"Make the Rich Panic"

Why you want to confuse right wingers with facts? They are very adverse to facts you know.
I really don't mind that part too much. Maybe because the conservatives I grew up around fifty to sixty years ago in rural southern California would try their best to convince me black men weren't good enough athletes to compete in the NBA. Luckily, my generation was the first with television in the home, and I could see how their ideology was blinding them to reality. The ones I have trouble with today are the cons and progressives who are not honestly debating what they believe to be true. I try not to judge the motives of other posters on USMB, but sometimes I'm not very successful.
Panic to the Caymans.

You're standing on MY dot!
He started with an idea. No capital. College drop out.
Two parent upper middle class home that provided Bill with the opportunity to acquire 10,000 hours of computer programming experience BEFORE he enrolled in Harvard?

We agree that LBJ Great Society which replaced the black male head of household with a government check greatly damaged the black family

"We agree"? Who are the "We"? I can think of only two sets of people who believe your premise and conclusion: Simple people like Stephanie and Rabbi, and members/fellow travelers of the KKK and John Birch Society.

People like CrusaderFrank fit nicely into the intersection of simple people, the KKK and the J.B. Society.

You're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb, what were the statistics for 2 parent black household both before and after LBJ decided to destroy it through the "Great Society"? In 1965 the Moynihan Report warned " the deep roots of black poverty in America and concluded controversially that the relative absence of nuclear families (those having both a father and mother present) would greatly hinder further progress toward economic and political equality." and LBJ said, "yeah! great! Let's create a permanent underclass dependent on Democrat government"
He started with an idea. No capital. College drop out.
Two parent upper middle class home that provided Bill with the opportunity to acquire 10,000 hours of computer programming experience BEFORE he enrolled in Harvard?

We agree that LBJ Great Society which replaced the black male head of household with a government check greatly damaged the black family

"We agree"? Who are the "We"? I can think of only two sets of people who believe your premise and conclusion: Simple people like Stephanie and Rabbi, and members/fellow travelers of the KKK and John Birch Society.

People like CrusaderFrank fit nicely into the intersection of simple people, the KKK and the J.B. Society.

You're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb, what were the statistics for 2 parent black household both before and after LBJ decided to destroy it through the "Great Society"? In 1965 the Moynihan Report warned " the deep roots of black poverty in America and concluded controversially that the relative absence of nuclear families (those having both a father and mother present) would greatly hinder further progress toward economic and political equality." and LBJ said, "yeah! great! Let's create a permanent underclass dependent on Democrat government"

http://web.stanford.edu/~mrosenfe/Moynihan's The Negro Family.pdf

Read it and think.

Then, read the eight head notes from this site:

The Sentencing Project News - Juvenile Justice

And now consider the reform of our CJS will become a major issue in the race for the White House in 2016.
No shit, these liberal children dont even know the only computer programming college courses back in the 70s were on ticker tape, Ones and Zero, binary , stupid fucks
You are.
And you're ignorant, too.

"At 13, he (Bill Gates) enrolled in the Lakeside School, an exclusive preparatory school.[24] When he was in the eighth grade, the Mothers Club at the school used proceeds from Lakeside School's rummage sale to buy a Teletype Model 33 ASR terminal and a block of computer time on a General Electric (GE) computer for the school's students.[25] Gates took an interest in programming the GE system in BASIC, and was excused from math classes to pursue his interest."
Bill Gates - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Excused from math class" doesn't equate to thousands of hours of programming in a year.
He started with an idea. No capital. College drop out.
Two parent upper middle class home that provided Bill with the opportunity to acquire 10,000 hours of computer programming experience BEFORE he enrolled in Harvard?

We agree that LBJ Great Society which replaced the black male head of household with a government check greatly damaged the black family

"We agree"? Who are the "We"? I can think of only two sets of people who believe your premise and conclusion: Simple people like Stephanie and Rabbi, and members/fellow travelers of the KKK and John Birch Society.

People like CrusaderFrank fit nicely into the intersection of simple people, the KKK and the J.B. Society.

You're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb, what were the statistics for 2 parent black household both before and after LBJ decided to destroy it through the "Great Society"? In 1965 the Moynihan Report warned " the deep roots of black poverty in America and concluded controversially that the relative absence of nuclear families (those having both a father and mother present) would greatly hinder further progress toward economic and political equality." and LBJ said, "yeah! great! Let's create a permanent underclass dependent on Democrat government"

http://web.stanford.edu/~mrosenfe/Moynihan's The Negro Family.pdf

Read it and think.

Then, read the eight head notes from this site:

The Sentencing Project News - Juvenile Justice

And now consider the reform of our CJS will become a major issue in the race for the White House in 2016.

