Men's Groups Embracing "Alternative Masculinity"

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

All of these fags should have to turn in their cocks and balls to authorities and then use a Sharpie to draw a vagina on themselves. First of all, when I hear the term "men's groups" I want to throw up. It is certainly ok to have buddies, and maybe a group of dudes you hang out with on a regular basis to enjoy guy things (e.g., drinking beer and watching football, etc...). But other than that, men are generally loners when it comes to their feelings and emotions. And that is the way it should be. If we started acting like emotional women, then there would be no men and society would devolve into one continuous bleeding period.

Just imagine being in one of these stupid sessions. "Well, Bob, remember last week when I asked you to stop farting in my truck but you continued to anyway? That hurt me because it showed a lack of respect on your part for my feelings and my space." Yeah, right. What kind of homo is going to sit around with a bunch of other guys and talk about such stupid shit?

I note that these are city guys in the videos. I have lived half of my life in the "big city" and the other half in a semi-rural area. But even when I was living in the big urban sprawl, I did not feel or act like one of these fag. However, I notice that you never see pickup truck driving, good old boys into this shit. Urban men seem to be more susceptible to sitting around with other eunuchs, hold hand, and crying. This urban pussification of males is clearly correlated to the fact that most of these areas are run by Democrats and the local politics tend to be leftist in nature. Given how the left hates white men, the existence of these groups is not surprising. Notice in the video at the guru is a black guy.

All of these fags should have to turn in their cocks and balls to authorities and then use a Sharpie to draw a vagina on themselves. First of all, when I hear the term "men's groups" I want to throw up. It is certainly ok to have buddies, and maybe a group of dudes you hang out with on a regular basis to enjoy guy things (e.g., drinking beer and watching football, etc...). But other than that, men are generally loners when it comes to their feelings and emotions. And that is the way it should be. If we started acting like emotional women, then there would be no men and society would devolve into one continuous bleeding period.

Just imagine being in one of these stupid sessions. "Well, Bob, remember last week when I asked you to stop farting in my truck but you continued to anyway? That hurt me because it showed a lack of respect on your part for my feelings and my space." Yeah, right. What kind of homo is going to sit around with a bunch of other guys and talk about such stupid shit?

I note that these are city guys in the videos. I have lived half of my life in the "big city" and the other half in a semi-rural area. But even when I was living in the big urban sprawl, I did not feel or act like one of these fag. However, I notice that you never see pickup truck driving, good old boys into this shit. Urban men seem to be more susceptible to sitting around with other eunuchs, hold hand, and crying. This urban pussification of males is clearly correlated to the fact that most of these areas are run by Democrats and the local politics tend to be leftist in nature. Given how the left hates white men, the existence of these groups is not surprising. Notice in the video at the guru is a black guy.
Call someone who gives a fuck.
Even moonbat split tails will admit these effeminate "men" are just bitches with huge clits. I've heard plenty of them complain about these pathetic males that cry all the time watching Disney cartoons. Their "performance" in other areas is just as ridiculous.

All of these fags should have to turn in their cocks and balls to authorities and then use a Sharpie to draw a vagina on themselves. First of all, when I hear the term "men's groups" I want to throw up. It is certainly ok to have buddies, and maybe a group of dudes you hang out with on a regular basis to enjoy guy things (e.g., drinking beer and watching football, etc...). But other than that, men are generally loners when it comes to their feelings and emotions. And that is the way it should be. If we started acting like emotional women, then there would be no men and society would devolve into one continuous bleeding period.

Just imagine being in one of these stupid sessions. "Well, Bob, remember last week when I asked you to stop farting in my truck but you continued to anyway? That hurt me because it showed a lack of respect on your part for my feelings and my space." Yeah, right. What kind of homo is going to sit around with a bunch of other guys and talk about such stupid shit?

I note that these are city guys in the videos. I have lived half of my life in the "big city" and the other half in a semi-rural area. But even when I was living in the big urban sprawl, I did not feel or act like one of these fag. However, I notice that you never see pickup truck driving, good old boys into this shit. Urban men seem to be more susceptible to sitting around with other eunuchs, hold hand, and crying. This urban pussification of males is clearly correlated to the fact that most of these areas are run by Democrats and the local politics tend to be leftist in nature. Given how the left hates white men, the existence of these groups is not surprising. Notice in the video at the guru is a black guy.
^^ emotional train wreck
"Effeminate men"

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What "men's groups"? Did some liberal news outlet find a couple of gay guys who claim to be a group? You almost gotta laugh at this B.S. if it didn't have a ring of truth in it.
Faggots should have never been given a shot at being normalized in society in the US. Stupidest move ever....besides allowing slavery.

All of these fags should have to turn in their cocks and balls to authorities and then use a Sharpie to draw a vagina on themselves. First of all, when I hear the term "men's groups" I want to throw up. It is certainly ok to have buddies, and maybe a group of dudes you hang out with on a regular basis to enjoy guy things (e.g., drinking beer and watching football, etc...). But other than that, men are generally loners when it comes to their feelings and emotions. And that is the way it should be. If we started acting like emotional women, then there would be no men and society would devolve into one continuous bleeding period.

Just imagine being in one of these stupid sessions. "Well, Bob, remember last week when I asked you to stop farting in my truck but you continued to anyway? That hurt me because it showed a lack of respect on your part for my feelings and my space." Yeah, right. What kind of homo is going to sit around with a bunch of other guys and talk about such stupid shit?

I note that these are city guys in the videos. I have lived half of my life in the "big city" and the other half in a semi-rural area. But even when I was living in the big urban sprawl, I did not feel or act like one of these fag. However, I notice that you never see pickup truck driving, good old boys into this shit. Urban men seem to be more susceptible to sitting around with other eunuchs, hold hand, and crying. This urban pussification of males is clearly correlated to the fact that most of these areas are run by Democrats and the local politics tend to be leftist in nature. Given how the left hates white men, the existence of these groups is not surprising. Notice in the video at the guru is a black guy.
I wonder if these guy ever tried a circle jerk.
The world was built by men. Real men. Every single thing we have is thanks to actual real men. Sissified fags like these guys have done virtually nothing except convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.

You don't even have to be a tough guy man either to be a man. Stephen hawking is more of a man than these guys.

Just be a man, that's all you have to do. This idea of alternative masculinity is absolute dog shit nonsense that really is a product of the modern day pussified and submissive cuck male.
The world was built by men. Real men. Every single thing we have is thanks to actual real men. Sissified fags like these guys have done virtually nothing except convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.

You don't even have to be a tough guy man either to be a man. Stephen hawking is more of a man than these guys.

Just be a man, that's all you have to do. This idea of alternative masculinity is absolute dog shit nonsense that really is a product of the modern day pussified and submissive cuck male.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay | HISTORY

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