Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax should NOT resign.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax should not resign. So, here we have someone being guilty until proven innocent. Fairfax should be afforded the same opportunities that Justice Kavanaugh received in that these accusers should testify before his elected peers. Fairfax should be questioned as well.

I fully supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and I deemed his accusers to be hacks trying to destroy his reputation for political reasons. I voted for Donald Trump, and I felt his accusers were politically motivated as well. I also feel the same way when accusers lied about their supposed incidents with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Well, now it's happening to a Democrat; this is a person that I would never vote for, but I stand for his right of being innocent until proven guilty. I feel the same way in this case as with the cases of the other people I mentioned, it's politically motivated. Where it is coming from, I do not know. Just give him a chance to challenge his accusers before his peers, then let them judge.

It all follows the same old tired script. The first accuser comes out. When that is not attaining the desired results, then comes the second, third, fourth etc. We are going down a very dangerous path where all a woman has to do is make these accusations and she must automatically be believed - end of story. No person, regardless of their occupation or political beliefs and affiliations should have their lives destroyed by what in most cases are highly suspect accusations at best. I firmly support a legislative action that where if an accuser is proven to be a liar, they would get the same sentence in prison, pay the same liable that the defendant would have to endure if convicted.

I voted for Donald Trump, I will vote for him in 2020, but this strongly libertarian-right American is in the corner of the Democratic Lt. Gov. on this one. With Trump, Kavanaugh, Cain and Carson, you know where I stand on this issue. I will not stray from my beliefs just because Fairfax is someone I am diametrically opposed to in every possible way politically.
Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax should not resign. So, here we have someone being guilty until proven innocent. Fairfax should be afforded the same opportunities that Justice Kavanaugh received in that these accusers should testify before his elected peers. Fairfax should be questioned as well.

I fully supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and I deemed his accusers to be hacks trying to destroy his reputation for political reasons. I voted for Donald Trump, and I felt his accusers were politically motivated as well. I also feel the same way when accusers lied about their supposed incidents with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Well, now it's happening to a Democrat; this is a person that I would never vote for, but I stand for his right of being innocent until proven guilty. I feel the same way in this case as with the cases of the other people I mentioned, it's politically motivated. Where it is coming from, I do not know. Just give him a chance to challenge his accusers before his peers, then let them judge.

It all follows the same old tired script. The first accuser comes out. When that is not attaining the desired results, then comes the second, third, fourth etc. We are going down a very dangerous path where all a woman has to do is make these accusations and she must automatically be believed - end of story. No person, regardless of their occupation or political beliefs and affiliations should have their lives destroyed by what in most cases are highly suspect accusations at best. I firmly support a legislative action that where if an accuser is proven to be a liar, they would get the same sentence in prison, pay the same liable that the defendant would have to endure if convicted.

I voted for Donald Trump, I will vote for him in 2020, but this strongly libertarian-right American is in the corner of the Democratic Lt. Gov. on this one. With Trump, Kavanaugh, Cain and Carson, you know where I stand on this issue. I will not stray from my beliefs just because Fairfax is someone I am diametrically opposed to in every possible way politically.

Yup, kinda interesting, there's two guys with evidence (photos) of doing the blackface thing, yet they're going after the black guy that only has accusations.
I have thought from the beginning that Fairfax is being set up take the heat off the blackface guys. It smelled fishy from the start.
Dems are calling for Northam to go, but they're reluctant to do the same with Governor Fairfacts.
A man (or woman), is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, unless you live in Canada or some other socialist shytehole.

I never liked the argument about political optics and what have you, it just gives easy openings for smear campaigns by Establishment, big business or powerful people to easily destroy about via media and allegations.

I say, if you are a voter, you judge someone by the evidence, not the allegations. You hear out the plantiff and the defendant.

Of course, the Democrats didn't to themselves any favours by their treatment of Kavanaugh. You can be sure that some want this type of lack of Due Process, it is what some wish to use to destroy others if their policies are so unpopular and many even anti-American that they cannot win elections with them.

Trumps huge success of the SOTU might be the turn America needs. Those in the world who love liberty and capitalism and rooting for your success. Not just of trump by the way, but we hope all reasonable, moderate and common sense politicians rise to the forefront.

I think of Joe Manchin as a fairly reasonable, and more objective politician. we can all list many more who are not reasonable, maybe even frightening to capitalism...
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It's affecting the national Democratic Party. They will drown the black cat in a burlap sack to save their own white racist asses.
I have thought from the beginning that Fairfax is being set up take the heat off the blackface guys. It smelled fishy from the start.

I don't want to go shopping for a tin foil hat yet -- but A LOT of stuff is looking more and more orchestrated and phony.. This whole deal with Bezo's crouch shots and National Enquirer for example. The fact that there are 12 or 15 of the highest level FBI personnel fired, demoted or fleeing and no investigations/indictments.

I THINK there's a war on. And it's being run by elites and wealthy and powerful because the PARTIES are both in complete disarray..

But whatever.... It's not MY war.. Ain't got a side. Let both sides take all the scalps and casualties that they crave...
I have thought from the beginning that Fairfax is being set up take the heat off the blackface guys. It smelled fishy from the start.

I’ll get into conspiracy theory mode here and say that I think this is a political hit from with in the Democrat Party. I’m feeling like there are two wings at war in the DNC. Pelosi vs AOC. I don’t think these ladies like each other. Pelosi looking at AOC as a prissy spoiled little upstart, and AOC seeing Pelosi, Schumer dinosaurs. I’m thinking these three are loyal to an opposing side, and they were hit to get them out of the way, or burned as a distraction so that moves can be made. That’s from my Clyde Lewis side.
As far as the X-files shit goes in Virginia, the vast majority of us in this country don't want to live in a nation where you can't find a HOST FOR FUCKING OSCARS, or where comedians can't do college dates, or people can get lynched on social media...

The Big Middle aint easily offended.. And we don't need Google/Amazon invading our living rooms with branding irons herding us as cattle.

What was that hippy war chant? Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out ??? Time to "turn on" them -- "tune in" to your principles, and "drop out" of sight of the electronic media. It's all a very bad reality show with rewards for the bizarre, the devious and the ignorant.
Anybody hear about this swamp democrat senator of Minnesota Amy Klobuchar go crazy on her staff? Abusing her powers to be abusive. These demo leaders have turned unhinged just like Fairfax. With misogyny and hate. Wow!
All 3 of Virginia's top Democrat vermin should resign.Republican Kirk Cox would bring back some stability and decency.

Um: Fairfax is BLACK!! The other two white blokes didn't rape anyone.


All 3 of Virginia's top Democrat vermin should resign.Republican Kirk Cox would bring back some stability and decency.

I really do hope they resign as victims of their own party's stupidity and PC virtue signalling bullshit. However, I disagree with the notion that any of them has a case to answer except the Black guy; but even HE is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a Court of Law. And I loathe DemoKKKrats!!


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