Merged -- Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion and Comment Threads for 30 Sept.

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
Let's review some of the inconsistencies in her commission testimony... the following is all based on her words:

She isn't sure how she got to the house, but she knew she wanted to go there because she'd heard Brent Kavanaugh and Mark Judge liked to go there and drink, it was known as a party house. But when she got there, there was no party, just a few people downstairs, yet Kavanaugh and Judge were already very drunk (she said).

She goes upstairs. There is no music or sound of conversation downstairs, yet somehow Judge & Kavanaugh sneaked up the stairs right behind her (she never mentions going into any other room), pushed her into a bedroom and locked the door. So... what exactly happened?

Did she walk into the bedroom, was she hanging out in there? She never said she heard them come up the stairs, but supposedly they were so drunk they "pinballed down the stairs" when they left - hitting the walls she said. So, her hearing was so acute she could hear them bumping into the walls from another room on their way down, but she did not hear them coming up the stairs right behind her?

Yet she clearly remembers the faces of Judge & Kavanaugh. She remembers they turned some music on very loud - what kind of music was it (that could be a key factor) - what song? No mention. They were very drunk and rowdy, but no music or conversation downstairs. A door locks, music suddenly comes on, one girl and two drunk guys are missing, they are jumping on beds and she was trying to scream. No reacton from downstairs?

So he muffled her with one hand. The way in which he covered her mouth should be a key fact she would remember, it had to be pretty effective to silence her with one hand so she could not continue screaming. What else did she do? The bed was by the wall, did she pound on the wall? Did she strike at Kavanaugh? Did she bite his lip?

No, Kavanaugh was on top of her (she testified) grinding his groin against her and trying to get her top clothes off, and Judge was "jumping on the bed?" What does that mean? Like a two year old? She does not remember them saying any words like "don't scream." Judge was just watching (and jumping on the bed?) and both were laughing.

How long did this go on? 15-seconds or 15 minutes? She doesn't say but we assume it was quick, because the second time Judge jumped on the bed Kavanaugh fell off of her. So, that was it, it was over, they laughed, turned off the music, unlocked the door and left the room. She could hear them laughing and bumping into the walls on the way downstairs. Yet she still felt she had to "escape" when they were downstairs - even though her best friends; tall PJ and Leland (lady friend) and another nameless guy she does not want to mention (?) were also down there.

She was able to get up, straighten her clothes, and sneak out of the room and run out of the house. The boys had just been upstairs jumping on beds, blasting music and locking doors for an attempted rape, then were downstairs quietly talking with some of her favorite acquaintances. A quick transformation from sadistic rapists to congenial houseguests in a matter of seconds. She frantically runs out of the house without saying a word -- and no one can corroborate her story?

Three of her best friends were in the living room but no one followed her out to ask what happened or to see if she was OK? She does not remember how she got home, (yet she only had one beer) and no one has come forward to say "we wondered where she went" or "she called us for a ride and we picked her up." She never told anyone what happened that night, yet she was so traumatized by the worst night of her life that she doesn't remember how she got home?

That's just the story of the "sexual assault." Then there were other problems.

Here is a Ph.D author of several books. The entire previous week was one delay after another. She wanted to dictate the terms of a meeting, and she was afraid to fly to Washington from California. She testified that she was never even told before that day that the entire congressional committee had previously offered to fly to her in California on the previous Monday. The first time she even heard about that was in the congressional hearing? (REALLY????)

Did her lawyers forget to tell her about that offer? Or did she just not understand what they were saying when she was told (we don't know, it never came out). Is she really afraid to fly? She said "I'll never make it to Australia" she said in all seriousness. Then 3 minutes later she admits having flown to the South Pacific and Asia several times to surf (places much farther than Washington DC).

The money? It had to be a drain on her, right? No, apparently there is already some $700,000 dollars in various GoFundMe accounts. Yet her lawyers testified under oath (penalty of perjury) to be working Pro Bono. Her lawyers; one is a self described "Trump Resistor" and the other was recommended to her by Dianne Feinstein - a ranking committee member. (conflict of interest?)

She knew an extraordinary amount about how trauma affects various glands and enzymes in the brain, yet she didn't even think about seeking counseling for what she now says is the most traumatic event in her life for some 20 years. But she did think about needing an extra door on her master bedroom for some reason that (what?) she fully understood but never mentioned until she and her husband finally got counseling in 2012 (or was it 2008?).

So, remodeling the house 20 years later she wants two front doors, and suddenly she decides to tell the first people ever "Brent Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me." - and she also says "Oh, and he might be on the Supreme Court someday" (hence, we really need that extra door.)

Do you see why I have my doubts? Tell me any inconsistencies you noticed.

And Rachell Mitchell - you did a fine job.
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Imagine needing to be defended by a drama queen.