Why would you waste electrons in posting a report I sited and read?

We all noticed you avoided answering an easy question. here's from the Liberal Bible aka: Wikipedia

"In New York City in 1925, 85% of kin-related black households had two parents.[8] When Moynihan warned in his 1965 report on the coming destruction of the black family, however, the out-of-wedlock birthrate had increased to 25% among blacks.[7] This figure continued to rise over time and in 1991, 68% of black children were born outside of marriage.[9] U.S. Census data from 2010 reveal that more African American families consisted of single-parent mothers than married homes with both parents.[10] Most recently, in 2011 it was reported that 72% of black babies were born to unwed mothers.[6]"

The Great Society absolutely destroyed the 2 parent black family which declined form 75% down to 32%.
Issues for discussion on the reform of the Criminal Justice System (CJS):
  1. SENTENCING POLICY - Changes in sentencing law and policy, not increases in crime rates, explain most of the six-fold increase in the national prison population. These changes have significantly impacted racial disparities in sentencing, as well as increased the use of “one size fits all" mandatory minimum sentences that allow little consideration for individual characteristics.
  2. INCARCERATION - The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation's prisons or jails -- a 500% increase over the past thirty years. These trends have resulted in prison overcrowding and state governments being overwhelmed by the burden of funding a rapidly expanding penal system, despite increasing evidence that large-scale incarceration is not the most effective means of achieving public safety.
  3. RACIAL DISPARITY - More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their thirties, 1 in every 10 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the "war on drugs," in which two-thirds of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.
  4. DRUG POLICY - Sentencing policies brought about by the "war on drugs" resulted in a dramatic growth in incarceration for drug offenses. At the Federal level, prisoners incarcerated on a drug charge comprise half of the prison population, while the number of drug offenders in state prisons has increased thirteen-fold since 1980. Most of these people are not high-level actors in the drug trade, and most have no prior criminal record for a violent offense.
  5. JUVENILE JUSTICE There has been a troubling shift in the nation’s responses to at-risk youth over the past 25 years. The creators of the juvenile justice system originally viewed it as a system for providing prevention, protection, and redirection to youth, but it is more common for juveniles today to experience tough sanctions and adult-type punishments instead. While reforms are underway in many places, there remains an urgent need to reframe our responses to juvenile delinquency.
  6. FELONY DISENFRANCHISEMENT - Nationally, an estimated 5.85 million Americans are denied the right to vote because of laws that prohibit voting by people with felony convictions. Felony disenfranchisement is an obstacle to participation in democratic life which is exacerbated by racial disparities in the criminal justice system, resulting in 1 of every 13 African Americans unable to vote.
  7. WOMEN IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM - The number of women in prison, a third of whom are incarcerated for drug offenses, is increasing at nearly double the rate for men. These women often have significant histories of physical and sexual abuse, high rates of HIV infection, and substance abuse. Large-scale women's imprisonment has resulted in an increasing number of children who suffer from their mother's incarceration and the loss of family ties.
  8. COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES - Increasingly, laws and policies are being enacted to restrict persons with a felony conviction (particularly convictions for drug offenses) from employment, receipt of welfare benefits, access to public housing, and eligibility for student loans for higher education. Such collateral penalties place substantial barriers to an individual's social and economic advancement.
Those democrat managed shit holes just need MORE taxpayer funded "investment" in manufacturing, infrastructure, education, childcare, training, rehab, housing, health, and foodfare...
Its time to nationalize industry and tax everyone at 80% , for the common good bolsheviks !!!!!
Issues for discussion on the reform of the Criminal Justice System (CJS):
  1. SENTENCING POLICY - Changes in sentencing law and policy, not increases in crime rates, explain most of the six-fold increase in the national prison population. These changes have significantly impacted racial disparities in sentencing, as well as increased the use of “one size fits all" mandatory minimum sentences that allow little consideration for individual characteristics.
  2. INCARCERATION - The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation's prisons or jails -- a 500% increase over the past thirty years. These trends have resulted in prison overcrowding and state governments being overwhelmed by the burden of funding a rapidly expanding penal system, despite increasing evidence that large-scale incarceration is not the most effective means of achieving public safety.
  3. RACIAL DISPARITY - More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their thirties, 1 in every 10 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the "war on drugs," in which two-thirds of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.
  4. DRUG POLICY - Sentencing policies brought about by the "war on drugs" resulted in a dramatic growth in incarceration for drug offenses. At the Federal level, prisoners incarcerated on a drug charge comprise half of the prison population, while the number of drug offenders in state prisons has increased thirteen-fold since 1980. Most of these people are not high-level actors in the drug trade, and most have no prior criminal record for a violent offense.
  5. JUVENILE JUSTICE There has been a troubling shift in the nation’s responses to at-risk youth over the past 25 years. The creators of the juvenile justice system originally viewed it as a system for providing prevention, protection, and redirection to youth, but it is more common for juveniles today to experience tough sanctions and adult-type punishments instead. While reforms are underway in many places, there remains an urgent need to reframe our responses to juvenile delinquency.
  6. FELONY DISENFRANCHISEMENT - Nationally, an estimated 5.85 million Americans are denied the right to vote because of laws that prohibit voting by people with felony convictions. Felony disenfranchisement is an obstacle to participation in democratic life which is exacerbated by racial disparities in the criminal justice system, resulting in 1 of every 13 African Americans unable to vote.
  7. WOMEN IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM - The number of women in prison, a third of whom are incarcerated for drug offenses, is increasing at nearly double the rate for men. These women often have significant histories of physical and sexual abuse, high rates of HIV infection, and substance abuse. Large-scale women's imprisonment has resulted in an increasing number of children who suffer from their mother's incarceration and the loss of family ties.
  8. COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES - Increasingly, laws and policies are being enacted to restrict persons with a felony conviction (particularly convictions for drug offenses) from employment, receipt of welfare benefits, access to public housing, and eligibility for student loans for higher education. Such collateral penalties place substantial barriers to an individual's social and economic advancement.

