Melania Vitamins: Christian Capital (FDA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-vignette inspired by Trump's tweets about the modern value of 'consumerism-culture.'

President Trump is the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan who as strongly-critiqued for Reaganomics for generations, so it'll be intriguing to see how 'Trumponomics' is portrayed in the context of 'developed consumerism culture' in this age of NASDAQ and Microsoft.

We'd all like to think that our diplomatic First Lady (Melania Trump) is a fan of consumerism-etiquette institutions such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) which is 'expected' to 'supervise' the hygienic-marketing (and hygiene!) of American 'capitalism-dunes' such as Burger King and Flintstones children's vitamins.

Signing off,



"U.S. First Lady Melania Trump was busy at an FDA conference endorsing the marketing of Flintstones children's vitamins. She talked about America's new age social/imaginative fascination with creative characters for lifestyle goods (e.g., Green Giant vegetables, Tony the Tiger cereal mascot, Smokey the Bear forest-fire prevention ads, etc.) and why Flintstones vitamins appealed to kids. The Christian Coalition attended the conference and praised Melania's complementary comments enhancing discussions about consumerism evaluations."


"Unfortunately, a ruthless Russian crime-syndicate boss named Kingpin sent spies to the conference also to watch what the First Lady was doing at the FDA conference. You see, Kingpin wanted to exploit consumerism and the Pepsi market in economically-strained Moscow to create black market profits. He didn't want 'savvy diplomacy' clouding piracy-intentions in the underground of capitalism. Ironically enough, Kingpin was an advocate of the Christian Coalition but also the NRA."


"A comic book fan-fic writer/artist named Ajay Satan also attended the conference, and he wanted to advertise/promote the Marvel Comics superheroine She-Hulk, a fantastic woman of extraordinary strength, in messages about modern lifestyle values themed social fables. Comic books were all the rage, and Hollywood (USA) was making countless comics-adapted films, and Ajay wanted to promote She-Hulk as a 'propaganda-complement' to the lifestyle-muscular Green Giant canned-vegetable company mascot artistry. Melania liked Ajay's artistic perspective on She-Hulk and wanted to know more. Ajay was also an advocate of the Christian Coalition."


"Kingpin ordered one of his minions, a computer-hacker, to invade the communications-signals/emails traffic at the FDA conference, and unwittingly, this Kingpin-minion created a 'super-virus' which was unleashed onto all the computers at the conference. The virus called itself 'Video-Man' and it immediately hacked into the computer-networks/servers of the FDA. Video-Man wanted to 'corrupt' the FDA's monitoring of the Flintstones-vitamins company, an iconic symbol of values-oriented consumerism/capitalism."


"Fortunately, the NSA's new cyber-division detected the presence and interference-signals of Video-Man and interceded and prevented the A.I.-virus from wreaking havoc on the FDA's computer networks and servers. Everything was stabilized, and the FDA conference came to its conclusion with minor panic. Video-Man simply vanished. Afterwards, the First Lady (Melania Trump) decided to promote the praise of the American amusement park Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom and why it reinforced everyone's general love of tourism and recreation. Was consumerism wholly safe?"


TRUMP: I didn't like the panic at the conference, Carter.
CARTER: Melania was safe, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I know, but we need tighter protocols for consumerism.
CARTER: Capitalism is so darn challenging to monitor.
TRUMP: Yes, but there are measures our government can take.
CARTER: Right now, you're dealing with multiple political scandals!
TRUMP: Melania's good work should help our approval-ratings.
CARTER: The Christian Coalition had good things to say about Mrs. Trump.
TRUMP: I hope they have good things to say about Flintstones vitamins.
CARTER: Are you a fan of Stephen King's Children of the Corn, sir?
TRUMP: Yes, that's a pseudo-evangelical horror-film symbolizing faith.
CARTER: Yes, sir --- faith in the harvest and America in general!
TRUMP: We have to be sure that consumers are not paranoid about Wal-Mart.
CARTER: There's nothing 'dangerous' about commerce...
TRUMP: That's the hope, Carter; 9/11 freaked out everyone.
CARTER: At least Video-Man has been exiled.




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