Big Changes Are Coming To The U.S.‭ ‬Over The Next Eighteen Months


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Big Changes Are Coming To The U.S.‭ ‬Over The Next Eighteen Months

Anyone paying attention to the gradual changes in the U.S, political system since the end of WWII can see how certain elements of the population have been manipulated.

The technological advances of the war years quickly brought on the development of television, which carried the action of current events into the living rooms of average Americans.

Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan originated the phrase, “The medium is the message.” This described the way the form of a message (print, visual, musical, etc.) determines the ways in which that message will be perceived. And, how the “message” can be tailored to target specific segments of the population. Television, having both sound and pictures provided a giant leap in shaping the public’s perception of any issue, and is able to be broadcast nationwide in real time.

Over the next eighteen months, the American people are going to be astonished by the events they watch unfold in real time. But, the flickering, black-and-white scenes watched by Americans as the House Committee on Un-American Activities performed its witch-hunts in the early 1950s have greatly improved. Americans will watch, in brilliant, high definition color, as the United States’ Democratic Republic becomes a single-party dictatorship. This change will take place as the GOP, with the help of Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, assume total control of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term elections.

The thought of the GOP becoming the singular political party, and the absolute devotion of congressional Republicans to the criminal trump, thrills the segment of the U.S. population taken in by his countless lies. The 74 million that believe their wannabe führer won in 2020 will join the rest of the world for the televised coronation of trump as emperor. (This will follow the two days the Republican Congress takes to remove President Biden and Vice President Harris from office.)

Those 74 million voters, and any that join them in voting Republican in 2022, can take pride in knowing they played a major role in tearing down the system created by the Founding Fathers. An extremely flawed system, and one conservatism made worse as each decade passed, which right-wing extremism will soon destroy completely.

Those 74 million-plus celebrating their cult leader’s promotion to emperor won’t be celebrating very long. The Constitution the 74 million-plus claim to treasure and defend, will be burned in a televised public ceremony before January 1, 2023. That most precious, Second Amendment will be no more, so, guns in the hands of betrayed citizens will be deemed a threat to the new order, and so, cannot be tolerated. For those unwilling to surrender all illegal weapons, the newly formed Gestapo, will be more than happy to pry these firearms from the owners’ cold, dead hands.

Despite their love for their emperor, the 74 million-plus will no longer be needed by their former cult leader. If they had any brains, the 74 million-plus would have realized this in 2015.

"The medium is the message"? What the hell does that mean? We don't need no wonky Canadian communication theorist to tell us we are in deep shit with a mentally defective and a radical in the W.H. The media is the message and as long as the media continues to be the propaganda arm of the democratic party the media will defend Biden no matter what happens.
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Big Changes Are Coming To The U.S.‭ ‬Over The Next Eighteen Months

Anyone paying attention to the gradual changes in the U.S, political system since the end of WWII can see how certain elements of the population have been manipulated.

The technological advances of the war years quickly brought on the development of television, which carried the action of current events into the living rooms of average Americans.

Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan originated the phrase, “The medium is the message.” This described the way the form of a message (print, visual, musical, etc.) determines the ways in which that message will be perceived. And, how the “message” can be tailored to target specific segments of the population. Television, having both sound and pictures provided a giant leap in shaping the public’s perception of any issue, and is able to be broadcast nationwide in real time.

Over the next eighteen months, the American people are going to be astonished by the events they watch unfold in real time. But, the flickering, black-and-white scenes watched by Americans as the House Committee on Un-American Activities performed its witch-hunts in the early 1950s have greatly improved. Americans will watch, in brilliant, high definition color, as the United States’ Democratic Republic becomes a single-party dictatorship. This change will take place as the GOP, with the help of Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, assume total control of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term elections.

The thought of the GOP becoming the singular political party, and the absolute devotion of congressional Republicans to the criminal trump, thrills the segment of the U.S. population taken in by his countless lies. The 74 million that believe their wannabe führer won in 2020 will join the rest of the world for the televised coronation of trump as emperor. (This will follow the two days the Republican Congress takes to remove President Biden and Vice President Harris from office.)

Those 74 million voters, and any that join them in voting Republican in 2022, can take pride in knowing they played a major role in tearing down the system created by the Founding Fathers. An extremely flawed system, and one conservatism made worse as each decade passed, which right-wing extremism will soon destroy completely.

Those 74 million-plus celebrating their cult leader’s promotion to emperor won’t be celebrating very long. The Constitution the 74 million-plus claim to treasure and defend, will be burned in a televised public ceremony before January 1, 2023. That most precious, Second Amendment will be no more, so, guns in the hands of betrayed citizens will be deemed a threat to the new order, and so, cannot be tolerated. For those unwilling to surrender all illegal weapons, the newly formed Gestapo, will be more than happy to pry these firearms from the owners’ cold, dead hands.

Despite their love for their emperor, the 74 million-plus will no longer be needed by their former cult leader. If they had any brains, the 74 million-plus would have realized this in 2015.

I'm skeered.