She had been to a swim meet earlier in the day and had her bathing suit on under her clothes. Does anyone put street clothes on over a wet bathing suit?
I would also point her alleged interactions with Judge weeks after the incident seem strange. She kept emphasizing that she ran into Judge at his place of employment at safeway and went and said hi. What victim would walk up to their attacker and casually say hello?

It's almost as though she was emphasizing it to try to create an artificial time line. After all its public knowledge that he worked at safeway at that time due to his book.
She's apolitical but leans Left. She only recently engaged in the Kavanaugh farce. She was impressed by Graham, found Durbin "disturbing" and "a creep"

Most of all she couldn't believe that 3 separate women would come forward and lie about something so serious and severe. She gives people the benefit of the doubt because, surely, they have a moral compass similar to hers.

I didn't jump directly into explaining that the Soros owned Fascist Satan worshipping democrat Party is run by blood drinking Sociopaths who are inducted into leadership during a pedophilia ritual; I simply stated that there are some truly evil people and politics brings out the worst.

I think that there are many other like her.
I couldn’t imagine a greater self imposed Hell; than to conjoin my life’s fortunes, to one that didn’t share my philosophy, and politics...
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She's apolitical but leans Left. She only recently engaged in the Kavanaugh farce. She was impressed by Graham, found Durbin "disturbing" and "a creep"

Most of all she couldn't believe that 3 separate women would come forward and lie about something so serious and severe. She gives people the benefit of the doubt because, surely, they have a moral compass similar to hers.

I didn't jump directly into explaining that the Soros owned Fascist Satan worshipping democrat Party is run by blood drinking Sociopaths who are inducted into leadership during a pedophilia ritual; I simply stated that there are some truly evil people and politics brings out the worst.

I think that there are many other like her.

There are a lot like her, yes. But there are also a lot who are utterly sickened by how this has been handled.
I couldn’t imagine a greater self imposed Hell; than to conjoin my life’s fortunes, to one that didn’t share my philosophy, and politics...
Surprisingly, politics consumes almost no time in our relationship
She's apolitical but leans Left. She only recently engaged in the Kavanaugh farce. She was impressed by Graham, found Durbin "disturbing" and "a creep"

Most of all she couldn't believe that 3 separate women would come forward and lie about something so serious and severe. She gives people the benefit of the doubt because, surely, they have a moral compass similar to hers.

I didn't jump directly into explaining that the Soros owned Fascist Satan worshipping democrat Party is run by blood drinking Sociopaths who are inducted into leadership during a pedophilia ritual; I simply stated that there are some truly evil people and politics brings out the worst.

I think that there are many other like her.

Funny how you bring up Soros and not the Koch brothers. Nothing like having facts thrown at you out of context.
She's apolitical but leans Left. She only recently engaged in the Kavanaugh farce. She was impressed by Graham, found Durbin "disturbing" and "a creep"

Most of all she couldn't believe that 3 separate women would come forward and lie about something so serious and severe. She gives people the benefit of the doubt because, surely, they have a moral compass similar to hers.

I didn't jump directly into explaining that the Soros owned Fascist Satan worshipping democrat Party is run by blood drinking Sociopaths who are inducted into leadership during a pedophilia ritual; I simply stated that there are some truly evil people and politics brings out the worst.

I think that there are many other like her.

So she had no thoughts of when Kav stared at Durbin like he was speechless. LOL, yet she loves Graham. You have got to be kidding me.
She's apolitical but leans Left. She only recently engaged in the Kavanaugh farce. She was impressed by Graham, found Durbin "disturbing" and "a creep"

Most of all she couldn't believe that 3 separate women would come forward and lie about something so serious and severe. She gives people the benefit of the doubt because, surely, they have a moral compass similar to hers.

I didn't jump directly into explaining that the Soros owned Fascist Satan worshipping democrat Party is run by blood drinking Sociopaths who are inducted into leadership during a pedophilia ritual; I simply stated that there are some truly evil people and politics brings out the worst.

I think that there are many other like her.

As Yamamoto proclaimed---------> The Left has "awakened a sleeping giant!" America was watching, and they did not like what they seen. Look at how Americans are seeing this--------------> If they can do this right in front of our eyes, imagine what they will do when klieg lights are off to the rest of us!

By the way------------> Look back at Ks testimony. Look behind him as he was speaking in the audience. Who was that woman fighting back tears...… actually CRYING as he spoke? Want me to tell you? The FAR LEFTIST, Allissa Milano of "Who's The Boss" fame!

If his heart felt testimony and denials can elicit this kind of reaction from a far Leftist, what do you think it did to independents! You Leftists have over played your hand, and do not yet realize what you have done to yourselves. But, I am confident you will soon find out!

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