, he has done NOTHING...

The annual deficit was only $587B in 2016, then Trump came in and passed massive Trillion dollar spending bills and the deficit exploded, before covid. Then Trump took it to another level after covid, blowing it up to $3+B. Then Biden came in and lowered it down to $1T last year.

The republicans and their policies gave us this debt. Nice try though...
and Obamacare grows in costs year after year, it is the most unaffordable piece of legislation in the last 100 years. Biden has not lowered anything you stupid dumbfuck programmed idiot......:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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