All of which are effects of LBJ's destruction of the black nuclear family
I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.

The facts belie your opinion. Both the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration worked to provide universal health care for the poor and the middle class - both failed. Hillary care was attacked and the attack prevailed; Obama care succeeded, but only half way as the conservative element went all in to attack the PPACA , something they continue to do, since they do nothing to aid the poor or the middle class, and do the bidding of the power elite.

Give me a break. The Clintons have been raping the US for decades now. They went from "broke" to being hundred millionaires in 15 years....sure they did. The Obama's are following suit. The middle class is getting screwed by the ACA and the insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to brainless turds like you.
Fuck you. If anyone is a brainless turd it is you, as well as the rest of the crazy new right. You begrudge President Clinton for making speeches and earning big bucks, yet kiss the ass of Romney whose record of fucking over the little guy is well known.

No, I begrudge his Foundation selling out the American public so he can get rich off of our mineral wealth. I begrudge a unethical person like Hillary selling favors to foreign dictators all for personal gain. And idiots like you cheer her on.

Where is the evidence? Without that your character is as flawed as bripat.

The book will be out soon. Were you not such a toadie you would buy it and read it. But, because you're a fluffer of the first order no amount of evidence will ever convince you that they could ever do wrong.

Of course the fact that they control every aspect of legal investigation in this country has no bearing on your opinion, but thinking people recognize corruption when they see it.
I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.

The facts belie your opinion. Both the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration worked to provide universal health care for the poor and the middle class - both failed. Hillary care was attacked and the attack prevailed; Obama care succeeded, but only half way as the conservative element went all in to attack the PPACA , something they continue to do, since they do nothing to aid the poor or the middle class, and do the bidding of the power elite.

Give me a break. The Clintons have been raping the US for decades now. They went from "broke" to being hundred millionaires in 15 years....sure they did. The Obama's are following suit. The middle class is getting screwed by the ACA and the insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to brainless turds like you.
Fuck you. If anyone is a brainless turd it is you, as well as the rest of the crazy new right. You begrudge President Clinton for making speeches and earning big bucks, yet kiss the ass of Romney whose record of fucking over the little guy is well known.

Slick Willy's big bucks are pay-offs for favors done by his wife. They're bribes. Romney didn't make his money by taking bribes.

Only a terminal sucker fails to understand that.

Only a lying piece of shit makes allegations assassinating the character of another, without posting probative evidence. You are not only dumb, but a total asshole. I wonder what makes someone like you into such a despicable, callow louche.

We KNOW she has done criminal things in the past. Only a willfully ignorant sycophant, such as yourself, ignores that which is plainly in front of their face.
The facts belie your opinion. Both the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration worked to provide universal health care for the poor and the middle class - both failed. Hillary care was attacked and the attack prevailed; Obama care succeeded, but only half way as the conservative element went all in to attack the PPACA , something they continue to do, since they do nothing to aid the poor or the middle class, and do the bidding of the power elite.