Qanonononon. They never stop
Big Changes Are Coming To The U.S.‭ ‬Over The Next Eighteen Months

Anyone paying attention to the gradual changes in the U.S, political system since the end of WWII can see how certain elements of the population have been manipulated.

The technological advances of the war years quickly brought on the development of television, which carried the action of current events into the living rooms of average Americans.

Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan originated the phrase, “The medium is the message.” This described the way the form of a message (print, visual, musical, etc.) determines the ways in which that message will be perceived. And, how the “message” can be tailored to target specific segments of the population. Television, having both sound and pictures provided a giant leap in shaping the public’s perception of any issue, and is able to be broadcast nationwide in real time.

Over the next eighteen months, the American people are going to be astonished by the events they watch unfold in real time. But, the flickering, black-and-white scenes watched by Americans as the House Committee on Un-American Activities performed its witch-hunts in the early 1950s have greatly improved. Americans will watch, in brilliant, high definition color, as the United States’ Democratic Republic becomes a single-party dictatorship. This change will take place as the GOP, with the help of Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, assume total control of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term elections.

The thought of the GOP becoming the singular political party, and the absolute devotion of congressional Republicans to the criminal trump, thrills the segment of the U.S. population taken in by his countless lies. The 74 million that believe their wannabe führer won in 2020 will join the rest of the world for the televised coronation of trump as emperor. (This will follow the two days the Republican Congress takes to remove President Biden and Vice President Harris from office.)

Those 74 million voters, and any that join them in voting Republican in 2022, can take pride in knowing they played a major role in tearing down the system created by the Founding Fathers. An extremely flawed system, and one conservatism made worse as each decade passed, which right-wing extremism will soon destroy completely.

Those 74 million-plus celebrating their cult leader’s promotion to emperor won’t be celebrating very long. The Constitution the 74 million-plus claim to treasure and defend, will be burned in a televised public ceremony before January 1, 2023. That most precious, Second Amendment will be no more, so, guns in the hands of betrayed citizens will be deemed a threat to the new order, and so, cannot be tolerated. For those unwilling to surrender all illegal weapons, the newly formed Gestapo, will be more than happy to pry these firearms from the owners’ cold, dead hands.

Despite their love for their emperor, the 74 million-plus will no longer be needed by their former cult leader. If they had any brains, the 74 million-plus would have realized this in 2015.

The vacuous crooked piece of drooling dog poop named Xiden won the biggest rigged election in world history
Whatever changes due happen …you will still be on the bottom like the fungus you’re
Both the Republicrats and Demicans are both bought and sold by special interest and China

Trump was the only true non-corruptible leader left - so the 2 gangs rigged the election
Big Changes Are Coming To The U.S.‭ ‬Over The Next Eighteen Months

Anyone paying attention to the gradual changes in the U.S, political system since the end of WWII can see how certain elements of the population have been manipulated.

The technological advances of the war years quickly brought on the development of television, which carried the action of current events into the living rooms of average Americans.

Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan originated the phrase, “The medium is the message.” This described the way the form of a message (print, visual, musical, etc.) determines the ways in which that message will be perceived. And, how the “message” can be tailored to target specific segments of the population. Television, having both sound and pictures provided a giant leap in shaping the public’s perception of any issue, and is able to be broadcast nationwide in real time.

Over the next eighteen months, the American people are going to be astonished by the events they watch unfold in real time. But, the flickering, black-and-white scenes watched by Americans as the House Committee on Un-American Activities performed its witch-hunts in the early 1950s have greatly improved. Americans will watch, in brilliant, high definition color, as the United States’ Democratic Republic becomes a single-party dictatorship. This change will take place as the GOP, with the help of Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, assume total control of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term elections.

The thought of the GOP becoming the singular political party, and the absolute devotion of congressional Republicans to the criminal trump, thrills the segment of the U.S. population taken in by his countless lies. The 74 million that believe their wannabe führer won in 2020 will join the rest of the world for the televised coronation of trump as emperor. (This will follow the two days the Republican Congress takes to remove President Biden and Vice President Harris from office.)

Those 74 million voters, and any that join them in voting Republican in 2022, can take pride in knowing they played a major role in tearing down the system created by the Founding Fathers. An extremely flawed system, and one conservatism made worse as each decade passed, which right-wing extremism will soon destroy completely.

Those 74 million-plus celebrating their cult leader’s promotion to emperor won’t be celebrating very long. The Constitution the 74 million-plus claim to treasure and defend, will be burned in a televised public ceremony before January 1, 2023. That most precious, Second Amendment will be no more, so, guns in the hands of betrayed citizens will be deemed a threat to the new order, and so, cannot be tolerated. For those unwilling to surrender all illegal weapons, the newly formed Gestapo, will be more than happy to pry these firearms from the owners’ cold, dead hands.

