Mask-Karen Melt down at BJ's


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.

Did you start to cough?
It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.

You people are just too kind.

As he approached me, I would have gone into a coughing-choking fit complete with phlegm, then when he got near, I would have tripped and fallen against him wiping my hands just coughed on all over him.

I suspected for a long time that this Covid Year In Masks would create a new generation of Mask People who, gotten into the mask are now reluctant to ever trust coming out of it again.
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.

These pieces of genetic garbage are why I don't oppose abortion. It's like some sick fuck mad scientist injected sheep DNA into some of these assholes. The ought to be eaten by the wolves they're trying to make pets out of.

As usual, the lousy corrupt cops in the city I live in can't be bothered to do anything about the psychotically deranged lunatics in vehicles TRYING to murder people..........but yet they find EVERY opportunity to pull ME over and tell me I was "speeding", even though everybody ELSE on the fucking road was BLOWING past me so fast, I felt like I was in slow motion!!!!

This morning was no exception.

I don't drive with my mask on, and the cop was some old white woman. She was civil enough, but as she was running my DL, my allergies started up, and I started sneezing and coughing.

She brought back my license as I was coughing into my sleeve, and she stopped at arms length with my license between her fingertips. As soon as I took my license, she ran back to her truck.

Hmmmm. I wonder how long this maneuver will work on getting out of tickets????
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.

They should have all coughed on her, and walked off.
It's hard to get a handle on mask logic. The mask is supposed to protect you from all those noxious little bugs in the air so why not relax and wear a mask for the rest of your life while those happy fools run around and risk their own lives with naked faces?
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.
Fake story.
It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.

You people are just too kind.

As he approached me, I would have gone into a coughing-choking fit complete with phlegm, then when he got near, I would have tripped and fallen against him wiping my hands just coughed on all over him.

I suspected for a long time that this Covid Year In Masks would create a new generation of Mask People who, gotten into the mask are now reluctant to ever trust coming out of it again.
It marks a permanent shift in our culture. Social sculpting.
I Belong to BJ's wholesale and make several trips there weekly for a variety of things needed for the house. Recently with the lifting of the mask mandate the clientele are split about fifty/fifty mask versus mask-less and the masks are disappearing steadily except for the frightened diehards. Today as I was traversing one of the main aisles I noticed a person....a masked man in his mid fifties....acting sporadically trying to weave in and out of the traffic of customers walking up and down ( the direction arrows are gone thank god ) and as he was moving toward me I could see his lips moving underneath the mask or at least the mask was moving and at that particular moment his eyes were focused on me and they were definitely wild He was looking for a way to go around me so I started to move over trying to give him some room....but as I was doing this another man without a mask walked by me and near the Karen who reacted with immediate fear and herky-jerky maneuvers trying to avoid both of use but not being able to find enough room for all concerned to keep six feet apart.....hahahahaha.

If I had though a little more about what was about to happen I would have simply stopped in my tracks to allow the poor fellow room to pass without having a terror stroke but as it was it all happened so fast. So in the process of being frightened in my direction by the other customer he nearly came face to face with me at which point our carriages sideswiped each other and then followed a hideous woman-like screech of horror such as made a housewife trapped on a chair by mouse...this was followed immediately by a profane tirade began.... " What the Fxxck is wrong with you axxholes? Are you Fxxcking crazy? Don't you know what Covid 19 is you bunch of Gxxdamed axxholes? I ought sue every Gxxdamend last one of you....blah blah blah blah blah....and on and on and on .....

Now we were all just mouth agape and wide eyed at the outburst and then it of the unmasked guys on the other side burst out laughing....then another....then me....then everyone around including the masks were into it...hahahahah ....This brought even more fury and profanity from the masked avenger followed by a store manager rushing ot the scene to see what was happenending oonly to be excoriated by the Karen for allowing umasked patrons into the store to " Endanger good honest people who care ".... ( OMG) .....and so on.

It was hilarious.....just thought I would share.
Fake story.

And Everyone Stood Up and Cheered While the Hottest Girl In the Store Ran Up and Kissed Me!

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