Give me a break. The Clintons have been raping the US for decades now. They went from "broke" to being hundred millionaires in 15 years....sure they did. The Obama's are following suit. The middle class is getting screwed by the ACA and the insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to brainless turds like you.
Fuck you. If anyone is a brainless turd it is you, as well as the rest of the crazy new right. You begrudge President Clinton for making speeches and earning big bucks, yet kiss the ass of Romney whose record of fucking over the little guy is well known.

No, I begrudge his Foundation selling out the American public so he can get rich off of our mineral wealth. I begrudge a unethical person like Hillary selling favors to foreign dictators all for personal gain. And idiots like you cheer her on.

Where is the evidence? Without that your character is as flawed as bripat.

The book will be out soon. Were you not such a toadie you would buy it and read it. But, because you're a fluffer of the first order no amount of evidence will ever convince you that they could ever do wrong.

Of course the fact that they control every aspect of legal investigation in this country has no bearing on your opinion, but thinking people recognize corruption when they see it.

Damn you, I almost spit my coffee onto my screen I LOL so hard. Send me the executive summary, when the book you claim is is filled with the evidence sometime in the future comes out.
Two parent upper middle class home that provided Bill with the opportunity to acquire 10,000 hours of computer programming experience BEFORE he enrolled in Harvard?

We agree that LBJ Great Society which replaced the black male head of household with a government check greatly damaged the black family

"We agree"? Who are the "We"? I can think of only two sets of people who believe your premise and conclusion: Simple people like Stephanie and Rabbi, and members/fellow travelers of the KKK and John Birch Society.

People like CrusaderFrank fit nicely into the intersection of simple people, the KKK and the J.B. Society.

You're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb, what were the statistics for 2 parent black household both before and after LBJ decided to destroy it through the "Great Society"? In 1965 the Moynihan Report warned " the deep roots of black poverty in America and concluded controversially that the relative absence of nuclear families (those having both a father and mother present) would greatly hinder further progress toward economic and political equality." and LBJ said, "yeah! great! Let's create a permanent underclass dependent on Democrat government"

http://web.stanford.edu/~mrosenfe/Moynihan's The Negro Family.pdf

Read it and think.

Then, read the eight head notes from this site:

The Sentencing Project News - Juvenile Justice

And now consider the reform of our CJS will become a major issue in the race for the White House in 2016.

Why would you waste electrons in posting a report I sited and read?

We all noticed you avoided answering an easy question. here's from the Liberal Bible aka: Wikipedia

"In New York City in 1925, 85% of kin-related black households had two parents.[8] When Moynihan warned in his 1965 report on the coming destruction of the black family, however, the out-of-wedlock birthrate had increased to 25% among blacks.[7] This figure continued to rise over time and in 1991, 68% of black children were born outside of marriage.[9] U.S. Census data from 2010 reveal that more African American families consisted of single-parent mothers than married homes with both parents.[10] Most recently, in 2011 it was reported that 72% of black babies were born to unwed mothers.[6]"

The Great Society absolutely destroyed the 2 parent black family which declined form 75% down to 32%.

Obviously you didn't read the report, you must have read someone who cherry picked out stats, stats which predated the Civil Rights Act of 1965.
Funny how rich people make Democrats panic, well only if they aren't in their own party.
It might be funny if this thread made a distinction between rich Democrats and rich Republicans...
"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse. Money has replaced the vote. The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."
bit it doesn't.
Better luck with your next deflection, Clown.
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Interestingly, a Democrat penned this thread. Nice try. You don't even attempt to acknowledge on your own the corporate elitists in your own party. Better luck next time, hypocrite.
Baltimore, 88% Obama in 2012, is what a destroyed system looks like

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.


It s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp Moochers in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party
Baltimore, 88% Obama in 2012, is what a destroyed system looks like

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.


It s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp Moochers in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

That's pretty fucking sad!!! Republicans are hypocrites. Grrr...Cutting infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and food stamps will hurt the little guy republican very badly. So fucking stupid!!!!

They oppose JOBS like Infrastructure, science, r&d and self betterment through education....Why??? Because they're told to do so.
Lying fuck. Democrats did it. Baltimore and Detroit were all Democrat Model Cities starting in the late 60's. You fuckers destroyed every model city you touched
Capitalists destroyed Detroit and Baltimore, or maybe you imagine Democratic mayors shipped millions of US jobs to communist China?

See Greenville, SC, Huntsville, AL, and Austin, TX. They are not communist China yet they attract jobs and better quality of life vs. Baltimore and Detroit. Why is that?

Show us where Republican policy pushed jobs out of Detroit and Baltimore to China? If that is the case, how come jobs are coming into the places mentioned above? What are those places doing to attract jobs and why isn't Detroit and Baltimore emulating those models?

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala The New Republic

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