Despite their love for their emperor, the 74 million-plus will no longer be needed by their former cult leader. If they had any brains, the 74 million-plus would have realized this in 2015.

if you had any brains berty you would figure out that the party you follow without question, that you are being played just as bad as they might be....
Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, assume total control of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term elections.
You make no sense. They already have control. They will lose it in 2022 just as sure as you are reading this. Remember, you heard it here first.
Republicans are not going to win shit in 2022. Not unless they abandon the fat orange man, which doesn't seem likely. Biden is going to deliver positive results, a growing economy, real wage growth, improved international relations and reputation. He will do that in spite of an oppositional Republican party. The message that most Americans will see is that the Republican party doesn't give two shits about them, never has. The Republican party is only about control and manipulation. You can fool all of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time, and the Republican party has turned into a bunch of crazy ass loons under Trump. Only the very small minded have failed to see the truth, and that faction of the American electorate is quickly evaporating.
The only way to stop communism in the US is to keep the filibuster and elect Republican majorities in the House and Senate in 2022. Anything less and our country will be lost.
The only way to stop communism in the US is to keep the filibuster and elect Republican majorities in the House and Senate in 2022. Anything less and our country will be lost.
I am often surprised at the projection of those that support Donald Trump. The real danger to our Republic is not the Democrat party. The real danger, in fact the biggest threat to the Republic since the Civil War, is Donald Trump. Our Republic is a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but the people alone cannot be entrusted with the protection of the Republic. The founders implemented a system of checks and balances as a safeguard against despotism.
At the moment it appears that the Republican party, except for a few brave and patriotic individuals, stands for nothing other than, well Donald Trump.

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.
James Madison, Federalist 47

While your comment alludes to that type of tyranny within the Democrat party, the reality is it is the Republican party that is marching in lockstep with their precious leader, so much so that they are actively punishing anyone that might attempt to disagree through sanctions and admonitions. The sad reality is that if any of the Republican seating members of Congress knew jackshit about the founding of this nation, the debates during the Constitutional conventions, or bothered to read any of the Federalist papers, they would understood that they have a duty to uphold the Constitution, not a duty to a single individual or even to their own re-election. They would understand just how dangerous their cowardice is.
The system the Founding Fathers created FAILED!!!!! It failed on every level and in every way possible. It failed because it handed out Rewards (Rights, Privileges, etc...) without any expectation of Duties or Responsibilities being enforced on the population.

A new, Authoritarian regime is needed to return basic Order and Decency to this Society. The Democrats and Progressives don’t understand Order or Decency so there is no way they can implement or enforce them. The Republicans are little better. That’s why we need a new. Conservative, Americanism government.
Trump Derangement Syndrome

What was the change that is going to happen over the next year and a half?
TDS? The change 18 months from today will have left trump in an orange suit up the river, the new iteration of the GOP will have listened to We the People, and have put McConnell, McCarthy and other self serving neo fascists out of power and thus put democracy in America on the mend.

People like you will either STFU or come to their senses, those who don't will become social pariahs.
The system the Founding Fathers created FAILED!!!!! It failed on every level and in every way possible. It failed because it handed out Rewards (Rights, Privileges, etc...) without any expectation of Duties or Responsibilities being enforced on the population.

A new, Authoritarian regime is needed to return basic Order and Decency to this Society. The Democrats and Progressives don’t understand Order or Decency so there is no way they can implement or enforce them. The Republicans are little better. That’s why we need a new. Conservative, Americanism government.
That you support an authoritarian system of government is proof you do not belong in the United States. Hop a flight to Moscow or N. Korea, that is where you belong.
The only way to stop communism in the US is to keep the filibuster and elect Republican majorities in the House and Senate in 2022. Anything less and our country will be lost.
I am often surprised at the projection of those that support Donald Trump. The real danger to our Republic is not the Democrat party. The real danger, in fact the biggest threat to the Republic since the Civil War, is Donald Trump. Our Republic is a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but the people alone cannot be entrusted with the protection of the Republic. The founders implemented a system of checks and balances as a safeguard against despotism.
At the moment it appears that the Republican party, except for a few brave and patriotic individuals, stands for nothing other than, well Donald Trump.

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.
James Madison, Federalist 47

While your comment alludes to that type of tyranny within the Democrat party, the reality is it is the Republican party that is marching in lockstep with their precious leader, so much so that they are actively punishing anyone that might attempt to disagree through sanctions and admonitions. The sad reality is that if any of the Republican seating members of Congress knew jackshit about the founding of this nation, the debates during the Constitutional conventions, or bothered to read any of the Federalist papers, they would understood that they have a duty to uphold the Constitution, not a duty to a single individual or even to their own re-election. They would understand just how dangerous their cowardice is.
Clear and concise statement of the reality of the day. Well worth reading, and acting upon by posting his comment all around the Internet.
That you support an authoritarian system of government is proof you do not belong in the United States. Hop a flight to Moscow or N. Korea, that is where you belong
Too cold and the winters are too long. I’d look at several of the middle eastern countries but I don’t do religion.

Authoritarian government is the only option at this point to correct the things that ail this nation. The fact that you suggest I move rather than actually countering my argument tells me I’m right.

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